Obamacare - 1st Payment Premium Payment Due 1/10/14

flghtr65's Avatar
Now hold on there Flightened. We heard repeatedly that the number was 30 million, now you're saying it was higher? What is the problem with people buying their own healthcare insurance? When did it become the responsibility of government to decide what insurance policies are junk or not junk? That's really easy, May of 2010 when Obamacare was passed without a single vote from the representatives for half of the population in the country.

A much cheaper, workable, and efficient way would have been to create a high risk exchange subsidized by the government. This was proposed by the GOP but it never got voted on in the democratic house or senate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In the individual market, the HI companies can't deny HI to someone with pre-existing conditions. The HI companies will have to take on more risk and this will cause premiums to increase, just for the HI companies to break even. Even with the passage of the individual mandate(that everyone is required to obtain insurance or pay a tax) there is no garentee that the risk pool will have enough low risk people in it to offset the high risk people who will sign up. To answer the other question, personal bankruptcy is on the rise due to inadequate health insurance coverage. This is why the government pushed for making the policies to have better protection. Healthcare.gov is pretty much a high risk exchange. The high risk and low risk people are grouped together to make one risk pool that is subsidized.
flghtr65's Avatar
I used residents because that is what the CBO used. Click on reference #121 and there is a PDF file that has a report by the CBO that you can download to your computer. I take resident to be anyone who lives in a state. The 8 million people who count as illegal aliens, should be subtracted from the goal number. So the goal, the number of extra people you are trying to insure are 55 - 8 = 47 million. The CBO report still counts the illegal aliens as part of the total number of uninsured.

Public policy

Change in number of uninsured

See also: Health insurance coverage in the United States
The ACA has two primary mechanisms for increasing insurance coverage: expanding Medicaid eligibility to include individuals within 138% of the federal poverty level,[43] and creating state-based insurance exchanges where individuals and small business can buy health insurance plans—those individuals with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level will be eligible for subsidies to do so.[38][30] The CBO originally estimated that the legislation will reduce the number of uninsured residents by 32 million, leaving 23 million uninsured residents in 2019 after the bill's provisions have all taken effect.[121][122][123] With the elderly covered by Medicare, the CBO estimate projected that the law would raise the proportion of insured non-elderly citizens from 83% to 94%.[121] A July 2012 CBO estimate raised the expected number of uninsured by 3 million, reflecting the successful legal challenge to the ACA's expansion of Medicaid.[124][125]
Among the people who will remain uninsured:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patient...dable_Care_Act Originally Posted by flghtr65
Fix the typo.
In the individual market, the HI companies can't deny HI to someone with pre-existing conditions. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You and Obama keep pushing this lie. Many states had high risk pools. You could get hired at a company that gave HI. There wasn't a need to rework the whole system.

The HI companies will have to take on more risk and this will cause premiums to increase, just for the HI companies to break even. Even with the passage of the individual mandate(that everyone is required to obtain insurance or pay a tax) there is no garentee that the risk pool will have enough low risk people in it to offset the high risk people who will sign up. To answer the other question, personal bankruptcy is on the rise due to inadequate health insurance coverage. This is why the government pushed for making the policies to have better protection. Healthcare.gov is pretty much a high risk exchange. The high risk and low risk people are grouped together to make one risk pool that is subsidized. Originally Posted by flghtr65
The HI companies aren't taking on any more risk! The government is going to take on the risk with your and my tax dollars. There's no penalty for young healthy people to not sign up. The expanded Medicaid/Medicare part will be totally paid for by the govt. The govt is now subsidizing individual's insurance premium.

Obama moved the next premium increase from Oct 15 to Nov 15 to avoid the consequences of insurance hikes from the Dems. The same Obama who said on multiple occasions that there was $200 billion dollars of fraud in the Medicare system A YEAR!

The truth is this is another govt trough an industry will be feeding at. True they fed at it before but now it will be a feast. Any shortfall by the insurance companies will just be made up for by the federal govt.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Everything cost more each and every year, it is called inflation. God damn insurance on my house and car went up...is that Obama's fault? God some of you fuckers logic is wack. Originally Posted by WTF

B-B-B-But he said just the opposite. There it is.
Other than Yssup, who's premiums went down this year?
flghtr65's Avatar
You and Obama keep pushing this lie. Many states had high risk pools. You could get hired at a company that gave HI. There wasn't a need to rework the whole system.

