Ted Cruz ,Tea Party favorite spends like a liberal!

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  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 10:26 AM
Damn Southwest ain't cheap to fly anymore. I've been flying Spirit Air when I get the chance.
If you read the article....you can see that it is accurate.

Next, you are correct, it is not criminal.

So as long as a Tea Party leader does nothing criminal it is ok for him to spend money on himself and his staff , while preaching that the rest of government needs to cut back on spending?

Hot damn and some of you Tea'billies question why I make fun of your party! Originally Posted by WTF
You act like you were born yesterday. Haven't you figured it out yet that politicians will say one thing and then do just the opposite. Obama is the poster child for that gig. I don't want to hear stupid shit like " Oh he is such an excessive spender" that's too petty and no one can do anything about it anyway. I want to hear about criminal wrong doing and these idiots pay the price.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jim --

Your posts are getting lamer and lamer with each passing thread.

Please bring back the "Jim" who actually tried to make sense.
Solemate62's Avatar
I miss Kay Bailey Hutchinson. I used to see her and her entourage get on Southwest flights. They used to stand in line, too. Cruz is an idiot, a dangerous idiot. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yeah, but you can donate money to Teddy's pending campaign. Follow this link:

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  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 07:10 PM
Haven't you figured it out yet that politicians will say one thing and then do just the opposite.

JIm Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I realize that....but our Tea Loons do not.

Ted Cruz is no different that Barrack Obama.

Once they realize that.....maybe their anger with Black Jesus will subside!
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah, but you can donate money to Teddy's pending campaign. Follow this link:

www.iamaslimeball.com Originally Posted by Solemate62

Linck does not seem to work. But I will vote for anything that runs against that embarrassment.
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  • WTF
  • 08-11-2014, 07:03 AM
It appears that this is what we can expect from Whirly's (and the rest of this forums Tea supporters) leaders. Silence about their being just like the other side when it comes to spending.

Don't you folks understand it is things like this is why the Tea Party has no more credibility than the GOP or DNC.
It appears that this is what we can expect from Whirly's (and the rest of this forums Tea supporters) leaders. Silence about their being just like the other side when it comes to spending.

Don't you folks understand it is things like this is why the Tea Party has no more credibility than the GOP or DNC. Originally Posted by WTF
Oh you made your point with this thread. Politicians on both sides are pathological liars and spend thrifts that should be no surprise to anyone. I can't believe we don't see more of them being indicted.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh you made your point with this thread. Politicians on both sides are pathological liars and spend thrifts that should be no surprise to anyone. I can't believe we don't see more of them being indicted.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
By whom?
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  • WTF
  • 08-12-2014, 08:03 AM
Where are our resident Tea folks at....I would love to hear their thoughts on Ted Cruz's spending.

