provider masterbation

Well it's not like you can put it in a cast...
Penile fracture is a medical emergency, and emergency surgical repair is the usual treatment. Delay in seeking treatment increases the complication rate. Non-surgical approaches result in 10%-50% complication rates including erectile dysfunction, permanent penile curvature, damage to the urethra and pain during sexual intercourse.
In the western world the most common cause, accounting for about 30%-50% of cases, is intercourse. Of those, partner-on-top position resulting in impact against the female pelvis bone or perineum and bending laterally are most common.
The 'reverse cow-girl position' is notorious in the aetiological cause of penis fracture. The pathogenesis involves the woman bending the erect penis ventrally beyond the tensile strength of the tunica albuginea causing it to fracture.
How would you know if you broke it?????
A popping or cracking sound, significant pain, immediate flaccidity, and skin hematoma of various sizes are commonly associated with the event. These symptoms are similar to a common bruising or contusion of the penis.
I'm sorry we have gotten this thread off topic. But this is important info to know. Mods feel free to move this broken penis stuff somewhere else if you wish.
Captain Noc's Avatar
Ouuuuch! I'm cringing, on both topics. Masturbating 5 times aday would wear the little fellow down to a nub, and then all this talk about CG and RCG causing a penis to break. You're killing me!

I didn’t realize sex was so dangerous!
CajunGent's Avatar
Interesting thread. Just a comment on the broken penis. My was broken in a car wreck. The steering wheel slammed down into my lap. No I was not erect at the time, but significant damage did occur. I am now curvy so to speak.

For Empire's question on how does one treat such an injury. I saw a specialist, who has me waiting one year to see if the injury self heals. If it does not, then I will be left with my only option to have an operatoin to repair the damage.
good luck with that
Interesting thread. Just a comment on the broken penis. My was broken in a car wreck. The steering wheel slammed down into my lap. No I was not erect at the time, but significant damage did occur. I am now curvy so to speak.

For Empire's question on how does one treat such an injury. I saw a specialist, who has me waiting one year to see if the injury self heals. If it does not, then I will be left with my only option to have an operatoin to repair the damage. Originally Posted by CajunGent
CajunGent's Avatar
Oh, I almost forgot. Alaine, on your question of how you will know if it is broken. Trust me, he will know for sure. You will as well.

One added benefit... sometimes the curves have a distinct advantage depending on the position. Just saying.
i cannot express how much i feel for you and wish you a swift and COMPLETE recovery. that being said if we could get back talking about providers masturbating i think that would be great. if any feel so inclined to send me pics i think that would be awesome as well.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maturating? You want them to grow up? WTF?
and corrected
Maturating? You want them to grow up? WTF? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I carry a mini vibe with me at all time in my purse (many whom I've seen can attest to that) and even have porn downloaded on my phone. Along with various toys and goodies I play with randomly.

If I don't double click the mouse before starting my day, there is always a pressure bothering me throughout. If i have a call and don't reach orgasm I MUST do it myself; no way I can just let it be after the excitement and no release. I'll push the button on my vibe and get myself to that oh so sought after point where nothing in the world matters but the throbbing and heavy breathing.

For me, the effects I get from diddling myself are vastly different from sex. Sex (when done well) leaves me so fully satisfied and spent; the walls in my mind and suffocating barriers are gone, and all I can feel are waves that make my entire body tense up and then release all my tension and stress away. Doing myself is more maintenance than anything, I have to get that rush of hormones and endorphins to keep myself sane.