Some Perspective From A Retired Pro -

Randall Creed's Avatar
Interesting thread.

Truth be told, I feel like I'm on some kind of DNS list with seemingly just about every provider who post on this board. The funny thing about it is, I haven't done a single thing to any one of them. What's the point of seeking out a provider that uses this board and after thinking about it for a sec and go, "Ummm, there's no point in contacting her. She's just going to turn me down." After thinking that, I usually just default back to one of my reliable regulars (thanks for coming through, ladies).

I get the impression the ladies are just balling, myself, turning down appts left and right. The rare times I do try to venture out, it's a nightmare. No answers, a policy, hang up in the face, etc, and those are when the VM boxes AREN'T full or the number isn't disconnected.
RoDunn's Avatar
Lately, I've been doing more repeat visits than I ever have. I've found a handful of great providers (two of whom I've seen on or off for 7 or 8 years), and while I will continue to seek out other quality providers to also see, my regulars have earned my repeat business.

Some of the things they do to keep me coming back:
a) They communicate very well. Requests for appointments receive timely responses, even if it's just to let me know they're not available. They alert me if they're running late or have to cancel. It's been years since I had a NS/NCs.
b) They have an open mind. They see each person as an individual, not a stereotype.
c) They deliver excellent service. Excellent.
d) It doesn't feel like each session is scripted. We mix things up. They understand the benefits of foreplay.
e) They let me know that they appreciate having me as a client. This can be as simple as saying the right words as I'm leaving. Or sending a thank you email. They know that there are hundreds of providers in Dallas, and appreciate when a man takes the time to research and select them.
f) They're flexible in their scheduling. Nights and weekends are the only times I can meet. So I can only see ladies who do appointments at these times. This falls outside the range of when one of my ATFs works, but she's kind enough to accommodate my schedule. I love that about her.
g) They're always clean. And they try to look their best.

In return, I show my appreciate in several ways:
a) return visits
b) tips
c) verbalize my appreciation
d) respect their time
e) try to look my best and scrub from head to toe
The women I revisit are easy to contact, delightful to converse with, timely and discreet, impeccably clean, and seem to genuinely enjoy my company and activities. They reciprocate courtesy, appreciation, and respect and their skills are well above normal. They have maturity and character and maintain their physical appearance and condition. They are women I would love to know outside of this hobby.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
R.C., The sympathy card seriously that is a new one. BTW, Have you taken that provider UP on the comped session yet? I'm betting you do better than most. My girl won't even.....???
Chica Chaser's Avatar
1. This is not Craigslist or Backpage. Recognize that and act accordingly. If you use that screwed up font shit in your headline or the text of your ad, you're invisible to me and many of the other customers here because we won't read your ad. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Amen L4L!! Forgot about that one. I have said it many posts for a long time now. If you use that kind of bullshit writing in your ad or headline....I promise that your phone will never, ever ring from mine. It simply tells me that you are way to immature (whatever your age) for my tastes.
Kayla had started an interesting thread, and now they are "hurting for business". I cannot feel sorry for the ones who say that they are broke and their phone is not ringing. I do stand by my earlier statements how to retain clients, but first, you have to actually SEE them for the first time. I believe that the opinions of the few that gave it here on keeping business is the general consensus opinion of most of the hobbyists in some form or fashion. But also keep in mind that there are so many "new" providers coming on board on a daily basis, that you cannot blame a guy if he "strays" from seeing his regular providers. This is why I said in an earlier post on this thread that you have to do something that makes you stand above the rest to get a hobbyist to come see you and then do what you need to do, within your personal boundries, and you will have no problem with meeting those expenses. I think another factor that has not been said is the preferences of the hobbyist, e.g., race, size, age, services offered, attitude, ect. are big determining factors of not only contacting/seeing a provider, but also, if they want to repeat.
I've been reading this thread and there is something I want to add to it. Ladies, there is no incorporeal entity calling your number, it is a man. He has a personality and a body and most likely, neither is perfect. He has likes and dislikes, he's quirky and plain, he's warm and funny and gruff and rough around the edges. He's a person. No matter what his personality is like, he is a person with feelings, not an ATM.

Whether you can book him or not, treat him like the person he is, be polite, be considerate, hell just don't treat him like he's lucky you answered the phone. I get asked how I stay in business, this is the big secret. Sure I make mistakes from time to time. I forget a name or confuse an appointment now and then but I never forget that my clients chose me over all the other providers who do what I do. I enjoy their company, I'm glad they're on my table and I show them my appreciation.

I like this thread. I've tucked a few suggestions away and I'm not too proud to say it.
Well said RoDunn, my thoughts exactly.

Lately, I've been doing more repeat visits than I ever have. I've found a handful of great providers (two of whom I've seen on or off for 7 or 8 years), and while I will continue to seek out other quality providers to also see, my regulars have earned my repeat business.

Some of the things they do to keep me coming back:
a) They communicate very well. Requests for appointments receive timely responses, even if it's just to let me know they're not available. They alert me if they're running late or have to cancel. It's been years since I had a NS/NCs.
b) They have an open mind. They see each person as an individual, not a stereotype.
c) They deliver excellent service. Excellent.
d) It doesn't feel like each session is scripted. We mix things up. They understand the benefits of foreplay.
e) They let me know that they appreciate having me as a client. This can be as simple as saying the right words as I'm leaving. Or sending a thank you email. They know that there are hundreds of providers in Dallas, and appreciate when a man takes the time to research and select them.
f) They're flexible in their scheduling. Nights and weekends are the only times I can meet. So I can only see ladies who do appointments at these times. This falls outside the range of when one of my ATFs works, but she's kind enough to accommodate my schedule. I love that about her.
g) They're always clean. And they try to look their best.

