Wisconsin Election Fraud Revealed

berryberry's Avatar
No surprise that Eye is still spreading misinformation to try and discount this story. That's what close minded partisans do.

Clips from these videos were a part of the testimony the Wisconsin Special Prosecutor included in the wealth of evidence his instigation uncovered

I have said it before, everyone should want to investigate all aspects of potential voter fraud, no matter what side or where it occurs. It is telling how those on the left continue to try and discount state investigations
eyecu2's Avatar
I'm fine with investigations. But the Reptard who was testifying in front of the board said something interesting. When asked if he was currently under a contract, he said "well sort of, and that he thought he was but technically his contract ended in December". It's interesting when partisan politicians decide that they are going to be the ones to dictate or create a solution that involves decertification without having any kind of approvals from a court or a board, or even working under a specific valid contract of investigation. Contracts have terms such as length of time and duration, and he's spouting out in front of a board, that he has a solution of desertification. If you want to claim that that is me spreading false information, maybe you should look at your sources first before you start claiming them to be valid. It seems more like butt hurt Republican talking points that support the ruse, that there was voter fraud-in order to incite distrust in voter integrity. Facts matter. The facts are that no investigations have shown proof of voter fraud in any of the states; Plenty of allegations -all from repturds who wish that the outcome was different. But even the Cyber ninjas came up with bupkis.

These are just talking points that the right use in order to incite anger and distrust.

Donald Trump said it best, "if everybody voted there'd never be another Republican elected again."
berryberry's Avatar
The only reason he was temporarily not under contract (the contract technically expired 12/31/21 and he was providing his second interim report on the investigation) was because of obstructionism by the Wisconsin Elections Commission and other parties to the conduct of the investigation. But OOPS there goes your talking point:

March 8 - Wisconsin’s Republican Assembly speaker has signed a new contract with Michael Gableman, the former state Supreme Court justice hired to investigate the 2020 election.

His review has been extended through the end of April.

Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said that Gableman did an “outstanding job” looking into election concerns from Wisconsinites.

“Many of the key issues were addressed with legislation that’s going to Governor Evers’ desk this week for him to sign into law,” Vos said. “Meanwhile, Justice Gableman continues to face unwarranted resistance. We will continue to fight the obstruction and myriad of lawsuits filed by democrats and out-of-state liberal activists, questioning the legislature’s subpoena power and ultimately keeping this matter from concluding in the time frame we expected.”

Now I anxiously await your next form of misinformation to try ad discredit this Special Counsel's investigation
eyecu2's Avatar
Here's the other side of the coin you FAILED to bring up, while creating a smoke screen and yelling about integrity in voting.

Similar to Gov. Evers, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul also issued a statement critical of the report.

“This report is a full-throated attack on our democracy and a truly shocking example of the authoritarian mindset at work.

“The report provides a roadmap for attempting to overturn the will of the voters based on a fringe legal theory. It includes recommendations that would restrict access to voting and make it harder to detect fraud. And it disparages due process and public records requests because they are inconvenient to certain individuals with power.

“The Vos-Gableman investigation will long be remembered as a shameful, deeply embarrassing episode for our state legislature. The Republicans in the legislature who are responsible for this train wreck have an obligation to our democracy to condemn and end this preposterous fake investigation.”

MORE: Gableman delivers election recommendations, claims roadmap exists to decertify 2020 election


Sen. Melissa Agard (D-Madison):
“Former Justice Gableman’s investigation has been a sham—our elections are not. The GOP and former Justice Gableman have wasted hundreds of thousands of hard-earned taxpayer dollars for this so-called ‘investigation’ to do nothing more than reinforce conspiracy theories and dangerous misinformation.

“Nonpartisan attorneys have already solidified that ‘decertification’ of an election is not legal. The last eight months of this investigation have been a waste of time and money for the people of Wisconsin, appealing to right-wing conspiracy theorists and our deranged former president. We should be spending our energy by supporting our clerks, election administrators, poll workers, and the countless volunteers that have been selflessly working to uphold our democracy.


“I implore my legislative colleagues to be outspoken in denouncing this shitshow that has damaged our democracy and wasted hard-earned taxpayer dollars. Enough is enough.”

Sen. Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee):

“I give the Gableman report a capital F. This side show circus was a waste of money, a PR stunt, a fleecing of the taxpayers, and it didn’t reveal anything we didn’t already know. This investigation accomplished exactly nothing. We already know there was no widespread voter fraud. Gableman’s report is an underhanded attempt to undermine Wisconsinites’ faith in our elections in order to justify the dismantling of the Wisconsin Elections Commission so that Republicans can select the referees for the next election.
berryberry's Avatar
Cool - everyone you quoted is a partisan libtard who likely was complicit in this election fraud

Try again
eyecu2's Avatar
And your dude is a hack
/ conspiracy thoerist. If you're gonna post stuff that's about unproven theories and opinion, I can do that also. Returds aren't the only ones who are allowed to be quoted.

The people of Wisconsin voted, and their board of elections certified the votes. Game over but thanks for playing
berryberry's Avatar
Former respected WI Supreme Court Justice hired as Special Counsel is no hack. Educate yourself
HDGristle's Avatar
He's not as respected as you claim, but ok.