Houston we have a problem!!!

  • LynnT
  • 11-07-2011, 07:13 PM
If Houston is so bad, then why keep coming back? The OP states that the last 5 trips have been terrible. FIVE TRIPS, so how many trips does it take to realize maybe Houston is not a good business destination? I know If I was a provider and had that experience I would had given up on Houston long ago and stick to places that work, it surely would not take FIVE trips to give up. Something does not add up, so in MY opinion, the OP has something else in her agenda. Originally Posted by Pica Flor
She has made friends there. Sometimes its business and pleasure.

I didnt have the greatest visit. I met some cool ladies and gents a the M&G though, I had fun. saw some cool clients, one took me to dinner and the food was awesome, he was cool too. I did enjoy all the food I ate. lol
Chicken shit..... Originally Posted by BDS
yawn, what's the point of bringing this up if you're not going to name names...
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
There is more than one way to put a name out there, and still remain civil which should in turn not lead to further issues...... it is a simple matter-of-fact statement is all..... You see threads in here ALL THE TIME when providers NCNS, and she has the means to explain herself, or wear it for all to see.... Hobbyist should get that same right.... the issue here is that there are plenty of us who do not NCNS that will inadvertantly get lumped in with all the other asshats because of it, and once a lady gets upset and leaves Houston that venom is released and others get frightened off from visiting in the future.......

This is obviously an ongoing issue..... whether it be WKs for other providers, other providers themselves, Pimps, or simply a collection of Jackasses..... they need to be exposed in some form or another in order to act as a deterent from continuing to do it in the future..... Without reprecussions, why would they feel a need to stop? The Blacklist, and Provider Buzz are seen, but often ignored or overlooked by other providers and sessions still booked...... At least if they are listed here, they can feel the wrath of other hobbyists who they piss off with these actions as well......

Now again.... shit happens... and it can happen to anyone..... while the habitual ones need to be exposed and handled accordingly..... the "one-timers" should have the right to explain themselves and hopefully even make it up to the lady who put him out there.......

Once again.... this can all be done in a Civil manner where it will not effect your business! In fact, hopes are that it would help it and all other visiting providers in the future.......

john353's Avatar
You guys say we are chickens.... but.. i have mentioned one name before about a ncns.. and to this day i am stalked and harassed and even had to change my cell number only for him to obtain it and continue. So to make mention of another name... NOT worth it. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Another clear example of an individual who should be named.

So...who is this stalker? Got the guts to share with the rest of us?

These threads are countless in number, but they never go anywhere because all you ladies do is bitch and complain but you don't have the guts to do anything about it.

Believe me...we would LOVE to know who these individuals are.

So it seems to me you have a choice...

1. Name the assholes who fuck this up for not only you...but for those of us who actually want to see you.

2. Come here...deal with bullshit...and STFU.

3. Stay home.

What's it gonna be?
You guys say we are chickens.... but.. i have mentioned one name before about a ncns.. and to this day i am stalked and harassed and even had to change my cell number only for him to obtain it and continue. So to make mention of another name... NOT worth it. I simply put him on a DNS ever list.. and move on.
My comment earlier was actually in defense of Houston men. I have been to houston 3 times. My first time i had only 1 cancellation (an hour before), the 2nd time was a ncns and the 3rd.. a cancellation (an hour before). Ironically it was the same guy ALL 3 times... but i take full blame as i should had DNS listed him the first time.

Again, my comment earlier was in defense of the guys... I have been there 3 times and only encountered ONE person that has done this... and the other gentlemen I saw.. well They are GREAT!! Spoiled me, treated me like a lady and have become some of my favorite men in the hobby. So my experience- there is always at least one bad apple in each city... whether its Houston, Dallas, or OKC. I like to focus and give attention to the good ones... and to the traveling ladies- I have NEVER left Houston with regret... just the need to go into boink recovery mode... something in that Houston water that gives these boys stamina galore!!! Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

I wasn't going to go there. But, since you have hinted at this in chat on a couple of occasions recently and again in this thread. I will speak up and say that I am the person she is mentioning in this thread with the 3 strikes. Of course that is not what happened as mentioned.

But, I will leave it there and not add anymore to the drama. She knows what happened in each of those instances and others here on this board do as well. No one needs to jump in to this discussion on my behalf and say anything.

I will just leave it there and let the chips fall where they may.......After all, it's a pretty big deal for me to be on a DNS list.....So I guess it is a first for everything.......
dearhunter's Avatar
Being on a DNS list is not that big a deal.......welcome to my blue heaven.......ijs.
DarthMaul's Avatar
The complaining women are chicken shits who are hesitant. Out them or stop your complaining and go back home. Originally Posted by ZedX79
Dude, do you really want to go there? Calling someone who comes with a complaint "chicken shits" is chicken shit.

The fact that someone brought it up is good enough for me. Naming names that would be GREAT but you know these women would be hunted down on this board and called all kinds of names or worse.