Where you at Whirly, JD and company.
boardman's Avatar
Personnel, Office Expenses, and Mail Allowances
for U.S. Senators
Senators’ Official Personnel and Office Expense Account
The Senators’ Official Personnel and Office Expense Account (SOPOEA) is available to assist
Senators in their official and representational duties.23 The SOPOEA has three components: the
administrative and clerical assistance allowance; the legislative assistance allowance; and the
official office expense allowance. The administrative and clerical assistance allowance and the
office expense allowance vary among Senators since they are governed by state population,
distance from Washington, DC, to home states, and committee authorized limits. The legislative
assistance allowance is the same amount for all Senators.
The total amount available in each SOPOEA is the sum of the two personnel allowances
(administrative and clerical assistance and legislative assistance) and the office expense
allowance. The three components result in a single SOPOEA authorization for each Senator that
can be used to pay for any type of official expense. For example, each Senator can choose how
much to allocate to travel versus personnel or supplies, although additional limits pertain to
spending on franked mail. Mass mailings may not exceed $50,000 per fiscal year,24 and the
Senate Committee on Rules and Administration may issue additional official mail regulations.25
The SOPOEA is funded within the “Contingent Expenses of the Senate,” account in the annual
legislative branch appropriations bills. The preliminary list of total office allowances contained in
the Senate report accompanying its version of the FY2014 legislative branch appropriations bill
(S.Rept. 113-70) shows a range of $2,960,743 to $4,685,316, depending on the state.26 The
average allowance is $3,209,992.27
This appropriations account has decreased in recent years, from $422.0 million in FY2010 to
$396.2 million in FY2012. Additionally, the FY2011 Continuing Appropriations Act, P.L. 112-
10, enacted on April 11, 2011, stated that “each Senator’s official personnel and office expense
allowance (including the allowance for administrative and clerical assistance, the salaries
allowance for legislative assistance to Senators, as authorized by the Legislative Branch
Appropriation Act, 1978 (P.L. 95-94), and the office expense allowance for each Senator’s office
for each State) in effect immediately before the date of enactment of this section shall be reduced
by 5 percent.”
23 P.L. 100-137, Oct. 21, 1987, 101 Stat. 814, 2 U.S.C. 58c.
24 FY1995 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, P.L. 103-283, July 22, 1994, 108 Stat. 1427, 39 U.S.C. 3210.
25 Ibid., p. 21.
26 Total obtained from U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Appropriations, Legislative Branch Appropriations, 2014,
report to accompany S. 1283,113th Cong., 1st sess., S.Rept. 113-70 (Washington: GPO, 2013), p. 22. The Senate reports
on the legislative branch bill generally provide preliminary information on the allocation for Senators from each state.
27 CRS calculation based upon state totals for all 100 Senators. Data provided in the Senate report are preliminary and
do not include any supplementals, transfers, or rescissions.
Congressional Salaries and Allowances
Congressional Research Service 8
The SOPOEA is available only to support each Senator’s official duties and may not to be used to
defray any personal, political, or campaign-related expenses. Senators are responsible for the
payment of any expenses that exceed the allowance.
Official Office Expense Allowance Component of the SOPOEA
One component of the SOPOEA is the office expense allowance. The amount of this component
varies for each Senator depending on the distance between Washington, DC, and the home state,
the population of the state, and the official (franked) mail allocation. Requirements on the use of
the frank, including mass mailings, are established in statute, regulations and rules of the Senate,
the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, and the Senate Ethics Committee. According
to preliminary figures in S.Rept. 113-70, the FY2014 office expense allowance component of the
SOPOEA ranges from $121,049 to $453,828, although all components are interchangeable.28
Administrative and Clerical Assistance Allowance Component of the SOPOEA
The administrative and clerical assistance allowance component of the SOPOEA is allocated
according to the population of a Senator’s state. The FY2014 Senate report (S.Rept. 113-70)
included preliminary allowance figures that varied from $2,361,820 for a Senator representing a
state with a population under 5 million to $3,753,614 for a Senator representing a state with a
population of 28 million or more.29 All components of the SOPOEA are interchangeable.
Legislative Assistance Allowance Component of the SOPOEA
According to the FY2014 Senate report (S.Rept. 113-70), the legislative assistance component of
the SOPOEA is $477,874,30 although all components of the SOPOEA are interchangeable.
Online Publication of Disbursement Records
All SOPOEA expenditures are required to be published in the semiannual Report of the Secretary
of the Senate.31 The report is available at http://www.senate.gov/legislative/common/generic/
28 Ibid., p. 22.
29 Ibid.
30 Ibid., and Order of the President pro tempore, implementing a pay increase for Senate employees, effective January
1, 2009, issued March 12, 2009; and Order of the President pro tempore, implementing a pay increase for Senate
employees, effective January 1, 2010, issued January 5, 2010 (contained in 2 U.S.C. 60a-1 and available at
31 P.L. 111-68, October 1, 2009, 123 Stat. 2026, 2 U.S.C. 104a.
Congressional Salaries and Allowances
Congressional Research Service 9
Other Allowances
Office Space in States, including Mobile Office Space
Each Senator is authorized office space in federal buildings in the state he or she represents. In
the event suitable office space is not available in a federal building, other office space may be
secured. The cost of private space is not to exceed the highest rate per square foot charged by the
General Services Administration (GSA).32 The aggregate square footage of office space that can
be secured for a Senator ranges from 5,000 square feet, if the population of the state is less than 3
million, to 8,200 square feet, if the state’s population is 17 million or more.33 There is no
restriction on the number of offices.
Each Senator may lease one mobile office for use only in the state he or she represents, subject to
limitations on the terms of the lease, the maximum annual rental payment, and reimbursable
operating costs. No payment may be made for expenses incurred during the 60 days preceding a
contested election.34
Furniture and Furnishings in Washington, DC
Each Senator is authorized furniture and furnishings from an approved list. Furniture and
furnishings are supplied and maintained by the Architect of the Capitol (for spaces in Senate
office buildings) and the Senate Sergeant at Arms (for offices in the Capitol). Additional
furnishings can be purchased through the Senate stationery store.
Furniture and Furnishings in State Offices
Each Senator is authorized $40,000 for state office furniture and furnishings for one or more
offices, if the aggregate square footage of office space does not exceed 5,000 square feet. The
base authorization is increased by $1,000 for each authorized additional incremental increase in
office space of 200 square feet.35 Pursuant to the FY2000 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act,
this allowance automatically increases at the beginning of each Congress to reflect inflation.36
The aggregate dollar amount is the maximum value of furniture and furnishings to be provided by
GSA for state office use at any one time. Furniture and furnishings remain GSA property.
Office Equipment in Washington, DC, and State Offices
Each Senator may use certain basic office equipment allocated in accordance with the population
of the state he or she represents and other factors that have been established by the Senate
Committee on Rules and Administration.
32 2 U.S.C. 59(c).
33 2 U.S.C. 59(b).
34 2 U.S.C. 59(f).
35 2 U.S.C. 59(c)(2).
36 P.L. 106-57, 113 Stat. 412, September 29, 1999; 2 U.S.C. 59(c)(2).
Congressional Salaries and Allowances
Congressional Research Service 10
Government Publications
Each Senator is entitled to receive certain government publications and printed products. These
include, for example, copies of the daily Congressional Record, one copy of Deschler’s
Precedents, various manuals and directories, and public document franked envelopes.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-12-2014, 12:57 PM
Personnel, Office Expenses, and Mail Allowances
for U.S. Senators
Senators’ Official Personnel and Office Expense Account
. Originally Posted by boardman
Nowhere in that post did I see where Ted Cruz cut his office's spending.

