The Catch-22 of screening.

No, it doesn't.

What was Mya Madison's real name? Don't really answer that, people can Google it.

Point is, providers don't typically use their full real names either, so why should it be required to screen people?

Why don't you include your last name?

This hobby comes with risks on both sides. I'd like to think there are other ways to screen for compatibility than providing personal info. And to be clear, I politely move on if the screening process is outside of my comfort zone as well. To each their own.
Almost everyone has online presence.

Choose wisely. Go through screening. Don't be a dick. Don't be a cop.

P411 requires your personal info as well. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I guess the "choose wisely" part is what makes me anxious. For some reason, giving my info to a service that 1000s of others have given info to doesn't seem as risky. Thanks for the reply. =)
Gabrielle's Avatar
Point is, providers don't typically use their full real names either, so why should it be required to screen people? Originally Posted by Cb2285
Point is, when was the last time a documentary was made about hookers running around killing johns?
Oh wait...NEVER!
However, there are ones about johns killing hookers...lots of them.

Some of the more famous serial killers who targeted hookers would be Jack the Ripper and Gary Ridgway from Seattle who confessed to killing 48 sex workers from 1982 to 1998.

No, it doesn't. Originally Posted by Cb2285
How about now, officer? All cleared up now?

Why don't you include your last name? Originally Posted by Cb2285
Awww look at for a few weeks and you have the entire business all figured out. Good for you! Good for you dude!



FULL NAME is now required by MANY providers.
berryberry's Avatar
There are lots of girls who need help now and then.
These girls don't think of themselves as providers.

I'm talking about women who have chosen this career and take it seriously Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
But you asked the question

Which of you same gentlemen would meet with a lady who contacted you and had no online presence?? Nothing to check out atall'?

I and Stig and Spazzer just pointed out numerous times we have done this with no issues.

I said I can understand your concern when it comes to newbies. But your question seemed to imply guys would never meet with someone who had no online presence. That is just not the case as we showed. We all were able to get comfortable from just email or text communication - and zero exchange of real world info

And honestly, my best experiences, and I have had a lot, have come with girls who had not chosen this as their career at the time I saw them
Gabrielle, the voice of the voiceless.

Give Google a rest and quit pretending being a career hooker requires a PhD.

And while you've been so hungry to get the last word and put everyone in their place, you're missing the point the thread originally intended to make. An agreement ideally suits both parties. It's a valid stance not wanting personal info put out there. As I said, to each their own.
Point is, when was the last time a documentary was made about hookers running around killing johns?
Oh wait...NEVER! Originally Posted by Gabrielle

Didn't even have to go far for this one. Catch 22, indeed.
Just maybe Sexymaid started this thread because of me, maybe not, but it’s an interesting topic being a newbie. I’ve been a stalker of this website forever now without ever signing up or participating in the hobby world. I’ve ust reading the forums and I guess somewhat fantasizing about something other than my home life for a while.

After much reading over the years I really liked the way Sexymaid presented herself, she seemed to be trustworthy (people on the forum don’t talk negatively about her), reliable, and most importantly legit, so I finally registered on the site so I could obtain her contact information and reach out to her.

She immediately responded to my email looking for references, well, I have none, nothing, nada. This was my first contact attempt in the hoppy world.

With everything else I read on this site, including in this tread, the majority say “don’t give out your personal info”., so that’s what I said and Sexymaid ended it there. Dumb on my part.....I don’t know, but how is a newbie to get references without giving out personal info? I don’t blame Sexymaid one bit because how does she know I’m trustworthy or legit as I stated about her in the first paragraph? She needs to stay safe too, well understood by me.

My ultimate goal here was to find a cool and reliable girl to see on occasion.

I really am not interested in a lady that doesn’t do any screening just to be able to get vouched because that doesn’t say much about that person either.

As someone stated, personal info in the wrong hands can RUIN your life and I’m not interested in that....

How to proceed?
Just maybe Sexymaid started this thread because of me, maybe not, but it’s an interesting topic being a newbie. I’ve been a stalker of this website forever now without ever signing up or participating in the hobby world. I’ve ust reading the forums and I guess somewhat fantasizing about something other than my home life for a while.

After much reading over the years I really liked the way Sexymaid presented herself, she seemed to be trustworthy (people on the forum don’t talk negatively about her), reliable, and most importantly legit, so I finally registered on the site so I could obtain her contact information and reach out to her.

