This is for the liberals out there...

john_galt's Avatar
Seems as if someone conveniently forgot that Bush enacted the Patriot Act and its warrantless wiretaps, which Obama extended. Seems no one wants for us to have our freedom. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
I'm glad you mentioned the Patriot Act. If you ever caught an episode of Constitution Rock then you know that Bush did not pass anything. Bush wanted the Act and the Congress wrote it up, voted on it, and gave it to him. So Hillary, Kerry, and Edwards gave the Patriot Act to Bush and he signed it. He needed it to undo some of the damage from the Clinton years like the wall between the intelligence agencies which had to come down. Okay, for seven years the Patriot Act was good enough for the GOP. Then came Obama, he and the democrats renewed the Patriot Act and then they started added other things to it (there is where you should be concerned). Some things were not done by the Congress but by an act of a Czar or Secretary. While we're on the subject; Clinton started Rendition (sending prisoners overseas for interrogation)not Bush.
To conclude; the Patriot Act was requested by Bush, created by a bipartisan Congress, and was good enough to fight terrorism for eight years. Under Obama it was extended and "improved" on by fiat.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
JG, did Bush sign the Patriot Act into law?
We have a "President" who has never run so much as a hot dog stand, and has managed to skate through 48 years without a position of individual responsibility and accountability. This is the result.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
what did you guys do were all of you of asleep when was time to vote or what obama win in huge land slide I mean he wiped mccains ass I mean their are so many people on here who don't respect obama how in the hell did he win.
dirty dog's Avatar
A commanding Generalof his choice who dogs him and his advisors, a federal court that rules his ban on drilling is improper and now has the news hounds and political operatives on his case because of 15,000 dollars in investments non of which is in BP, and a group of people who still refuse to see that there are problems in camalot.
"how in the hell did he win"

The open secret that nobody seems to want to talk He outspent McCain 8 to 1...McCain took the public financing, Obama siad he would but didn't...meaning he had unlimited campaign funds. In some battleground states, he was spending more on TV ads alone than the entire McCain expenditures in that state.

State by state, McCain had to fold his tent and leave, in order to consolidate money in fewer and fewer states.

If you remember, Obama had so much money, he didn't know how to spend it all. He had his own television station. He bought an hour of primetime on all the networks. He was paying 'volunteers' to go door to door in battleground states.

Its really that simple. Now the genie is out of the bottle, and I wouldn't expect either candidate to accept public financing next time.
john_galt's Avatar
In South Carolina Obama bought ALL available TV time so McCain could not get any.

I never said that Bush didn't sign the Patriot Act but you were incorrect to say that it came from the White House. One for me, none for you
what did you guys do were all of you of asleep when was time to vote or what obama win in huge land slide I mean he wiped mccains ass I mean their are so many people on here who don't respect obama how in the hell did he win. Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
Sorry Cheaper - you are wrong again. A "landslide" victory in a presidential election is a popular vote differential of approximately 20%, or an electoral vote in which 80% of the electoral vote goes to the victor. In the 2008 election, it was a 52.9%-45.7% popular vote victory (7.2% differential - 10,000,000 vote difference out of approximately 126,000,000 votes cast) and a 68%-32% (365-173) electoral vote victory (28 states vs. 22 states) - not a landslide victory in either case.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I never said that Bush didn't sign the Patriot Act but you were incorrect to say that it came from the White House. One for me, none for you Originally Posted by john_galt
Seems as if someone conveniently forgot that Bush enacted the Patriot Act and its warrantless wiretaps, which Obama extended. Seems no one wants for us to have our freedom. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
Point out in my above quote where I said the White House drafted the legislation for the Patriot Act. What I said was that he enacted the Patriot Act. To enact is to sign into law or make into an act/law - I expect someone that got a 99 on a... what was it, a 4th grade spelling quiz?... to know what enacted means. I believe Congress only enacts a law if/when overriding a Presidential veto. You're reading comprehension skills may need a little work. Looks like I still have a shutout going on you JG.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Sorry Cheaper - you are wrong again. A "landslide" victory in a presidential election is a popular vote differential of approximately 20%... Originally Posted by fritz3552
I don't think he's definitively wrong. definitions of landslide are:


1. the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.

2. the mass itself.

3. an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes:
the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.

4. any overwhelming victory: She won the contest by a landslide.

It seems as if the definition is more in the eyes of the beholder. IMHO, I don't consider 2008 a landslide either by popular or electoral vote.
I don't think he's definitively wrong. definitions of landslide are:


1. the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.

2. the mass itself.

3. an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes:
the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.

4. any overwhelming victory: She won the contest by a landslide.

It seems as if the definition is more in the eyes of the beholder. IMHO, I don't consider 2008 a landslide either by popular or electoral vote. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
My attempt was to quantify based on historical information and common parlance, which the two links to the Wikipedia articles attempt to do.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
My attempt was to quantify based on historical information and common parlance, which the two links to the Wikipedia articles attempt to do. Originally Posted by fritz3552
I wasn't saying you were wrong, but it is a word that tends to be more subjective.
BiggestBest's Avatar
... IMHO, I don't consider 2008 a landslide either by popular or electoral vote. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
It is a landslide in comparison to how Bush beat Gore.
john_galt's Avatar
When you start arguing about the meanings of words, you don't have much of an argument.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
When you start arguing about the meanings of words, you don't have much of an argument. Originally Posted by john_galt
When you tacitly admit you don't know the meaning of words, it makes me laugh, plus it lets me know that I was right. Thanks JG. You remind me of some of those pundits, the ones that think they are smarter than they really are, that refuse to admit when they are wrong. You and Longer Monger have something in common that way. Neither of you can admit when either of you are wrong. Maybe you two are related. Do you have any love children you don't know about? Think hard, you probably have visited a lot of ports in your lifetime. But, don't worry, I'll be here to tell you when you are wrong. A hint: it's pretty much whenever you post. LOL. Here's a link below to help you out in the future. Hopefully your teacher will let you use this internet resource.

Place to go when I, John Galt, do not know what a word means