Multiple studies; conservatives are just dumb

lustylad's Avatar
Education is not the same as intelligence. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
As my grandmother (who graduated Phi Beta Kappa a century ago) used to say - "the aim of all education is to teach you how little you know..."

...which explains why undercunt (a Dogpatch high school flunkee) acts like such a know-it-all!

Hey uber cunt, did you finish calculating pi to the last decimal yet? Stop posting and get on it!
As my grandmother (who graduated phi beta kappa a century ago) used to say - "the aim of all education is to teach you how little you know..."

...which explains why undercunt acts like such a know-it-all!

Hey uber cunt, did you finish calculating pi to the last decimal yet? Originally Posted by lustylad
Sure did, jizzmopper. Who gives a fuck what your granny said. You're seriously invoking your granny on a hooker board? I've seen it all now. Interesting note, she might have been educated, but she couldn't vote yet. Great country we live in.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Being an atheist, I choose in my personal communications not to capitalize those words. When I'm being paid, I follow the generally accepted rules. If we want to talk about grammar nazi, we always put commas INSIDE quotation marks. So you have about 17K instances of being fucked up as you always put them outside. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Regardless of your personal beliefs, proper nouns are still capitalized, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.

revealing that you link education and intelligence. Like the dummies that can't believe in global climate change, because it keeps snowing. read the article, before you comment. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
This is as desperate as you've ever sounded. And that's pretty desperate. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I am not desperate, not one dam bit. I know what the score is and I also know what this country has gone through in the past six years. We are being lied to and fucked out of our constitutional rights bit by bit until this country is finished. Although it has been going on for a couple of decades, Obama has made it the most obvious. He pushes ands passes a Healthcare Bill before anyone truly understands it that's stupid. He opens our borders so any swinging dick can just waltz right in that's stupid. He tinkers with the second amendment, that's stupid. He race baits the American public, that's real stupid. The list is endless. What's scary is he does it all on purpose. What's scary still is people like you are too stupid to know when you're being played.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, proper nouns are still capitalized, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Are you paying me? Didn't think so. And I didn't put a comma there because I don't intend the reader to pause.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Are you paying me? Didn't think so. And I didn't put a comma there because I don't intend the reader to pause. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You're the pretentious ass who wants to play grammar Nazi, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, and improper comma usage accounts for only two of the errors indicated.
You're the pretentious ass who wants to play grammar Nazi, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, and improper comma usage accounts for only two of the errors indicated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're still placing your comma outside the quotation marks. You have displayed no interest in being correct in any previous dealings I've had with you. This is just a further example of that fact.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're still placing your comma outside the quotation marks. You have displayed no interest in being correct in any previous dealings I've had with you. This is just a further example of that fact. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You're the pretentious jackass who wants to play grammar Nazi, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, and you're the one who keeps claiming such knowledge is fundamental to your occupation. Yet, your stupid-ass posts exemplify how you have obviously failed to master your self-professed craft, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.
You're the pretentious jackass who wants to play grammar Nazi, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, and you're the one who keeps claiming such knowledge is fundamental to your occupation. Yet, your stupid-ass posts exemplify how you have obviously failed to master your self-professed craft, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
My bank account would disagree with you.
  • DSK
  • 03-21-2015, 10:12 PM
Learn to spell, first. Read the constitution and make up your own mind? That sounds like christianity and the bible, just read it and make up your own mind. How has that worked out for you? I have read it. I don't think it allows for the individual right to have guns. There, I made up my own mind on it. I'm sure you disagree and we're back at square one. Nice plan.

People get more conservative as they get older? Wrong again, dipshit.

Links to studies about liberals having the intellectual edge

There were several links WITHIN the first article I posted that led to several OTHER studies, but true to form, you were too dumb to see that or find them. So I have made you aware of it now. Hint; when a word is colored differently within a sentence mentioning another study, you can click on that word as it's linked to said article. Just a little internet 101 for you.

Here are 5 more PEER REVIEWED studies that indicate the same thing. If you don't know what peer reviewed means, you really shouldn't even be commenting on this. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
So, you believe the studies that say liberals are smarter (higher IQ) than conservatives. Fair enough. What about the results of IQ tests that show Asians are the smartest, followed by whites, then Mexicans, then blacks?
  • DSK
  • 03-21-2015, 10:22 PM
Being an atheist, I choose in my personal communications not to capitalize those words. When I'm being paid, I follow the generally accepted rules. If we want to talk about grammar nazi, we always put commas INSIDE quotation marks. So you have about 17K instances of being fucked up as you always put them outside. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I believe he is right IB when he is just talking about "#Grubered" minions and putting the comma inside the quotation marks. I cannot come up with an instance where you put a comma outside a quotation mark. I think if you don't put it inside then don't use it at all.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Are you paying me? Didn't think so. And I didn't put a comma there because I don't intend the reader to pause. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Ok. You are not really the ideal person to promote the idea that liberals are smarter than others. I'm just sayin'.
lustylad's Avatar
Ok. You are not really the ideal person to promote the idea that liberals are smarter than others. I'm just sayin'. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're right, COG. Undercunt is the poster child for the smarmy-ass libtard who THINKS he is smarter than everyone else. Of course, he still has a nagging sense that he isn't. That's why he needs to dig up "studies" to sustain his superiority complex and silence his insecurities.

By the way undercunt, my British chums tell me commas belong outside the quotemarks. Ask your limeydick WK, shammytard.
You're right, COG. Undercunt is the poster child for the smarmy-ass libtard who THINKS he is smarter than everyone else. Of course, he still has a nagging sense that he isn't. That's why he needs to dig up "studies" to sustain his superiority complex and silence his insecurities.

By the way undercunt, my British chums tell me commas belong outside the quotemarks. Ask your limeydick WK, shammytard. Originally Posted by lustylad
Here watch this video, This really sums up this guy UC and a few others we all know and love, lol.

I B Hankering's Avatar
My bank account would disagree with you. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Your error ladened posts say otherwise, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.

I believe he is right IB when he is just talking about "#Grubered" minions and putting the comma inside the quotation marks. I cannot come up with an instance where you put a comma outside a quotation mark. I think if you don't put it inside then don't use it at all. Originally Posted by DSK
Check the British rules which are based on logic. And just why are you WKing for this smarmy POS? He was the one who claims to be professionally engaged in proofreading; yet, his posts are filled with errors while he hypocritically denigrates others: see @ # 24. BTW, a true "professional" would damn well capitalize proper nouns such as Bible and Christianity.

For at least two centuries, it has been standard practice in the United States to place commas and periods inside of quotation marks. This rule still holds for professionally edited prose: what you'll find in Slate, the New York Times, the Washington Post— almost any place adhering to Modern Language Association (MLA) or AP guidelines. But in copy-editor-free zones—the Web and emails, student papers, business memos—with increasing frequency, commas and periods find themselves on the outside of quotation marks, looking in. A punctuation paradigm is shifting.

Indeed, unless you associate exclusively with editors and prescriptivists, you can find copious examples of the "outside" technique—which readers of Virginia Woolf and The Guardian will recognize as the British style.