How Many Elections Will It Take for a Speaker Jordan?

eyecu2's Avatar
round 3 will result in another "swing and a miss" for Jordan. Gotta give Jordan and the GOP atleast the kudos' to say "never quit".

Despite not having the votes or any legislative ideas, or any interest in trying to be a bi-partisan legislature. But otherwise, the MAGAs are some ppl who were taught by TRUMP- "that if you say it often enough, long enough, and regardless of the message, ppl will start to believe you".

If Jim Jordan had the blessings of his peers, or had ever done anything more that obfuscate TRUMPS failures and impeachable offenses, then he might get a pass. But alas, he did, and he won't .

The MAGA GOP is being revealed as to what they are; the chaos, the stupidity, the racism, the pursuit of getting Joe B. no matter if there were facts or not, and of course, lacking 100% ethics.

Yeah..but again, no pass for Jordan today. Failure is such a delicious treat that the GOP keeps serving up to the public and DEMS. They even serve it up on a platter of stupidity.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet the MAGA cultists can’t understand why …
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2023, 10:09 AM
Jordan's supporters like Sean Hannity need to take one of those Dale Carnegie classes, like "How to Win Friends and Influence People."

Here are excerpts from a couple of articles -

Mariannette Miller-Meeks says she got death threats after pulling support for Jim Jordan

U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks said Wednesday she has received "credible death threats" after pulling her support from U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio in the second round of balloting to choose the next speaker of the House.

Miller-Meeks, a Republican who represents the 1st Congressional District in southeast Iowa, supported Jordan in the first round of votes on Tuesday but cast her vote Wednesday for U.S. Rep. Kay Granger of Texas, a Republican who chairs the Appropriations Committee.

"Since my vote in support of Chairwoman Granger, I have received credible death threats and a barrage of threatening calls," Miller-Meeks said in a statement Wednesday evening. "The proper authorities have been notified and my office is cooperating fully."

Pressure Campaign by Jim Jordan Supporters Backfires in House Speaker Race

WASHINGTON—Rep. Jim Jordan’s passionate Republican supporters were supposed to help his campaign for House speaker. Instead, they may be sinking his chances, with lawmakers opposing his run complaining of bullying calls and even death threats.

For days, outside allies, including party activists and media personalities, have turned up the heat on recalcitrant Republican lawmakers, pressing them to back Jordan. But their campaign may have backfired, hardening the opposition of holdout Republicans who would prefer to look elsewhere for a new leader.

“I will not be pressured, intimidated,” said Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R., Fla.), who voted Tuesday and Wednesday against Jordan. “I have no intention of moving.”

....But some pro-governance lawmakers and centrists in competitive seats weren’t enthusiastic about the idea of a Speaker Jordan. To get him the gavel, Jordan allies pressured Republican lawmakers in social-media posts and phone calls, hanging the threat of possible GOP primary challenges over their heads. The pressure may have helped limit Jordan’s losses among lawmakers who were lukewarm about his candidacy, but it aggravated many of his more vocal opponents.

Rep. Don Bacon (R., Neb.) shared text messages his wife received from an unknown number saying that he should support Jordan or risk not holding political office ever again. He has voted for McCarthy rather than Jordan in both rounds.

Rep. Steve Womack of Arkansas said his aides have been “cussed out” and threatened. “When my staff has to absorb the brunt of this kind of verbal assault, then that’s just unacceptable,” Womack told reporters, saying that the pressure campaign wouldn’t succeed with him or other Jordan opponents. “If the whole battle plan was to attack them, give him time to expose those members and go after them, then it’s an abject failure.”

....Influential conservative figures, including Fox News host Sean Hannity and Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin, have urged Jordan supporters to call opponents’ offices.

eyecu2's Avatar
The "Fox news" entertainment team isn't pleased with the GOP. They have called for Gaetz being slapped around and even removed.


Because their lone agenda is to demonize the DEMs and damage them.

Well good luck with that.

The GOP has shown for 16 days they are a dysfunctional group of uneducated morons who cannot align on anything but the email lady, or Obama being the guy behind the scenes.
Imagine the stupid dumb-fuckery of that logic- the result of one too many Nancy Drew mysteries where she and the Hardy boys solve the great Joe Biden caper by shaking a magic eightball, and using an Ouija board to help create some Kabuki theater, that leads to Biden getting payoffs.

"Yeah that's the ticket"

At this point I'm pretty sure the rats have chewed through the wires that attach McCarthy's mouth to his brain as he continues to blame the Democrats for voting for Jeffries versus a GOP member.