Where he set an example of smaller government
boardman's Avatar
It wasn't about Cruz but it did say that spending has been cut by 5% since 2010.
I'm assuming that the figures cited previously are for 2013, the year Cruz took office, so there is nothing to compare to. You can't say he increased spending or cut spending for his first office year.
I can't find anything on KBH's office budget from the previous year. That might be a decent comparison.
It looks like all the offices are limited to a strict budget. They are based on population and distance from DC. I expect every member of Congress to be able to represent their constituents and realize that it takes money to run offices, hire people to answer phones and field complaints/suggestions, travel back and forth from their districts to DC. As long as they are doing their jobs and staying within the budget they are given then what's the problem.

I have to live within my household budget and my business budget. It looks like Cruz, Pelosi, Boxer and Rubio along with every other Senator does the same thing with their offices. As long as they aren't squandering the money, or getting personal gain it's a non issue for me.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-14-2014, 07:00 AM
I'm assuming that the figures cited previously are for 2013, the year Cruz took office, so there is nothing to compare to. You can't say he increased spending or cut spending for his first office year.
I. Originally Posted by boardman
I can compare his spending to the other Texas Senator....one I have heard bantered about as a RINO.

So Ted Cruz spends more than this so called RINO , John Cornyn.

I find it interesting how Tea folks are silent on this issues or are doing a Texas two step around it.

Either the guy walks the walk or not....in this case it is an emphatic not.

I have to live within my household budget and my business budget. It looks like Cruz, Pelosi, Boxer and Rubio along with every other Senator does the same thing with their offices. As long as they aren't squandering the money, or getting personal gain it's a non issue for me. Originally Posted by boardman

Sounds like business as usual then for you. Maybe you are not a Tea Partier.

Please tell me how one reduces spending and thus the Federal Deficit with that mantra?

You do understand that this household budget is running a huge deficit?

boardman's Avatar
I can compare his spending to the other Texas Senator....one I have heard bantered about as a RINO.

So Ted Cruz spends more than this so called RINO , John Cornyn.

I find it interesting how Tea folks are silent on this issues or are doing a Texas two step around it.

Either the guy walks the walk or not....in this case it is an emphatic not.

Sounds like business as usual then for you. Maybe you are not a Tea Partier.

Please tell me how one reduces spending and thus the Federal Deficit with that mantra?

You do understand that this household budget is running a huge deficit?

Originally Posted by WTF
If Cruz is supporting the cutting of spending then it would stand to reason that the Senate office budgets will get cut as a part of his plan. So, in a way he is trying to reduce his spending.

I'm guessing the reason you aren't getting any response in opposition or support is that everyone sees your argument as silly and not worth their time. I'm the only one dumb enough to continue pointing out it is a non-issue to someone who doesn't take this seriously.