Why The Premiums Are Changeing With Obamacare

You have no proof that the millions of insurance policies cancelled because of Obamacare were junk....

You just parrot the Obama talking points.

You are a buffoon. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Just as you have no proof they were.
Who knows why they were canceled at this point. Do you think that the insurance companies have anyone's best interest besides themselves at heart?
Lots of policies are a total rip off from pathetic co pays to no coverage of important items, including lifetime caps.
A year from now You may be able to say its a bad deal and I may agree. But for now you are just spreading gossip.
The biggest issue is that a Dem ran it up the flagpole instead of a republican.
Romney and McCain would both made a major change in healthcare and you would have been all for it.
Just a few questions for you or any that care to answer it. Exactly what was the changes made when the Reps agreed to vote for it that Baucus made when they blindsided him? How do they come into play with the good and or bad of the ACA?
The fact that millions of informed consumers purchased their policies, freely paying thousands of dollars a year, over multiple years is pretty strong evidence that those policies were NOT junk, but in fact was useful and wanted insurance for American middle class families.

Now please provide your evidence otherwise....

Just as you have no proof they were.
Who knows why they were canceled at this point. Do you think that the insurance companies have anyone's best interest besides themselves at heart?

Insurance is highly regulated; do you think they are in the business to defraud/cheat/otherwise misrepresent their product ? Do you think consumers are stupid and pay thousands of dollars for a product which is junk?

Lots of policies are a total rip off from pathetic co pays to no coverage of important items, including lifetime caps.

A year from now You may be able to say its a bad deal and I may agree. But for now you are just spreading gossip. HA, the gossip mongering is you saying these millions of cancelled policies are junk.
The biggest issue is that a Dem ran it up the flagpole instead of a republican.
Romney and McCain would both made a major change in healthcare and you would have been all for it.
Just a few questions for you or any that care to answer it. Exactly what was the changes made when the Reps agreed to vote for it that Baucus made when they blindsided him? How do they come into play with the good and or bad of the ACA? Originally Posted by slingblade

Now please provide your evidence otherwise.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Otherwise what? you don't get to be right just because you want to be maybe you are maybe not.

Insurance is highly regulated; do you think they are in the business to defraud/cheat/otherwise misrepresent their product ? Do you think consumers are stupid and pay thousands of dollars for a product which is junk?

Yes they are in the business to lie and cheat are you kidding me? Why else would they already have been so regulated even before all this ?

HA, the gossip mongering is you saying these millions of cancelled policies are junk.

I didn't say they were, I merely said that "some" were If there is any mongering its you being so sure about it all.

It will all come out in the wash so I suggest chill out and maybe you will be able to say I told you so.
The libs are doing a great job here explaining why Obama is so stupid.

He is the only one who claimed insurance rates would go down $2,500 bucks a month, while everybody else knew they wouldn't.
LexusLover's Avatar
yeah, really

an insurance policy ... Originally Posted by CJ7
How does anyone know if their plan was "inferior"?

How does anyone know their "new" plan is superior?

Obaminable says so!!!!

Would make me feel comfortable ... like ...

............. I can use the doctor of my choice and retain my policy if I like it.. So said Obaminable.

I didn't buy his bullshit in 2010, why would I buy yours now? He has all but confessed he lied.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-06-2013, 05:52 PM
Maybe Obama should have said that those of you who trust insurance companies can keep your coverage and forfeit the right to sue them when they deny coverage!!!
Government should not be involved in this shit. It's Unconstitutional... FUCK!
The libs are doing a great job here explaining why Obama is so stupid.

He is the only one who claimed insurance rates would go down $2,500 bucks a month, while everybody else knew they wouldn't. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Not that I am saying it will go down by $2,500 I am just pointing out the statement Obama made was $2,500 total savings annually, not monthly.
I am still not sure how the tax credit comes into play on this deal so I don't know how it is going to effect the bottom line yet.
Maybe Obama should have said that those of you who trust insurance companies can keep your coverage and forfeit the right to sue them when they deny coverage!!! Originally Posted by Bert Jones
LexusLover's Avatar

Insurance is highly regulated; ....

Yes they are in the business to lie and cheat are you kidding me? Why else would they already have been so regulated even before all this ?