The best thing to do...GIVE ALL THE LADIES ACCESS WITH MORE THAN 10 posts ACCESS TO THE POWDER ROOM..so they can share the info.

Hobbyist blasting other Hobbyist is drama which leads to points, BANNING and then crying grown ass men.
The best thing to do...GIVE ALL THE LADIES ACCESS WITH MORE THAN 10 posts ACCESS TO THE POWDER ROOM..so they can share the info. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
So maybe we need to look at relaxing the rules a bit so that more ladies can have access to the PR. I know there are problems with leaks and honestly not sure that will ever be fixed. But at least more women can participate and not be left out of the loop with potentially harmful clients and or other issues like this one. It is just a thought.
  • Chloe
  • 11-08-2011, 01:00 AM
I love it! Chicken shit lol BDS you are too funny, and a cool chick! On another hand . . .see how many have called themselves out??!! First off DO NOT ASK FOR WHAT YOU ARE NOT READY TO HANDLE. Names are coming . . .thank goodness I am insanely busy with no time for the archives visit in an area of which respects my time and fills it well!

Before this happens . . .Rules mods? I have a tighter or different screening and have REAL names, p411 accounts, job info, personal addresses and personal e-mail info . . . post that publicly????

I don't have to go to Houston ever again, I have nothing to gain or loose . . . . don't test me and do not undermine my intelligence You have nothing on or over me. I have received the pathetic threats so you may continue your child like behavior. . . . these are facts and real experiences. If you are offended maybe you have REASON TO TAKE OFFENSE.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I love it! Chicken shit lol BDS you are too funny, and a cool chick! On another hand . . .see how many have called themselves out??!! First off DO NOT ASK FOR WHAT YOU ARE NOT READY TO HANDLE. Names are coming . . .thank goodness I am insanely busy with no time for the archives visit in an area of which respects my time and fills it well!

Before this happens . . .Rules mods? I have a tighter or different screening and have REAL names, p411 accounts, job info, personal addresses and personal e-mail info . . . post that publicly????

I don't have to go to Houston ever again, I have nothing to gain or loose . . . . don't test me and do not undermine my intelligence You have nothing on or over me. I have received the pathetic threats so you may continue your child like behavior. . . . these are facts and real experiences. If you are offended maybe you have REASON TO TAKE OFFENSE. Originally Posted by Chloe

Realize that Board Rules are still in effect........ REAL Names, REAL LIFE info, P411 handles are a NO GO! As I stated earlier...... this can be done in a civil and informative manner so as to avoid drama...... Eccie handles are more than welcome to be posted so that those members can have an opportunity to explain themselves and be held accounted for......

  • Chloe
  • 11-08-2011, 02:18 AM
I believe they left their ECCIE handles out for a reason! JaD

I will come up with what I can on handles, the rest will be alerted to ladies only. . . .real ladies only. Sorry guys I am not breaking rules! Would you place the real name, address and number of a provider you have no fake name for in public??

I have a great computer solution for the owners that will get rid of everything here, something I have used and wiped drama out!!
I'm glad you took that in the context it was meant Chloe...cos I do like you too!

I have mixed feelings about blasting guys on here too for some stupid shit they tried!

I know the crowd you hang with when you here and I see why you alittle nervous to say handle names...

BUT you not the only one this has happened tooo...trust me!
When I read your first post 1 guy came to mind that we both hung out with ALOT...i know its probably not just one guy but 1 guy fits most of those numbers on your list...I got your back if you decide to blast him!!

Pm in sending...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Chloe I'm sorry that you and any other provider has gone through what you have here. I do hope that you can find a way to name them within the rules of the board and at the least we can all see who pulls this crap.

Some of us share your frustations on this matter
Don't want to hi-jack her thread, so I will start another one. I will be naming names.
I didn't know the issue went this deep. I dont like Houston, but it's because the phone doesnt ring as much as it should. When it does, I do get a lot of time wasters. People inquiring about my availability, then never booking. People booking (as if its not on my website), then never calling to verify. The bullshit never ends. I don't post names because hey, maybe his car really DID break down, then his mom got sick and he later had open heart surgery. haha. I bite the bullet and take my ass to my 9-5. If guys want to make it difficult for me to be in this business then it'll be just that. I'll post. If you guys contact me and are SERIOUS about meeting we'll meet. And everything will be fine. If not, I hope some bp hooker baits and switches you THEN upsells you and has her pimp come intimidate you. I know I'm tired of hearing complaints about it when you guys have a bevy of verified girls with reviews to chose from!

Ironically, I had even more issues like this in Atlanta. I've considered traveling, but no one bit the bait. I've heard bad things about both Austin and San Antonio and I know Dallas is way overcrowded. This crap has to end!

Yes, there are a few good men here. Have I seen them? haha. That's laughable.