In return, I show my appreciate in several ways:
a) return visits
b) tips
c) verbalize my appreciation
d) respect their time
e) try to look my best and scrub from head to toe Originally Posted by RoDunn
Adonis's Avatar
I made 3 verified providers' phones ring (and ring and ring) today around lunch time. They had all posted in the Weekend Lineup but none answered, none had voice mail turned on and none called me back. I may have been able to keep one of you ladies out of the food bank, but now, I guess you'll be in line tomorrow for your weekly loaf.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
R.C., The sympathy card seriously that is a new one. BTW, Have you taken that provider UP on the comped session yet? I'm betting you do better than most. My girl won't even.....??? Originally Posted by SweetAterPie
no he has not
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Amen L4L!! Forgot about that one. I have said it many posts for a long time now. If you use that kind of bullshit writing in your ad or headline....I promise that your phone will never, ever ring from mine. It simply tells me that you are way to immature (whatever your age) for my tastes. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
My Sig Line is a preface for this post I have not read it in its entirety.

With all do respect, and we know what that means the best response I ever received was from my !@#%^@ Chirpy Hooker Friendly Ad. Butt I must admit my followup _)(*&^ Angry Hooker Friendly was less successful.

If you can demonstrate any personality or humanity in any of your interactions with another, Data Suggest(Meh) you will be more successful.

Introuble's Avatar
Do you really want your ATF, lowering her rates to accommodate every gent in the community. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
No ....just me.

Sit down your brains a minute. The problem with providers more times than not is they have little or no business sense. All they have is a product that THEY think is the best thing since......sliced bread comes to mind but........

The real problem is this. All businesses go through cycles. Some years they are up, some are down. The TRUE successes are those who adapt to every phase of the cycle. Show me one car salesman who does not make money when times are good, and barely breaks even when they are bad. Show me ANY business that does not have to adjust at times to keep cash flow going. Businesses are dynamic and one must learn to be flexible during these times. You enjoy it when it is good, and you seriously consider why you are doing it when it is bad. Listen closely here.....


Those that survive and make it through the other side of the cycle come out stronger and find themselves in a better market position than before. Those than whine and bitch about how life is not fair and everyone else is winning and I am not needs a reality check.

Any normal person could live off of $100 a day.....OK $200 a day if you drive BMW. The problem is as some have suggested, you work when you want to or need to, you don't work when you don't feell like it, you never put back money for the slow times so that you can get through the bad cycles, and then you wonder why a 19 yr old bimbo on BP is kicking your ass.

It is all about good business principles and cash flow. Providers make $1500 one week and then they do not want to work the next. I love providers, but please do not expect sympathy from guys struggling to make ends meet just like you are, that are expected to pay $200-$300 for less than stellar providers, etc. I can pay $100 and get the same thing as I can from a $300 provider. In other words, when times are good I drive a cadillac, when times are bad I drive a chevy. If all you have to sell is a cadillac right now, bring a good book to work. If you expect ME to buy your product which by industry standards is overpriced in today's economy, you better be a 10+ in looks, service, passion, and all the things that come with a cadillac. Unfortunately, there are only a few of those providers left anymore. Notice I did not say you were not WORTH $300....only that you are over priced in today's economy. I ALWAYS will accept a provider making as much as they can possible make and many times pay more than I need to.......IF they are ABOVE NORMAL IN SERVICE.

If you haven't noticed, they are giving away cars AND houses right now at near zero profit just to manage cash flow. If it is good for General Motors, it might be good for you too.
TinMan's Avatar
Times are tough. There are fewer dollars chasing more women. If there is one piece of advice to take before all others it is this: make yourself available when you get that call. If you're not, he may not call again.
TinMan's Avatar

Notice I did not say you were not WORTH $300....only that you are over priced in today's economy. Originally Posted by Introuble
A harsh reality, but oh so true.

There are several ladies on my radar screen that I've almost called, but then I see their price and I put the phone down. It's tough, I know, since there is a cost to doing business, and a guy like me isn't going to take too kindly to cheap motels and being treated to the assembly-line mentality that can result from trying to make up in volume what you've lost in price. But I'm dealing with a lower income as well, so price does matter.
LazurusLong's Avatar
If there is one piece of advice to take before all others it is this: make yourself available when you get that call. If you're not, he may not call again. Originally Posted by TinMan

There's a provider I met back in July who lives out near Ft Worth.

She's been doing incalls in Dallas now and then.

When I met her, I told her, let me know when you will be in Dallas. I made sure she knew I am the only one who sees my phone so she was free to text.

She comes to Dallas.

No text. I happen to see her ad that says she is in Dallas.

I call her 4-5 days ago. She was not going to be available until "maybe later the next day".

Strike 1.

I called a new provider I've never seen and saw her instead.

I was calling HER because she is hot and I wanted to get laid and another escort who answered her phone was available that day. And got my cash.

Forward to a day or so ago.

I call her again.
Sorry, I can't see you until tomorrow.

Strike 2.

Called another provider and went to get laid and pay my cash to the girl who answered the phone this time.

BTW, the providers I saw were both more expensive session wise than the one who was too busy to take my cash or just didn't feel like working.

This morning, I get a text. Aren't you going to see me?


I tried 2 times and got blown off.

Strike 1 I may call again.
Strike 2? The chance of me calling if this doesn't happen is not good at all.

And then I see a thread where ladies are said to be hurting for business and I laugh.

As noted above and I quoted. Make yourself available and you WILL make appointments.