The HI companies aren't taking on any more risk! The government is going to take on the risk with your and my tax dollars. There's no penalty for young healthy people to not sign up. The expanded Medicaid/Medicare part will be totally paid for by the govt. The govt is now subsidizing individual's insurance premium.

Obama moved the next premium increase from Oct 15 to Nov 15 to avoid the consequences of insurance hikes from the Dems. The same Obama who said on multiple occasions that there was $200 billion dollars of fraud in the Medicare system A YEAR!

The truth is this is another govt trough an industry will be feeding at. True they fed at it before but now it will be a feast. Any shortfall by the insurance companies will just be made up for by the federal govt. Originally Posted by gnadfly
1. You can only be on medicare if you are 65 or older.
2. You can only try to get on Medicaid if you are a family of 4 and your income is < $20,000 (this is considered the poverty level). Yes the government pays the premium but you have to be very poor to qualify for it.

3. The woman in the link below had pre-existing conditions and was repeatedly denied health insurance. She did go to the California high risk pool and her monthly premium was $1,800 per month. Not exactly affordable for a middle class person.

4. The bottom line is the individual market old system did not work. You have 40 million + uninsured people.

5. It's true that if the insurance companies lose too much money from the policies on the exchanges, the federal government will reimburse them. However, it's also true that if profit exceeds a certain amount the HI companies have to give money back to the federal government. Read the link in post #1 the partnership between the federal government and the health insurance companies is explained there.

6. With the ACA no one's premium can exceed 8 per cent of their monthly salary, which makes it affordable.

LexusLover's Avatar
I used residents because that is what the CBO used. Originally Posted by flghtr65
If the number IS 55 MILLION ... "residents" ... then ...

NO. 1: At the rate of a net ... Minus (-) 3.5 MILLION a quarter enrollments .... the rest of the "citizens" will not have private insurance by the year 2020. A Win-Win for the "National Insurance-One Payor" Crowd.

No. 2 The rest of the "RESIDENTS" who won't have insurance .. can leave the country.
LexusLover's Avatar
1. You can only be on medicare if you are 65 or older.
2. You can only try to get on Medicaid if you are a family of 4 and your income is < $20,000 (this is considered the poverty level). Yes the government pays the premium but you have to be very poor to qualify for it. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Oh, as for the above statement ... you must be basing it on "old paper work"!

https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statist...s/proj2010.pdf ............ 2010 was around the time ACA was being passed.

Here is the flaw in the "fundamentals" used to tout Obaminable Care:

"improvements in the economy" and "gains in employment"!

This is really a simple question ... for those Obaminable promised coverage beginning January 1st (another lie by the way) if they signed up as late as just before Christmas, what private insurance company is issuing policies for them?

Note: If you don't know them all, then name two and the amount of the premium to be paid.

Caveat: Don't jump too fast ... you'll end in the hole!
LexusLover's Avatar
If you worked for a large company like ATT, IBM, Walmart or Johnson & Johnson, you continued to get your HI from your employer. Originally Posted by flghtr65
That is not true. Many "large" companies ... (and small ones) ... are:

1. refusing to provide health coverage as a benefit
2. reducing hours to below the level for which they have to provide coverage
3. laying off employees
4. entering into contracts with workers so they are not "employees"
5. NOT HIRING new full time employees .. but merely part-time employees.

All you hype is based on the fraudulent sales pitch of 3 to 4 years ago in get it passed.

What has started occurring in the last two quarters of 2013 is the REALITY, and the "assumptions" proposed are not working to support the program, so Obaminable and his idiot "advisors" are trying to "tweak" the law with unlawful directives and regulations through "executive" dictates ... to change the law to fit the failing "assumptions" in an effort to keep this thing afloat, before the 2014 elections ... it's like trying to raise the Titanic ....

a fucking fantasy. And the taxpayers of this country ... NOT THE FUCKING "RESIDENTS" ... are taking the fucking.
flghtr65's Avatar
What "is" happening? People are being led into believing they have insurance?

Those are the lucky ones ... the ones who don't know nothing is happening!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, Why don't you ask JD Barleycorn if he thinks his Obamacare policy is REAL Health Insurance? I bet he disagrees with you.
flghtr65's Avatar
For all those who are worried about how many of the 2 million Obamacare accounts have paid their 1st premium, the 1st premium is not due until 1/10/14.

For JD, Aetna was willing to restore their cancelled policies, they didn't think they would have enough time. Also most Americans will not have to pay more for a new plan. From the link.

