Houston Islamic Center Burned

LexusLover's Avatar
Jimbo, I don't believe it is "the average liberal" who hates Muslims. Originally Posted by bigtex
And as customary "Bigbo" misquotes someone in his lameass effort to be relevant in a discussion he knows little about ....

.. but since HE volunteered to join in as cannon fodder ... here's what the dialogue IS that "Bigbo" distorted and lied about ....

Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
This guy Fergusan isn't exactly one of the "pillars of society". Described as a "transient with a long criminal record".[/QUOTE]

to which Jim responded:

Stoned, drunk, and stupid.
You just described the average liberal, lol.
Jim I think you hit a nerve in "Bigbo," which is why the re-direction:

"Drunk and stupid" fits his liberal ass to a "T"!

Keep posting ..... you are sounding more and more like Obaminable!
"Drunk and stupid" fits his liberal ass to a "T"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I see that LLIdiot is sippin' his elixir enhanced java again this morning.

Some things never change!

As General Patton would say, carry on!

Keep posting. Originally Posted by LexusLover
As a matter of fact, I will!

(You can bet on it!)
I'm not making excuses for his stupidity, don't get me wrong. I just think there are a lot of questions to be answered. More now than we had two days ago. Originally Posted by boardman
Don't get caught up in a short news cycle. The media is at a point were a "one of" instance represents "a pattern."

Unless it doesn't fit the Obama narrative...then cutting off 21 Coptic Christians heads is "an aberration" or an "ad hoc jobs program."
Don't get caught up in a short news cycle. The media is at a point were a "one of" instance represents "a pattern."

Unless it doesn't fit the Obama narrative...then cutting off 21 Coptic Christians heads is "an aberration" or an "ad hoc jobs program." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Perhaps they should instead cut off the heads of a few dozen Smelly Ol' Turdfly's.

Less buzzin' is a good thing!
Jimbo, I don't believe it is "the average liberal" who hates Muslims. I feel quite certain that if you were to do a quick search in this forum, it would not take long to figure out the "described" political leanings for those posters who truly hate Muslims.

I suspect you will find that "the average" Eccie Political Forum poster who hates Muslims, will be the polar opposite to a "liberal."

Just sayin'

More on the incident follows:

http://www.chron.com/news/houston-te...rd-6088601.php Originally Posted by bigtex
Keep this in mind. It's of minor importance how Liberals feel about Muslims. What's of major fucking importance though is how Muslims feel about Liberals. Just sayin.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Jimbo, I don't believe it is "the average liberal" who hates Muslims. I feel quite certain that if you were to do a quick search in this forum, it would not take long to figure out the "described" political leanings for those posters who truly hate Muslims.

I suspect you will find that "the average" Eccie Political Forum poster who hates Muslims, will be the polar opposite to a "liberal."

Just sayin'

More on the incident follows:

http://www.chron.com/news/houston-te...rd-6088601.php Originally Posted by bigtex
Throwin a kind of large, sloppy net are we...

I hate Muslim terrorists just as much as I would have hated German SS or Japanese Kempei Tai. I hated Russian communists, East German communists, Chinese communists, North Korean communists, and Cuban communists. They are all guilty of both oppressing people and threatening humanity.
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps they should instead cut off the heads of a few dozen Smelly Ol' Turdfly's. Less buzzin' is a good thing! Originally Posted by bigtex
Unless those in charge simply grow weary of your whining and nonsensical posts. Then you might be interested in any and all who can establish a perimeter to hold them at bay. Your standards haven't been so high for your Presidential selections in the "protection" department. Hopefully this next cycle you will exercise more common sense and less culturally correct decision making. Can you work on it?

Less buzzin' is a good thing.... Originally Posted by bigtex
The board would benefit from you being less buzzed.
Keep this in mind. It's of minor importance how Liberals feel about Muslims. What's of major fucking importance though is how Muslims feel about Liberals. Just sayin.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It's more important for the Muslim world to deny that ISIS has anything to do with Islam than Obama and the US progressives. It's not happening.
Keep this in mind. It's of minor importance how Liberals feel about Muslims. What's of major fucking importance though is how Muslims feel about Liberals. Just sayin.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Correct. If by some strange quirk, Sharia Law was instituted in The USA, the very first ones thrown into the stoning pit would be Liberals and Progressives.

It's like a repeat of the late '40's and early '50's when the liberal establishment and Hollywood were so enamoured with the Soviet Union and the great "proletarian" revolution.

Those morons didn't realize that in Stalin's Russia, they would be the first ones sent to the Gulag, or put against the wall.
Correct. If by some strange quirk, Sharia Law was instituted in The USA, the very first ones thrown into the stoning pit would be Liberals and Progressives.

It's like a repeat of the late '40's and early '50's when the liberal establishment and Hollywood were so enamoured with the Soviet Union and the great "proletarian" revolution.

Those morons didn't realize that in Stalin's Russia, they would be the first ones sent to the Gulag, or put against the wall. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You obviously caught the true essence of my post. Liberals, unfortunately are to blind to see it. They are to busy trying to justify their silly concepts of humanity that don't fit in with the real world. That's why they will be the first victims when it comes time to force inoculate, administer RFID chips, and house people in internment facilities.

LexusLover's Avatar
You obviously caught the true essence of my post. Liberals, unfortunately are to blind to see it. They are to busy trying to justify their silly concepts of humanity that don't fit in with the real world. That's why they will be the first victims when it comes time to force inoculate, administer RFID chips, and house people in internment facilities.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I normally don't watch O'Reilly, but last night it was "on point" with your post, when he had two guests on to explain the "liberal" solution (anti-war "solution") to the ISIS expansion in the Middle East and now African continent ....

.. it was painful to watch them trying to explain how to "logically" appeal to the "underlying" sensitivities of the butchers of the Middle East. They both were left with merely parroting that "war" was not the answer to getting along with ISIS ... one of them ... the male ... was actually a Christian, who wanted to "influence" the Isamist religious leaders into persuading the ISIS to quit killing people and ravaging the neighborhood ... including other Muslims.

The U.S. female recently killed by ISIS had been working to help other Muslims.

Unfortunately for "liberal thinkers" (an almost mutually exclusive concept) they don't grasp the REALITY of the existence of evil and evil people. They end up painting the very people who are willing to defend them as being the "evil ones."
Unfortunately for "liberal thinkers" (an almost mutually exclusive concept) they don't grasp the REALITY of the existence of evil and evil people. Originally Posted by LexusLover

The above words of ill advised wisdom were brought to you by the very same LLIdiot who felt the spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq was a magnificent idea. If that was not bad enough, he spent the next 6 years trying to justify the Wilted Shrub's historic mistake that led to 4500+ American deaths, at a cost of $1 trillion.

And he is still doing so today!

As long as LLIdiot does not have to put his worthless life on the line, he is all for it!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Faulty wiring... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Faulty brain

you can take that crayon and stick it up yer ass. your IQ might go UP. but i doubt it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just the deep insight and snappy banter we've xome too expect from The Waco Kurd.