ATTN: Democrats,Libertarians and other non-conservatives!

chefnerd's Avatar
Yes, he became a major distiller starting in 1797, six years after the first excise tax, and Whiskey Rebellion, (which was repealed under Jefferson). I would not exactly call that cutting down on the competition.
The same should be true of of prostitution. I cannot understand why people think conservatives are opposed to sex and commerce. At the same time they accuse the conservatives of being all about commerce. I guess it is very obvious that it is the democratic party that is into kinky sex and not always consensual. Witness Dowd and Kennedy and their waitress sandwich. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Neither party will get behind it, yet. The only thing I can compare is the different states in which I play. The Reds are a pain in the ass to play in and LE is lurking around every corner trying to put your ass in jail, they are very pro-active in their search and destroy. The Blue states on the other hand are much more relaxed with very little worry of being harassed or arrested and even organized to some degree to allow it to happen.

The alcohol example was just that, an example. Although I will say OK has some of the most religious kook backed bylaws on alcohol I have ever heard of. 3.2% beer, when you can buy real beer, Holy days you can't buy on, etc. There can be no other reason for this insanity other than the fear of the devil in you spirits <spooky voice>.