So I'm starting the process for a sex change

Well don't you know by now how stupid men are. I'm just glad I'm not a real man either
pyramider's Avatar
THN better order a larger pecker than 1.3".
THN, let me get this straight:
You want to be on the PAYING side of pussy?

Are you aware that MEN have a strong desire to fuck as much strange pussy as he could afford and a set of balls to ensure that he stays on that track?

good luck on your new venture and you might need a second job to satisfy your new found URGES.

ManSlut's Avatar
My thoughts:

1) Yes, I am EXTREMELY supportive of EVERYONE'S free will and their 'pursuits of happiness' as long as they do not put other's in jeopardy, danger or risk...This was our Founding Father's dogma and part of what made this country the ABSOLUTE FUCKING GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Speak to just about anyone else in the world and their one desire is to be an American!

2) Chateau Becot - I'll NEVER give up this thick, fat cock the good Lord blessed me with and I love to eat pussy as much as fucking it...My tongue opens the door and the dick closes it...Nuf said

3) Now your reputation for needing to have the last word is acceptable.

4) You're not a real man till you always leave the toilet seat up, just to piss her off!

5) I told Kendall4Me you would stop at nothing to come between our Love, but DAMN...Game on Dude!

6) Please don't have Little Man Syndrome - gotta be the loudest mouth in the crowd, always trying to 'whip' somebody's ass when they drink too much, etc...

7) Scratch-n-Sniff is a rite of passage, welcome to the club.

8) Some Ladies will do anything to get into the Men's Lounge

9) Now you can Creampie your buddy Milfy

10) Friday poker nights are kick ass in my 'hood, we'll add a chair.

11) I love you and respect whatever decision makes you happy and free.

12) I'll believe it when we're standing on a bridge over a body of water taking a piss and I say, "Damn, this water sure is cold!" and you know exactly what comeback to respond with?

13) Will you be auctioning your tits on EBay?
Oh Ya. April fools. Sorry I forgot about this.

Y'all have a good night. Xoxo
April fools!! My first guess. Haha
ManSlut's Avatar
Yep, a Dead Man could see that coming, but it was a nice change of pace from all the other Bullshit going on here of late...Thanks THN, I love a great sense of humor!!
SappyPappy's Avatar
Thank fucking God!
TinMan's Avatar
Didn't fool me for a second. You're too pretty to be a man.
micktoz's Avatar
That was a lot of fun. Thanks THN
berkleigh's Avatar
Oh Ya. April fools. Sorry I forgot about this.

Y'all have a good night. Xoxo Originally Posted by THN

I knew it! I'm in Scottsdale reading this from the pool LMAO! Good Read THN! We need to have a drink when I get back!
micktoz's Avatar
Ah crap! I guess a strap on will have to suffice for that threesome.
I knew it when you posted thank god sheesh!
daty/o's Avatar
Just goes to show what an open minded bunch we are. Gotta love this community.
Too funny.