MarieLynn's Strip Club Get-Together

Wordsmith's Avatar
Dang I saw this thread to late.
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
It's not too late!

I almost got all the screening done for those who have sent me their information recently. Other than that, the others should have their official invitation in their email.
SaintPat's Avatar
I would also like to attend. Just came across this thread today. I will email you with the request.
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Mostly everyone should now have their Official Invitation. If you haven't heard from me today by PM or email, please email me so I can get that to you ASAP. Other than that, I am still waiting on a few more responses back from my fellow Companions in order to secure screening for a few gentlemen.

There is still time to get on the list...

Thank you!


Yeah, at this point... I'm not going to be able to make it... Sorry.
I just sent you an e-mail. Hope I'm not to late to join in all the fun.
staticpo's Avatar
Hope I'm not too late?
Just sent you an email!!
Folks I'm not sure how this got overlooked but it's discussion over now.
ECCIE does not promote socials. The policy is to allow the post and close discussion.
Please contact via email or PM any interested parties.