Imagine how the GOP would have lost their mind if someone had voted for Nancy Pelosi from their side!?!
... Holdin' off the vote 'til January, mates.

Just enough time to select a good slate o' Primary Challengers
to run AGAINST some o' the Republican vote hold-outs.

But - no worrys - they'll surely be another vote then...

### Salty
Democrats never had these problems. Had the same margin a short while ago and

1) chose a speaker in a single vote
2) passed legislation that got through a 50/50 senate and sign by the president
3) never fired their own speaker
4) never had folks begging to be speaker that literally 60% of the caucus hates.
5 didn’t have a speaker replacement need multiple votes of failure to determine that he/she won’t win
6) never looked like they simply can’t govern
7) never been ungovernable.
8) never been wagged by the extremist wing
9) always been governed by the moderates and adults in the room.

Republicans can’t govern. They prove it over and over.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2023, 06:40 PM
Jordan's supporters like Sean Hannity need to take one of those Dale Carnegie classes, like "How to Win Friends and Influence People." Originally Posted by Tiny
Here's a playback of a voice mail left by one of those wild and crazy Jordan supporters on a Congressman's wife's voice mail.

People don't respond well to this type of "persuasion."

I don't think there's going to be a Speaker Jordan.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2023, 07:46 PM
Democrats never had these problems. Had the same margin a short while ago and

1) chose a speaker in a single vote
2) passed legislation that got through a 50/50 senate and sign by the president
3) never fired their own speaker
4) never had folks begging to be speaker that literally 60% of the caucus hates.
5 didn’t have a speaker replacement need multiple votes of failure to determine that he/she won’t win
6) never looked like they simply can’t govern
7) never been ungovernable.
8) never been wagged by the extremist wing
9) always been governed by the moderates and adults in the room.

Republicans can’t govern. They prove it over and over. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Republicans on the whole govern better than Democrats at the state and local levels. The Republican House has done a fine job, impeding Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer from blowing up the national debt.
Republicans on the whole govern better than Democrats at the state and local levels. The Republican House has done a fine job, impeding Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer from blowing up the national debt. Originally Posted by Tiny

What were they afraid of regarding the debt? That Joe would try to best the 25% of the total that the Dumpster added to it, while they happily went along??
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2023, 08:11 PM
What were they afraid of regarding the debt? That Joe would try to best the 25% of the total that the Dumpster added to it, while they happily went along?? Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Trump and Pelosi did add a lot. At the end of 2020, the only voices of fiscal sanity were Senate Republicans, who held the line when the President and the House wanted to send out $2000 stimulus checks to most Americans, including the children.

Biden and a Democratic House and Senate passed legislation that created $5+ trillion in unfunded spending. House Republicans managed to claw back about $1.5 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office, in debt ceiling negotiations earlier this year. I believe many or most moderate Democrats would agree that on the whole the claw backs were reasonable.

As contributor WTF used to say, the combination of a Democratic President and a Republican House is best for holding down deficits. He's probably right.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2023, 09:09 PM
Here's a playback of a voice mail left by one of those wild and crazy Jordan supporters on a Congressman's wife's voice mail.

People don't respond well to this type of "persuasion."

I don't think there's going to be a Speaker Jordan. Originally Posted by Tiny
Ken Buck in Colorado has gotten four death threats for voting against Jordan. And his landlord kicked him out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
MAGA terrorism?

This is America, dammit!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
MAGA terrorism?

This is America, dammit! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so
Election number 3 today. Didn’t realize it was January already salty. My guess is 24 anyone but Jordan votes. Jefferies 212, because democrats actually have a leader they trust and that’s 1) passed legislation, 2) kept the govt from default and shut down, and 3) understands leadership and compromise.

Jordan’s presser this morning was . . . Well exactly what you’d expect from him . . . Devoid of any sign of leadership. Still election denying, still being a Trumpy, still being a bully, still be as stupid as republicans have shown they are. At least he’s consistent. I give him that.
Word is that there’s a plan to take multiple votes to grind down the opposition. Not so sure that’s a good way to make no votes into yes votes.

Personally I get a little glee every time the GOP votes Jim down, almost as much as when they fired McCarthy. Nothing better than Republican on Republican crime. Where will the moderates go. They are sadly the dying breed of their party. They just don’t know it yet.

It’s beautiful. The MAGA are just gonna get more stupid, I mean MAGA, and the quality sensible conservatives will eventually go the way of Paul Ryan.

24 can’t get here soon enough.