Getting Weird Looks When On A Date With Providers

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You will let her eat your ass but not buy you dinner? Makes no sense...come on dude.
Honestly, a lot of guys do have a problem being seen in public letting a woman pay for something. Many times it’s not even about respect, it is about appearances. Encaustic the same guy might not have an issue with a lady spending a bunch of money on them in public.

Like I said, it feels unseemly, unfeminine, and emasculating to me. And if people are already staring, why add fuel to the fire.

My pet peeve when out with a guy who is older is when the server asks “is this going to be on separate checks?” OMG, I’ve had dudes go batshit crazy over that. It screams “you don’t look like you are on a date.” And never happens with my BF who is close to my age. If I want separate checks, I’ll ask, thank you...but to ask is somewhere between ignorant and rude.
sc.....I never said anything about these girls eating my ass. Try a little harder reading what I wrote. It wasn't complicated.

Plus my post was not intended to make sense to you.
B3...I've never has a wait person ask me if i wanted separate checks.
Also if I invite a female to's just that. I invited = I pay
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Honestly, a lot of guys do have a problem being seen in public letting a woman pay for something. Many times it’s not even about respect, it is about appearances. Encaustic the same guy might not have an issue with a lady spending a bunch of money on them in public.

Like I said, it feels unseemly, unfeminine, and emasculating to me. And if people are already staring, why add fuel to the fire.

My pet peeve when out with a guy who is older is when the server asks “is this going to be on separate checks?” OMG, I’ve had dudes go batshit crazy over that. It screams “you don’t look like you are on a date.” And never happens with my BF who is close to my age. If I want separate checks, I’ll ask, thank you...but to ask is somewhere between ignorant and rude. Originally Posted by B Three
Oh she gonna pay that fucking bill all day everyday. Lol but seriously i hate when the hating ass servers say Welcome back yall knowing good and dam well I'm with a different gal.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
sc.....I never said anything about these girls eating my ass. Try a little harder reading what I wrote. It wasn't complicated.

Plus my post was not intended to make sense to you. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Again you'd let her eat your ass but not break off a couple benjy's...and this gal asked me to go to dinner should I post a screen shot?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Funny to me how you guys play SC's game. Do you guys actually believe a single word he says? He trolls for a reaction. That's what he does. Why you guys take him remotely seriously is beyond me. Do you honestly believe any chick would spend 2 seconds with him and buy him even Ramen noodles?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
There's only a few here that actually know I ain't lying. But they quiet. ;-) but cool story my friend.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
My pet peeve when out with a guy who is older is when the server asks “is this going to be on separate checks?” Originally Posted by B Three
I love when that happens when I am out with one of my younger female indirect or direct reports for a working lunch or dinner. I immediately tell the server that she is paying for it so just one bill is necessary.

I am a germ freak so I always wash my hands before they come back with the check so I am gone when they use my credit card and I usually arrive back at the same time as the server. Once I'm back, I thank my coworker loudly to make it look like she paid for it.

My female coworkers laugh every single time I do that silly shit. I don't want them to think I am an asshole boss so I try to keep it light whenever I am able to do so in a social setting when it's one on one time for work bullshit.
But Lucas...It's fun. Everyone here knows sissy lips is full of shit. I doubt there are more than a handful of his asskissers who think think anything he says is true. He will play for a whole then have a meltdown and get banned again. The mods say not to spam.
Look at his threads. It's all bullshit
Actually I’ve done it many times and I’m in my 60’s. If you don’t drool over her it’s no big deal but again I use to live overseas and saw lots of stranger couples & I don’t care what some fat old lady thinks about me anyway !
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
But Lucas...It's fun. Everyone here knows sissy lips is full of shit. I doubt there are more than a handful of his asskissers who think think anything he says is true. He will play for a whole then have a meltdown and get banned again. The mods say not to spam.
Look at his threads. It's all bullshit Originally Posted by tbone2u
Man..WOW..I really had no idea how much this board means to you and how much I've damaged you and deeply and profoundly affected you emotionally and psychologically all because of my own views and opinions on a plethora of cant even seem to enjoy legit light hearted fun threads without the hurt and anger consuming you and pouring out. I can now see its everything to you... It's your Spiritual World and you cant let're literally stewing in it..and will probably read this 5 times before internalizing it... I get it now....I really do just be careful that you dont turn into a full blown online stalker...and I'm not even laughing..I promise I'm not. Just like it's not a laughing matter when people go out with younger gals and others stare.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
To stick to the topic, I have been going to a lot of sporting events in different cities lately. You see a lot of older guys with obvious paid companionship. It's hard not to take a quick glance and kind of smirk and leave it at that. I just think "good for him" when I see it.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
To stick to the topic, I have been going to a lot of sporting events in different cities lately. You see a lot of older guys with obvious paid companionship. It's hard not to take a quick glance and kind of smirk and leave it at that. I just think "good for him" when I see it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I fear the day I look old enough for people to think its paid company. I'm legit depressed just thinking about it. Maybe I should stop smoking and drinking now.
Slitlikr's Avatar
I'm sure the OP offered to cover the tip.
He felt generous when departing with that 5 spot.