That's not to say that the replacement insurance will necessarily cost more, though. Families USA, a proponent of the Affordable Care Act, conducted a study that found most Americans losing their current health insurance plans won't pay more for a new plan, thanks in large part to federal subsidies.

http://www.fool.com/investing/genera...obamacare.aspx Originally Posted by flghtr65
Health Industry expert gives a status report on the ACA. So far, 50% of the 2 million accounts on Healthcare.GOV have paid their premium.

MEMO to Lexus Lover, the ACA is moving forward!

lustylad's Avatar
Health Industry expert gives a status report on the ACA. So far, 50% of the 2 million accounts on Healthcare.GOV have paid their premium.

MEMO to Lexus Lover, the ACA is moving forward!

http://finance.yahoo.com/news/health...204703300.html Originally Posted by flghtr65
Hey flighty, you are an idiot! Did you read your own link? First of all, the industry expert never said "50% of the 2 million accounts" have paid their premium. The 50% refers to a few private insurers he apparently canvassed. Most of the 2 million have signed up for Medicaid which is free.

Second, the guy doesn't characterize the 50% estimate as a sign that "the ACA is moving forward"; to the contrary, he says it is "not a reason to panic yet".

Thirdly, the whole tone of his comments is predominantly negative about the ACA:

"It's not positive... it doesn't look good right now... We only have about 10% of the uninsured in here... the uninsured are not finding Obamacare to be the value they hoped it will be... the fundamental problem with Obamacare (is)... it doesn't really meet the needs of healthy people and middle-class people."

So congratulations on being such an idiot! You just posted, misquoted and mischaracterized a link that actually refutes your own arguments. You shot yourself in the foot. You handed your own ass to yourself.

I don't have time to fact-check the rest of the dubious claims you made in this thread. Fuck it, why bother? After reading the above, you've lost all credibility anyway.
Hey flighty, you are an idiot! Did you read your own link? First of all, the industry expert never said "50% of the 2 million accounts" have paid their premium. The 50% refers to a few private insurers he apparently canvassed. Most of the 2 million have signed up for Medicaid which is free.

Second, the guy doesn't characterize the 50% estimate as a sign that "the ACA is moving forward"; to the contrary, he says it is "not a reason to panic yet".

Thirdly, the whole tone of his comments is predominantly negative about the ACA:

"It's not positive... it doesn't look good right now... We only have about 10% of the uninsured in here... the uninsured are not finding Obamacare to be the value they hoped it will be... the fundamental problem with Obamacare (is)... it doesn't really meet the needs of healthy people and middle-class people."

So again - you are an idiot! You just posted, misquoted and mischaracterized a link that actually refutes your own arguments. You shot yourself in the foot. You handed your own ass to yourself.

I don't have time to fact-check the rest of the dubious claims you made in this thread. Fuck it, why bother? After reading the above, you've lost all credibility anyway. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm laughing real hard right now.... Good job..
flghtr65's Avatar
[QUOTE=lustylad;1054823216] The 50% refers to a few private insurers he apparently canvassed.

Here is what he said.

However, all of that will not matter if people do not start paying. ”I was surprised today calling around to people to find only about 50 percent have paid,” Laszewski said, per the Washington Post. He does not believe that this is “a reason to panic yet,” because of the fluidity of due dates recently.

The 50% refers to the people with the accounts.

By the way if you make less than the poverty level you are suppose to be on Medicaid and your premium is supposed to be free.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So, according to Flightie, any private company that has high risk ventures priced out of the norm need government regulation? So the government should come in and force the skydiving, deep sea diving, and hang gliding companies to lower their prices to match...say, a round of miniature golf?

Private companies means that they are private. They can set their prices any way they want. If they set them too high then they go broke. Is that really too hard to understand? If there is a demand someone will fill it.
flghtr65's Avatar
So, according to Flightie, any private company that has high risk ventures priced out of the norm need government regulation? So the government should come in and force the skydiving, deep sea diving, and hang gliding companies to lower their prices to match...say, a round of miniature golf?

Private companies means that they are private. They can set their prices any way they want. If they set them too high then they go broke. Is that really too hard to understand? If there is a demand someone will fill it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, you are comparing apples to oranges again. Health Insurance is a necessity. Sky diving and hang gliding are nice to haves. Before the ACA you had 40 million U.S. citizens who don't have any health insurance. People with pre-existing conditions were simply denied health insurance, like the woman in the link below. Medications were too expensive for seniors, Bush implemented his prescription drug program to help seniors pay for their medications. So, entitlements are OK as long as they are started by a republican.