It will all come out in the wash so I suggest chill out and maybe you will be able to say I told you so. Originally Posted by slingblade
#1: If insurance is highly regulated, we don't need Obaminable's Band of Merry Men to regulate it any more ... they can't even launch a website ... and the only thing he's gotten right about this whole mess is that it is similar to the Post Office operation ...

#2:: I've had BlueCross, Prudential, Aetna, Humana, ... I'm thinking ... they didn't lie, they didn't cheat, and they didn't cancel my policy because I had claims .. they didn't cancel at all ... I switched for various reasons, none of which had anything to do with their service.

Did they provide "junk" coverage. Fuck no.

There is only one way this grand experiment of you left wing nuts will work .. is if most of those out there with decent coverage with attractive copays and deductibles with payable premiums drop their coverage and get inferior coverage for what they don't need with high copays and deductibles and high premiums ... why? ... cuz someone has to cough up the dough to cover those "supplemental payments" to be able to afford the HIGH PREMIUMS and the tax breaks for those who can pay, but are being encouraged to dump their policies they have had for years for one that is substandard ... (government issue)!

Remember .. this is about insuring the uninsured .. not the insured.

Turds come out in the wash too ... and they contaminate the rest of the clothes in the machine.
If you like music as much as I do, and aren't totally sure how Obamacare really works, this music video will explain it all.


It is up to insurers how they comply with the law, which mandates that policyholders be covered for 10 "essential health benefits," except for plans that are grandfathered in. But there’s little doubt the new law is influencing their changes in coverage. The lawwas designed to eventually do away with insurance that doesn't meet minimum coverage standards..

FACT JACK Originally Posted by CJ7

If you like music as much as I do, and aren't totally sure how Obamacare really works, this music video will explain it all.


Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So tru...Jimbo...LOL
How does anyone know if their plan was "inferior"?

How does anyone know their "new" plan is superior?

Obaminable says so!!!!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
The dead men, women and children from drone strikes were once "unacceptable collateral damage" during GWB's administration are now "enemy combatants" because "Obama said so."

The use of waterboarding is decreed torture because "Obama said so."

The Patriot Act, once an abomination to the Democrats, it totally kosher because "Obama said so."

Spying on Americans during the most transparent administration in this nations history is okay because "Obama said so."

Killing Americans via drone strikes won't happen unless "Obama says so" - in his weekly Tuesday extrajudical meetings.

#1: If insurance is highly regulated, we don't need Obaminable's Band of Merry Men to regulate it any more ... they can't even launch a website ... and the only thing he's gotten right about this whole mess is that it is similar to the Post Office operation ...

#2:: I've had BlueCross, Prudential, Aetna, Humana, ... I'm thinking ... they didn't lie, they didn't cheat, and they didn't cancel my policy because I had claims .. they didn't cancel at all ... I switched for various reasons, none of which had anything to do with their service.

Did they provide "junk" coverage. Fuck no.

There is only one way this grand experiment of you left wing nuts will work .. is if most of those out there with decent coverage with attractive copays and deductibles with payable premiums drop their coverage and get inferior coverage for what they don't need with high copays and deductibles and high premiums ... why? ... cuz someone has to cough up the dough to cover those "supplemental payments" to be able to afford the HIGH PREMIUMS and the tax breaks for those who can pay, but are being encouraged to dump their policies they have had for years for one that is substandard ... (government issue)!

Remember .. this is about insuring the uninsured .. not the insured.

Turds come out in the wash too ... and they contaminate the rest of the clothes in the machine. Originally Posted by LexusLover




LL, I still have not figured out why you have to always use insults. It takes away any chance you have of making any valid points.
Above are some links showing that insurance companies are all crooks.
As for the web site it is doing quite well. Any web site is going to have start up issues and this one is possible the worst case scenario for a new web site.First of all it is pretty complex along with having to interface with 50 different states and who knows how many insurance companies . Along with I would imagine quite a few on line attacks to slow it down. just look at what "Anonymous" did to Scientology and imagine what Koch and the GOP(Teaparty) are capable of. It was tested at a beta level and then put on line 6 months in advance.
Here is another question, I "Obamacare" is not even in effect yet, why are they cancelling policies already?
I speak with a lot of people every day and until recently I kept hearing how Obama is ruining our country. Now I keep hearing how they or a loved one can finally get the medical care they desperately need.Can you imagine how many women are providers simply because they are desperate to pay for a sick child's medical needs?