ISO Newbie Friendly Provider

Wow. As a bystander, this is kind of amazing. Guy asks for help, gets it, then threatens people. I learned a long time ago that there is ALWAYS somebody out there tougher than me and that I get more of everything by being nice. Can't we all just get along? That question has been asked for thousands of years. I haven't met but a small fraction of the ladies here but I sure do respect them from many angles and have had good times beyond description. For that I thank all you wonderful, amazing ladies and I only hope to meet more of you. Have a nice day!

BTW, PS, I think the mods here have been pretty patient on this tread, FWIW. Let's just have a nice fucking weekend, LOL!
I’m just going to not respond to that last guy because I know that’ll lead to me being banned
Wow, over 1K