Single Guys - Why Hobby????

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Lust, you got a good point there.

I can pick up some milfs, but the odds of me pulling 22 year old civilian coeds for free are extremely slim and I am pretty certain copious amounts alcohol would be involved.

I was think about the Charlie Sheen statement I borrowed and it fails to pass the test with many hobbyists, at least for awhile. Many men are really seeking intimacy form a provider. It is more about feeling special, feeling loved via physical affection, and the really good ones make all their clients feel like they are their ATF client.

Many single guys hobby for that reason; some do not know it yet, either. There a million reasons that they got here. Divorce is a common one. Widowed is another. Sex is a physical need and when emotionally you are unable to date because of a recent loss of a relationship, I think the hobby is highly therapeutic.

When the day comes you are doing a midget in a power chair though, the reasons you hobby have definitely changed. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Yoda, wise, you are. My gut hurts from laughing over that last sentence.

I was married and off the grid for quite a while. When my circumstances changed for the better, I discovered this hobby. It was a great leg-up to get back in the game. Nothing like having a top-shelf provider make you feel like a king before heading to your favorite bar/club. Or right before an important business meeting. It's like 'confidence viagra'.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Good question. I think the risk element makes it even more exciting. You know it is crazy, and could turn your life upside down... Somehow this makes it even more thrilling. At least to me. Originally Posted by subclade
Risk is relative even being single. There is still a rush when seeing someone new. You never really know what your walking into and what vice-le or pimp is hiding in the closet.

I like the solo lifestyle and don't want to muck it up with baggage. I don't answer to anyone but me.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Variety and quality. You can't beat it.
Precision45's Avatar
I can get all the pussy I want for free, some of it good, some of it not so good. If I want great pussy or something a civi gal scoffs at, I pay for it.
You pay her to leave not for the sex
Because I can! I hate stupid posts like this.
Your the only one that thinks its stupid. I think its a great post. I like to find out what some of the men have to say on this question.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 08-12-2010, 08:22 PM
I was think about the Charlie Sheen statement I borrowed and it fails to pass the test with many hobbyists, at least for awhile. Many men are really seeking intimacy form a provider. It is more about feeling special, feeling loved via physical affection, and the really good ones make all their clients feel like they are their ATF client. Originally Posted by cpi3000
It took me a few years to discover a few who could be THAT convincing.
Your the only one that thinks its stupid. I think its a great post. I like to find out what some of the men have to say on this question. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
From all the flippant responses from numerous guys, I'm not alone. The way he phrased the question ("are you too lazy to get free pussy?") was his way of demeaning and making fun of the single guys. Some single guys here can and do get free pussy. Others, like me, would never have the chance to be with such beautiful and wonderful in the real world. And the OP knows this and is thumbing his nose at the less fortunate single men like myself.

But I'm not surprised that you think this is a great post.
From all the flippant responses from numerous guys, I'm not alone. The way he phrased the question ("are you too lazy to get free pussy?") was his way of demeaning and making fun of the single guys. Some single guys here can and do get free pussy. Others, like me, would never have the chance to be with such beautiful and wonderful in the real world. And the OP knows this and is thumbing his nose at the less fortunate single men like myself.

But I'm not surprised that you think this is a great post. Originally Posted by BigEddie
Grow the fuck up. And I STILL think its a great post.
CoHorn's Avatar
I work extremely odd hours and have for some time. I don't have the time for a "dating life", so I do this instead. I can schedule an hour for my human contact and then go back to my mundane life. Maybe some day when I work a 9-5 job, I will get off of my lazy ass and get some free pussy
Grow the fuck up. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Go stalk and bother someone else.
slims099's Avatar
Ok, people chill out.
Go stalk and bother someone else. Originally Posted by BigEddie
Go stalk and bother someone else. Originally Posted by BigEddie
Grow up looser! Quit stalking me everywhere on posts, Fat eddie, oh my bad big eddie.
Now you have had your fun and have wasted my time with this crap. Im finished with you Eddie on this topic. Sorry to the op for the crap that got stared by him.