What part of putting America First

winn dixie's Avatar
Here is a little something for you naive Dems, I the post wasn’t about Trump , it was about putting America first. Trump said it , but he doesn’t own the concept, that has been my feelings since the beginning, in other words before Trump. As far as Trump or any politician goes I don’t give a shit what they say ,it’s their polices that directly impact my economics and Trumps policy worked for me. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Trumps policies worked for you?
His policies were not putting America first. His failed policies directly gave us record Inflation. That doesn't work for most americans
I'll let some of you naive Trump folks in on a little secret - most politicians are not here for you. They don't give a fuck about their constituents. Do some of you people really think Trump wants to be president again because he gives a shit about me or you? That's about as dumb as me believing that Biden became a politician and has lasted for 5 decades because he gave/gives a shit about the state of Delaware and later the rest of this country. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That's no big secret.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ Well, it apparently is a "big secret" to many of these gullible MAGA believing clowns.

@Ace - I am not a democrat. I am also not a republican. I am also not a liberal. Disliking Trump has nothing to do with my party preference (or lack thereof). If I was a Republican though, I would dislike Trump a lot more than I would if I was a Democrat for completely fucking up my party because of his ego.
winn dixie's Avatar
^^^^ Well, it apparently is a big secret to many of these gullible MAGA believing clowns.

@Ace - I am not a democrat. I am also not a republican. I am also not a liberal. Disliking Trump has nothing to do with my party preference (or lack thereof). If I was a Republican though, I would dislike Trump a lot more than I would if I was a Democrat for completely fucking up my party because of his ego. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

^^^^ Well, it apparently is a "big secret" to many of these gullible MAGA believing clowns.

@Ace - I am not a democrat. I am also not a republican. I am also not a liberal. Disliking Trump has nothing to do with my party preference (or lack thereof). If I was a Republican though, I would dislike Trump a lot more than I would if I was a Democrat for completely fucking up my party because of his ego. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... ... If you say-so, mate...

#### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
Yes that was a great writing. I am a registered Republican because somewhat promote the things that I believe. Trump by no means checked all the boxes, however Biden doesn’t check any,. A valued poster said Trump had the highest inflation rate in history. Since when is 2% higher than 8 %? I think they are reporting 4-5% currently. I don’t know what matrix they use to reach that number. What I buy is far more than 5%, more like 15-20% higher than 3 years ago.
winn dixie's Avatar
16.45 percent is reported
Hunert percent blame goes to trump for failed trade negotiations.
Especially with china
oilfieldace's Avatar
  • Vulva
  • 07-18-2023, 11:28 AM
Trump is a liar and a phony. Anyone that believes his BS is the moron.
Look at his speech at the UN when he was literally laughed at. A room full of world leaders know what’s up. Trumpers are as dumb as they come. Originally Posted by Charley3
Trump was laughed at because he told Europe you are totally dependent on Russian Energy...

he was correct...
^^^^ Well, it apparently is a "big secret" to many of these gullible MAGA believing clowns.

@Ace - I am not a democrat. I am also not a republican. I am also not a liberal. Disliking Trump has nothing to do with my party preference (or lack thereof). If I was a Republican though, I would dislike Trump a lot more than I would if I was a Democrat for completely fucking up my party because of his ego. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Sounds like you're not even a registered voter.
Precious_b's Avatar
Saying it is not proof <blah blah blah> <empty rhetoric> Originally Posted by oilfieldace
You yourself sure do say alot. And when it comes to proof...

Putting America first is the thread topic.
Trumpf never has. Down to his bone spurs.
Biden gave a son to military service. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Ouch! MeThinks doth smote the OP too rightly

Here is a little something for you naive Dems, I the post wasn’t about Trump , it was about putting America first. .... Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Aren't you gonna thank Winnie for putting you back on track?

Trumps policies worked for you?
His policies were not putting America first. His failed policies directly gave us record Inflation. That doesn't work for most americans Originally Posted by winn dixie
You don't hear those righty right people mentioning that 6+ trillion he threw on top of the deficit.

Link???? Originally Posted by oilfieldace
You are well behind on posting links that others have requested of you to back up what you say. "Saying it is not proof" should have prompted yourself to doing so.

Trump was laughed at because he told Europe you are totally dependent on Russian Energy...

he was correct... Originally Posted by Vulva
I don't know who was laughing at him, but europe was well aware of their dependency on siberian oil/natural gas.

Sounds like you're not even a registered voter. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Problem with alot of people that post here, they just listen to sounds.