Yup, lets give the poor Muslims more money so they

LexusLover's Avatar
Where did I excuse him for being a sexual predator? Jesus, if you can't find it I guess you just make shit up. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Where did I POST (since you don't have a clue about what I "say") that I ...

..................."begrudge a guy getting laid"!

By your lameass, fictitious, "debating point" you implied by omission that his behavior of preying on "subordinates" is acceptable, because he was only...

...."getting laid"!

So, "Jesus, if you can't find it I guess you just make shit up."

If I may be so presumptuous as to quote your "sterling prose" back at you!

If you keep up your insistent failed attempts at being relevant to the "discussions" by stalking me and making spurious and worthless comments, I will "feel" obligated to respond by feeding your own bullshit back to you.

You voted for Clinton the 2nd time, right, but not the first, because you were not old enough to vote, right? So, consequently, even though you are from Arkansas , you probably were not familiar with the Predator Bill's governor mansion escapades with the assistance of the Arkansas State Police, or his relationship with Mr. Tyson, and/or the Arkansas "Clean" Water Act he proudly maneuvered through the Arkansas legislature with the expertise of Obaminable with an EXEMPTION for feathers and chicken entrails from the Tyson processing plants to be dumped into the "beautiful, clean" streams of Arkansas....and there's White Water Gate .. and the missing banking records of his lawyer wife .... or the basis for his disbarment before the Arkansas State Bar Association?

But you went ahead and voted for him anyway ... right? You and bigtex.

Both of you voting for a Draft Dodger!
rioseco's Avatar
The not so great apologist.