Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
The open door. The entrance....

She stands before me like so many times before. A true beauty. Untaught perfect posture. Natural tits that laugh at gravity. Full lips and flowing silk for hair. I refuse to be the fool. My lips smile because I know I'm lucky. Very lucky. She likes me. She trusts me. I trust her as well. We feel safe together. I remove my hat and she opens my outer coat to hug me firmly. I do care for her. I always will. And I will always keep my place.

She is in her summer dress. Women for so many years dressed to impress each other. But she knows what drives me crazy. She moves with grace. As she hangs my coat I see the small of her back. Her 4” heels raise her ass just right. I cannot stand it any longer. I take her by the arms and I draw her close. I look into her eyes and then her full lips. My mind is in overdrive. I'm beginning to over think this. Like a dream my mind, nay my Id commands. The Beauty and the Beast comes to mind. She seems to sense my apprehension and her warm soft lips envelope mine. I close my eyes and I am in bliss.

Her arms are around me and she draws me even closer.
She then takes me by the hand and draws me to her bed. She knows what I like. She knows she is my favorite gift. A gift like no other is what she gives me. I can see her breath move her breasts beneath her dress. I place my right hand on her waist and move it up to her breast. She kisses me and I kiss her back. I kiss her behind the ear and she shivers in response. Our hands find each other and they grab each other tightly. She lays back and I look deeply into her eyes. Her hand is behind my head and she draws me to her. We roll over and I feel her full weight on me. It is wonderful. She keeps her eyes on me and with her free hand she places me inside her. What follows is music. Sweet music and rhythm of the ages.

We are in sync and her face is pressed beside mine. I know that this is what I want to bottle. To keep forever. “I wish I wish I wish” I dare to think.

There is something I would like to try if you're up to it.” She says. “Of course.” I say.
Can someone hand me a towel, I'm a little wet.

Nice fantasy for me.
rand's Avatar
  • rand
  • 06-26-2012, 11:36 AM
That was golden.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Which one. PSE or GFE?
rand's Avatar
  • rand
  • 06-26-2012, 12:07 PM
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
For me personally this takes more than a couple times together.

Life can be both famous and infamous.
wow! that was hot! Although its seeming as if you boys are not too interesting in a tall lady. May have to just cancel coming out and masturbate to Marcus fantasy.
Don't you dare cancel woman!!
TRex1176's Avatar
Ok, stupid new guy question. So what exactly is PSE? I know what it stands for, but I still don't get it. You'll all have to bear with me, I'm a big dumb animal! I just don't want to ask for something under the guises of PSE or GFE and get stared at like I'm an idiot! Thanks in advance for putting up with the new guy!
That's not a dumb question. I don't think there is any universal agreement on the difference. Some have said that the GFE will almost certainly include LFK, DFK and BBBJ--an intimate experience like with a GF. The PSE on the other hand is more likely to be focused on the FS, likely with COF, COB, or similar--you know--like in the porno films.

Seems to me like we need a sanctioning body to decide.

That said, I vote to sanction Elena's body.
Oh lookit him, offering up me as the lamb.

OK, use me as you a point.
THAT is an inviting offer! Meeting adjourned!
TRex1176's Avatar
Well played Admiral, well played.