Reviews, and final notice!

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Lol that's funny right there I don't care who ya are...

Screw the edit....

Ok whether the legal issues are hobby related or not doesn't matter however just imagine she wasn't able to take care of it. Missed a payment or something. Then she gets a warrant issued for her arrest. Be her and some poor schmuck's luck that the decide to pick her up during a session. Lo and behold look what they found, they've found how she makes money on the side. You wanna be the one there when that goes down? Probably so

Feel free to fix any mistakes you like. I'm not that great at punctuation and spelling
Mojojo's Avatar
This is starting to become funny.

Y'all carry on. I'm about to go fix myself a drink! Originally Posted by kerwil62
Make that 2! Thanks ill get next round!
Wow EA you sure are a real piece. Do you have God in your life? I will pray for you tonight. I hope you find what you are looking for through Him. By the way there will be no warrant ever so don't hold your breath on that one. I don't know how the subject came up, but my issue is drinking related. EA please go to church it might do you some good.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I never said I was quiting today. My last day is December 30 when my legal issue is taken care of. Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Because Jack I need to handle my legal issue so until then if y'all want to bash me go ahead, but I am just trying to be front with everyone. I'm still on the clock until then. Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Her legal issue is not the hobby related one, don't you guys dare to start the rumor.
She is a good girl gets caught in an ugly situation, as mentioned in the previous posts.

Cut her some slack would you ? let her move on peacefully. Originally Posted by In1impmiss
That's where the legal issue came up. I didn't bring it up.....
Jemma, here's the thing... No one brought up the legal issue except for the WK and you. That's when ppl commented. We don't care what it is related to and frankly some ppl rather not know about it.
Mojojo's Avatar
EA please go to church it might do you some good. Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Lmk when you do EA

Jemma I think your assumption of people getting what they want is incorrect. Yes perhaps some would like to see you go and some would not there is no denying that both sides exist. Whether you choose to leave or stay is completely up to you, furthermore its a decision that you yourself should make based on your own thoughts and not other folks opinions.

I don't think you should take the comments as something personal but rather as a red flag to get you thinking as to what is causing this to happen. Remember guys are NOT REQUIRED to see you, so your level of service in this business really matters and its imperative that you perform to the best of your ability.

My suggestion (and I hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears) is for you is to learn from these comments and reviews. It's understandable that you may not connect with every client, especially in a business such as this one. If your reviewer gave you a no find out why and what could you do or have done to make it better.
Sarunga's Avatar
Jemma, my feeling is that you are probably too young to be an independent provider. So, taking a break from this life and re-evaluating your priorities will do you some good. And keep in mind that we live in a very volatile society....your enemies today, could become your friends tomorrow.
Okay MoJo I got it. It's understood. Thanks.
can I make a suggestion Jemma has real life issues she is dealing with which are none of our business. Speculating what they are and posting that on here can make things worse or at lease create drama. She does not need that, nor does this site.

How about a mod lock this thread so that it goes no further?

Jemma, best of luck in your life in the future.... do what you gotta do.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Unfortunately locking it won't stop the speculating however she's already adressed what it was so that takes away any reason to do so.....
punisher's Avatar
Jemma I never got a chance to see you also, and I would like to wish you good luck in your endeavor. To be honest with you the reason why I never got to see you was the fact that I am not a texting kind of guy, I am a voice-to-voice type of guy.

But anyway, again, good luck with your future and I know you will take care of whatever "bump on the road" you may have. Just remember...

"Don't limit your challenges, but challenge your limits".

Again, good luck and God Bless.

---The Punisher---
stay at it till the end of the year please treat every guy like your first guy every cock like your last cock. suck that next dick like every drop of semen is the nectar of the gods. thats all us guys really want. you are a beautiful i mean beautiful woman that many men would gladly pay good money for in exchange for great sex. forget the personal issues forget the drama fuck and suck us like we were the only men on earth and the good vibes will follow. no need for therapy or tears suck a better cock and the world will be a path to your door.. and give great reviews. oh yeah a i am sorry special would not hurt either.
I never said I was quiting today. My last day is December 30 when my legal issue is taken care of. Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
Good luck Jenna. I saw you a couple of times way back when you first began and based on what is happening now am sorry that things have gone for you the way that they have gone. Dont let a few people poison you as to everyone else. Maybe I ought to see you again before you leave although Im sure you dont remember me. LOL
Well I know that EA went to 'Church' this weekend. If he got anything young and innocent on his pole while he was there though...

Any why can't I seem to use the private tag anymore. did I miss something?
1bubba1's Avatar
Can't we all just get along????
Good luck to you Jemma, I hope too see you again before you leave the hobby.