Kerry signs UN small arms treaty.

Go fuck each other. Originally Posted by CJ7
Shh, don't tell "Sweet Ass" IIFFY that that Hanoi COG is running around on him!
Apparently you didn't read the article I posted or I B Hankering's post because if your illiterate ass could read then you would know that the Constitution makes a treaty law. You should take your head out of your ass!!!!

I said the constitution trumps an international treaty, and it does.

neither one of you miserable shitheads can show the audience where the treaty strips americans of their 2nd amendment rights because it doesn't. Go fuck each other. Originally Posted by CJ7
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  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2013, 05:09 PM
Apparently you didn't read the article I posted or I B Hankering's post because if your illiterate ass could read then you would know that the Constitution makes a treaty law. You should take your head out of your ass!!!! Originally Posted by therock18

apparently you cant tell me what part of the treaty breaks the Constitution, namely,

the 2nd amendment

can you?
I B Hankering's Avatar
apparently you cant tell me what part of the treaty breaks the Constitution, namely,

the 2nd amendment

can you? Originally Posted by CJ7
Because that determination will be made by the Supremes, CBJ7.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2013, 07:57 PM
Because that determination will be made by the Supremes, CBJ7. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

OH SNAP ! the SC decides if the treaty can strip you of your 2nd amendment rights?

you are a total dumbass
I B Hankering's Avatar
OH SNAP ! the SC decides if the treaty can strip you of your 2nd amendment rights?

you are a total dumbass Originally Posted by CJ7
Yep! Could happen if and when you have a lib-retard majority sitting on the bench, CBJ7.
Pretty sure we have a treaty out there that that the people of CO and WA just recently gave a big "fuck you" to our federal government and all those other countries that signed a treaty with us, and red states will do the same with this treaty if the feds try to step on our toes on this one.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2013, 08:21 PM
Yep! Could happen if and when you have a lib-retard majority sitting on the bench, CBJ7. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

bullshit, the treaty has no constitutional implication to begin with.

could happen ... you could grow a brain too, but not very likely
bullshit, the treaty has no constitutional implication to begin with. Originally Posted by CJ7
If you omit the words "infringe" out of the Constitution, you are correct.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If this site is any indication of the fractious nature of American politics - were headed for a civil war!
Each side hates the other and will not give an inch, demonizes the other side, and assumes what amounts to a line in the sand.
As they say in the ghetto, "This shit be fucked up!"
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  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2013, 08:36 PM
If you omit the words "infringe" out of the Constitution, you are correct. Originally Posted by nwarounder

no need to omit anything there never has been a threat to your 2nd amendment rights, and never will

funny thing, not one of you sliiy little bitches can prove it either

could be
omit this
yada yada yada
If this site is any indication of the fractious nature of American politics - were headed for a civil war!
Each side hates the other and will not give an inch, demonizes the other side, and assumes what amounts to a line in the sand.
As they say in the ghetto, "This shit be fucked up!" Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
It's only the anonymity that makes it seem like that here, or at least in my experience people don't behave in this manner when their is the possibility of an ass whooping coming their way.
no need to omit anything there never has been a threat to your 2nd amendment rights, and never will

funny thing, not one of you sliiy little bitches can prove it either

could be
omit this
yada yada yada Originally Posted by CJ7
We obviously disagree on the definition of infringe.

"encroach on somebody's rights or property: to take over land, rights, privileges, or activities that belong to somebody else, especially in a minor or gradual way"

Heavy emphasis on the last seven words, but I agree we still have the right to bear arms, just that it has been infringed upon already and the treaty, if twisted or contorted, could lead to further infringement.

It's really funny to here a lib talk about gun control and making people have an ID and a back ground check to purchase a gun, and how that is NOT an infringement on the 2nd Amendment, but when you apply those same standards, and even less, by requiring an ID to vote it IS an infringement on their Constitutional rights. Appreciate the comedy!
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  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2013, 08:54 PM
We obviously disagree on the definition of infringe.

"encroach on somebody's rights or property: to take over land, rights, privileges, or activities that belong to somebody else, especially in a minor or gradual way"

Heavy emphasis on the last seven words, but I agree we still have the right to bear arms, just that it has been infringed upon already and the treaty, if twisted or contorted, could lead to further infringement. Originally Posted by nwarounder

then show me where the treaty infringes on ANY of your constitutional rights
I B Hankering's Avatar
bullshit, the treaty has no constitutional implication to begin with.

could happen ... you could grow a brain too, but not very likely Originally Posted by CJ7
So now you're very ignorantly arguing that the Supreme Court doesn't rule on constitutionality, CBJ7?