JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, the letter just stated that if President Obama does reach a deal with Iran on the nuclear issues, the republicans will undo it or refuse to honor it in a few years. True other words, the US does not honor its agreements.

You're an idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
What they really said (liar) is that any agreement with any country had to be approved by the Senate and that was not going to happen. An agreement then would not have the force of law and any president, republican or otherwise, could repudiate that deal at any time. Try telling the truth Timmie. It feels better.

You seem heavily invested in this Timmie. I have to wonder why.
The stated purpose of this thread is to discount what the Republican Senators have done by screaming, "The other guys have done it before!" Plain and simple, it's in the title of the thread. And this is supposed to be a persuasive argument?

I never heard anyone claiming Bill Clinton was entitled to a "bye" because of what Nixon had done. That just didn't happen.

Now this?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The stated purpose of this thread is to discount what the Republican Senators have done by screaming, "The other guys have done it before!" Plain and simple, it's in the title of the thread. And this is supposed to be a persuasive argument?

I never heard anyone claiming Bill Clinton was entitled to a "bye" because of what Nixon had done. That just didn't happen.

Now this? Originally Posted by tulsatiger
Actually, you and your ilk started this thread so it was your job to prove something. We on the other hand say that nothing occurred this time and go further to point out where your guys have actually crossed the line in the past. Thus proving that you are either too dumb to understand or you're just a partisan hack doing what you've been told to do.
Actually, you and your ilk .... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

the ilk was whirly

but whirly did start the thread in response to the dims earlier idiocy of a thread, giving us a trip down memory lane to review true history, so in substance you are correct

some of these threads can well be seen as continuations of others

would that he would reflect on the posts and use them for increasing his erudition
I didn't mention that the thread had strayed, even though it had. I said that the basic premise is fatally flawed.

Is this just supposed to be meaningless flaming, or are you supposed to try and make a point?
I didn't mention that the thread had strayed, even though it had. I said that the basic premise is fatally flawed.

Is this just supposed to be meaningless flaming, or are you supposed to try and make a point? Originally Posted by tulsatiger
no i stood corrected..i misread your post and reread it and I had adjusted my post...before your current response but I can take it just as well when I am wrong

im on a lil iphone in the middle of cacophony
Actually, you and your ilk started this thread so it was your job to prove something. We on the other hand say that nothing occurred this time and go further to point out where your guys have actually crossed the line in the past. Thus proving that you are either too dumb to understand or you're just a partisan hack doing what you've been told to do. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Pelosi cleared her trip with wh and state dept. Was even briefed on the situation before going. Next...
You are fucking idiot; you think this thread is about flaming democrats and the other 3 threads about the GOP letter isn't?

What fucking reality do you orbit in?

And this thread is about REAL Treasonous Acts - elected officials traveling and holding secret meetings with enemies of our country; not the cooked up outrage over a public letter signed by 47 Senators; a letter than simply tells the Mullahs of Iran that any Obama deal is DOA with future presidents and Congress.

You are too biased to see the difference.

I didn't mention that the thread had strayed, even though it had. I said that the basic premise is fatally flawed.

Is this just supposed to be meaningless flaming, or are you supposed to try and make a point? Originally Posted by tulsatiger
Actually, you and your ilk started this thread so it was your job to prove something. We on the other hand say that nothing occurred this time and go further to point out where your guys have actually crossed the line in the past. Thus proving that you are either too dumb to understand or you're just a partisan hack doing what you've been told to do. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I know your comprehension is iffy but swirly turd started this. He's much closer to your ilk than mine.
You don't like it when Constitutional powers are used to thwart your beloved Obama, do you?

But you are okey dokey with Obama doing his own end runs......
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are fucking idiot; you think this thread is about flaming democrats and the other 3 threads about the GOP letter isn't?

What fucking reality do you orbit in?

And this thread is about REAL Treasonous Acts - elected officials traveling and holding secret meetings with enemies of our country; not the cooked up outrage over a public letter signed by 47 Senators; a letter than simply tells the Mullahs of Iran that any Obama deal is DOA with future presidents and Congress.

You are too biased to see the difference. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So let's see. The best defense is a good offense? That's what this is about? Leveling the attacks so the Republicants don't take too much heat over their treasonous behavior?

Guess what, whore-LIE-turd, if leveling the attacks was your intention, you'd need to go away for about EIGHT FUCKING YEARS!

You're the idiot who's nowhere near reality.

Obama's next move will be to do an end run around our Constitution and bring his deal to the UN to get legitimacy.

Obama is hungry to notch his belt with a bad deal with Iran. He also wants to give payback to his nemesis Netanyahu.

Obama is no statesman.............
You don't like it when Constitutional powers are used to thwart your beloved Obama, do you?

But you are okey dokey with Obama doing his own end runs...... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They are thwarting nothing. The power to negotiate foreign policy tasks to the executive branch. There's that pesky constitution you love so much
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I know your comprehension is iffy but swirly turd started this. He's much closer to your ilk than mine. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Actually, UC, his comprehension is IIFFYY!

Your reply is too funny.............coming from the "Pen and A Phone" crowd.

Like Obama says,,,,,,,,Elections have consequences. If Obama wants a treaty with Iran, then he needs to get congressional approval. Otherwise, his "agreement" with Iran isn't binding on future presidents or Congress.

FACT JACK ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, except its not a treaty half-wit.