She immediately responded to my email looking for references, well, I have none, nothing, nada. This was my first contact attempt in the hoppy world.

With everything else I read on this site, including in this tread, the majority say “don’t give out your personal info”., so that’s what I said and Sexymaid ended it there. Dumb on my part.....I don’t know, but how is a newbie to get references without giving out personal info? I don’t blame Sexymaid one bit because how does she know I’m trustworthy or legit as I stated about her in the first paragraph? She needs to stay safe too, well understood by me.

My ultimate goal here was to find a cool and reliable girl to see on occasion.

I really am not interested in a lady that doesn’t do any screening just to be able to get vouched because that doesn’t say much about that person either.

As someone stated, personal info in the wrong hands can RUIN your life and I’m not interested in that....

How to proceed? Originally Posted by Danner
Very well said. I've had a similar, albeit somewhat different exchange with sexymaid. I wasn't going to give out personal info, she outlined what she needed, and since I was sure i couldn't meet the request adequately to satisfy her, I backed off with the intent of reaching out down the line. Painless.
Gabrielle's Avatar

Didn't even have to go far for this one. Catch 22, indeed. Originally Posted by Cb2285
Yeah this is close to murder.

A botched robbery is VERY Different than murder.

So officer noobs logic...
not providing your name...would have saved you from this attempted robbery...cause they knew your name?

Do you think the robbers are gonna say nah...his name is John Ho, we can't rob him now because we know his name?!

Or WAIT! Better yet...they screened the guy just so they can rob him?

Am I understanding your logic correctly officer noob?
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Yeah this is close to murder.

A botched robbery is VERY Different than murder.

So officer noobs logic...
not providing your name...would have saved you from this attempted robbery...cause they knew your name?

Do you think the robbers are gonna say nah...his name is John Ho, we can't rob him now because we know his name?!

Or WAIT! Better yet...they screened the guy just so they can rob him?

Am I understanding your logic correctly officer noob? Originally Posted by Gabrielle
A sad reminder of why toftt is not going to be as safe as it once was. I was lucky enough with some girls in Utica NY. Even if they never had a profile here I tended to sit on the fence before I saw some reviews that had a yes recommendation. And thanks to the reboot here I have some proof of who I am. But being in a new neighborhood the reality for me is I have to turn in a first homework assignment for a new tutor to enjoy biology with.
It may be a man's board but I also believe the following quote applies here...

"You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy." ~Erica Jong Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Yeah, because a left wing, famously man-using (and in may respects, hating), feminazi is certainly objective.
obnoxiousram's Avatar
That is true. A smart woman is never with a idiotic fool normally unless it is a stripper foolish enough to try to rescue a man child because he is arm candy and just wants a boy to control. Us men are selling our selves to short these days.
Screening sucks, for those of us who are totally paranoid about giving out RL info. I can’t see some providers, like SM, because of it. So, I take my chances with Listcrawler hood rats. It is what it is...
Point is, when was the last time a documentary was made about hookers running around killing johns?
Oh wait...NEVER!
However, there are ones about johns killing hookers...lots of them.
. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Although it wasnt technically a documentary, Charlise Theron starred in "Monster", in which she portayed Aileen Wournos, a Florida hooker who became a serial killer of Johns. You may not be old enough to have been aware of the movie, but it's at the core of her support for sex workers.
Gabrielle's Avatar
Yeah, because a left wing, famously man-using (and in may respects, hating), feminazi is certainly objective. Originally Posted by tannana
Oh goodie! I was waiting for my ex boyfriend to jump in the circle jerk! Glad you joined the party here "t"!

You do know the reason I broke up with you? You were rude AF to the lady at the Pens game who sold the 50/50 for charity. And charity is kinda my middle name.

The Facebook stalking and other info you have on providers was just the icing on the cake I found out as your fabricated existence came crumbling down that night tannana.

Go join the circle jerk. We all know how you like to long as it's not for charity...cause that would just be a waste.

Quick question...
Do you still think about me when you hobby?

Sexymaid_69 and I do not always see eye to eye...I still completely trust her with my RW info.

I would be more worried about someone with a hammer or pimp. Your name is more important than your own safety? Ok, got it. I'm sure your wife will feel the same if you get the hammer.