The Bad Side of Multiculturalism

  • DSK
  • 09-18-2015, 05:53 AM
DSK - I wouldn't say the teacher or the cops were racist- but I would say they have perceived stereotypes- here you have a kid named Ahmad Muhammad with a device that has wires and ticks- people automatically assume terrorist- if the student's name were a Jewish name like Abraham Goldsmith- I doubt if the same reaction would have happened. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I would say you are right about this, with a few possible exceptions here and there for other weird over reactions.

Please consider this, though: If a white man's wife were required to show up in a burka, obey her husband, and probably not be allowed to drive herself, how much grief would he get? Muslim women are horribly oppressed.
  • DSK
  • 09-18-2015, 05:58 AM

A Black kid asks his mother, "What's a democracy?"

"Well, son, that's when White Folks Work Real Hard every day so we can gets all our Free benefits, you knows, like Free Obama phones, Free Welfare money, Free Section 8 rent subsidy, Free food stamps, Free WIC, Free healthcare, Free utility subsidy, and the list goes on and on, you knows"...

"But mama, don't the White people get mad about that?" Sure they do, that's called Racism!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I think that your posting here proves you are a racist!!
I think that your posting here proves you are a racist!! Originally Posted by DSK
Yes indeed!

  • DSK
  • 09-18-2015, 07:26 AM
What a completely fucked up way to think. Of course there are idiotic, racist Muslims who will hate me based on my skin color or my choice (or non-choice) of religion. They're the same as you. Think about that for a while genius.

I have no problem with you not liking folks who don't earn their keep, assuming they are able. I do have a problem with you classifying every minority as fitting that description. They don't.

Save the absurd arguments that progressives and democrats are somehow responsible for the state of race relations today for a circle jerk with the admiral and the rest of the knuckledraggers on here who try to make that argument fly. It makes about as much sense as statements like conservatives were responsible for civil rights, Martin Luther King hated immigrants, and somewhere a Malaysian Airlines 777 is hidden in a desert enclave. It's bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
I understand your point of view, and I wish you were right about the good intentions a majority of non-whites and Muslims have toward white people. Many of them probably do. Hopefully, I'm wrong and we will all get along. I see some small chance of that since I work with these people everyday, and have no conflicts.

However, where we obviously disagree is that I think there are many more than you do that hate us just for being white and non-Muslim, and that they are not inclined to continue this liberal Western style democracy when they completely control it. If that is the case, there is no going back short of a war which even if we win, we will kill people by the millions on both sides. I don't want that - I just want them to live in peace back in the traditional Arab lands, and have a place I can live with white people who are culturally compatible. They really don't like our way of life, anyway - and I don't like their misogynistic culture, either.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I would say you are right about this, with a few possible exceptions here and there for other weird over reactions.

Please consider this, though: If a white man's wife were required to show up in a burka, obey her husband, and probably not be allowed to drive herself, how much grief would he get? Muslim women are horribly oppressed. Originally Posted by DSK
Go to Utah and tell me how the Mormon wives are treated. Heck you ever seen a woman rabbi?
  • DSK
  • 09-18-2015, 02:22 PM
Go to Utah and tell me how the Mormon wives are treated. Heck you ever seen a woman rabbi? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I have been to Utah, and the Mormon wives look well treated. I'm sure they have a few malcontents.

As for women Rabbi's, it doesn't concern me!!! However, I'm sure the Reform congregations, which are not considered real Jews by many Jewish people, probably have plenty of women Rabbi's.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Go to Utah and tell me how the Mormon wives are treated. Heck you ever seen a woman rabbi? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Get your lawyer on it right now, WeeEndowed1.911".
dirty dog's Avatar
DSK/Jewish Lawyer- I wouldn't say the teacher or the cops were racist- but I would say they have perceived stereotypes- here you have a kid named Ahmad Muhammad with a device that has wires and ticks- people automatically assume terrorist- if the student's name were a jewish name like Abraham Goldsmth- I doubt if the same reaction would have happened. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The kid brought a box with a clock in it and wires coming out of it? what did he think is going to happen. Was it an over reaction yes it was, but one in a long line of over reactions from schools all over this country. They over react because no school or school administrator or faculty member wants to be seen as not reacting to what they see and something bad happens. Should he have been arrested no, should he have brought a project like that to school without advising the teacher or principle before hand, NO. His parents should have used some common sense, something they obviously have not instilled in their kid.
The kid brought a box with a clock in it and wires coming out of it? what did he think is going to happen. Was it an over reaction yes it was, but one in a long line of over reactions from schools all over this country. They over react because no school or school administrator or faculty member wants to be seen as not reacting to what they see and something bad happens. Should he have been arrested no, should he have brought a project like that to school without advising the teacher or principle before hand, NO. His parents should have used some common sense, something they obviously have not instilled in their kid. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Pot, meet Kettle!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I have been to Utah, and the Mormon wives look well treated. I'm sure they have a few malcontents.

As for women Rabbi's, it doesn't concern me!!! However, I'm sure the Reform congregations, which are not considered real Jews by many Jewish people, probably have plenty of women Rabbi's. Originally Posted by DSK
Of course you're sure, JL. Then again, there are far more reform Jews than orthodox, which is the branch which doesn't recognize women on the pulpit and did recognize Bush as a human being. What about at your shul, Beit Unpaid?

Why not admit what everybody already knows?

Then tell is how you got away with it... Besides being banned for multiple handles, of course.
dirty dog's Avatar
Pot, meet Kettle! Originally Posted by bigtex
Your boring bro............
  • DSK
  • 09-19-2015, 08:41 AM
But he didn't have this in his bag, trying to get past airport security. And if they thought it was a bomb, why didn't they evacuate the school? Why did they keep the 'device' in the school? Why didn't they call the bomb squad? Why did the 'device' ride in the police car with him? They knew it wasn't a bomb, but he was muslim and that was enough to handcuff a 14 year old kid. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Unfortunately, you have a point, but only against the police. The school had reason to call the police, who should have called the bomb squad. The school had to assume the worst - which I think they would have done against plenty of different students.

It is an impossibility of multiculturalism to not offend everyone, because it is too hard to remember what offends all the different groups, and they are very fucking sensitive about their rights!!
Your boring bro............ Originally Posted by dirty dog
Pot, meet Kettle!
  • shanm
  • 09-19-2015, 09:56 AM
The kid brought a box with a clock in it and wires coming out of it? what did he think is going to happen. Was it an over reaction yes it was, but one in a long line of over reactions from schools all over this country. They over react because no school or school administrator or faculty member wants to be seen as not reacting to what they see and something bad happens. Should he have been arrested no, should he have brought a project like that to school without advising the teacher or principle before hand, NO. His parents should have used some common sense, something they obviously have not instilled in their kid. Originally Posted by dirty dog
He should have "advised" the teacher that he was bringing a clock to school?

You don't understand the situation, do you? Why does a brown kid, with the name Mohamed, have to go the extra mile to make sure that his teachers don't believe he carried a bomb? Especially when these 7 didn't.

Maybe the problem is the underlying racist tendencies that most americans nowadays possess, because of fear-mongering from the right.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Why does a brown kid, with the name Mohamed, have to go the extra mile to make sure that his teachers don't believe he carried a bomb? Originally Posted by shanm
I'm sure you'll figure it out. Eventually.