Is there a reason why some of the older guys on the board have turned into cranky lil curmudgeons?

Actually I cant remember.......
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I'm a Henry Morgan curmudgeon, minus the ex-wife that's been chasing me since 1947.
jframe2's Avatar
Jack, well said, well said!!

Birthday yesterday and i am very content where I am (50+ yo)! Good health, strong wood when needed, the ladies seem to enjoy my company not just my wallet...... Life is Good!

Youth is wasted on the young!!

Pretty much all of us, you're not as superior to the rest here as you think you are. Many of us hold an advanced degree in their respective fields, some of us multiple degrees, plus we have the benefit of being old "curmudgeons", which means we've survived and learned from more shit than youngsters have ever seen.

A more revealing poll would be "Have the young guys always been as full of shit as they are today?" Unfortunately I think the answer would be yes, including when I was young. The difference is now I'm old enough that I recognize I was full of shit back then.

Jack Originally Posted by ksjack
sasnaK's Avatar
You want to see Grumpy...Call Elena ..Selena ..actually...SeeeeLeeena is better..Shit run fast...LOL!
malwoody's Avatar
SSame o ssame o. Originally Posted by Omahan
OMG, a cancer, it goes into remission & then comes back.
Like the time it ran down to Texas to whine about the way aspd was
being moderated up here. I should have known when I saw the poll.
And now with a new handle. I got an idea..lets put up a poll to see
how many think newtotown should go be new to some other town...
SSame o ssame o. Originally Posted by Omahan
Well, well, well, SS4699, why are you hiding behind a new handle? What happened, did they kick you out of ERAPS? It seems like you have stopped taking your meds, so we're going to need to send someone over this weekend to take away your keyboard.
ss4699's Avatar
View Poll Results: Is there a reason why some of the older guys on the board have turned into cranky lil curmudgeons?

I am young and female, yes they are 1
I am young and female, they are not 2

I am old and male, they are 5
I am old and male, they are not 6

I am young and male, they are 0
I am young and male, they are not 1
View Poll Results: Is there a reason why some of the older guys on the board have turned into cra

3 females voted and 2/3rds say the old guys are ok

12 males voted, only one was young, Most of the males on this site are not young. 7/12ths (more than half) of the males think old guys are not crank or not crumudgens
ss4699's Avatar
Pretty much all of us, you're not as superior to the rest here as you think you are. Many of us hold an advanced degree in their respective fields, some of us multiple degrees, plus we have the benefit of being old "curmudgeons", which means we've survived and learned from more shit than youngsters have ever seen. Originally Posted by ksjack
My apology Jack. I had not intented to imply I was superior to anyone here. My intent was to make sure Scorp and others didnot think I was an undercover anything.

A more revealing poll would be "Have the young guys always been as full of shit as they are today?" Unfortunately I think the answer would be yes, including when I was young. The difference is now I'm old enough that I recognize I was full of shit back then.

Jack Originally Posted by ksjack
So what is your confidence level and Error margin on that statement?
ss4699's Avatar
...the way aspd was
being moderated up here.... Originally Posted by malwoody
Not sure what you are speaking of Mr Woody. The only ASPD moderator or former moderator, in the room is named Omahan.
malwoody's Avatar
Not sure what you are speaking of Mr Woody. The only ASPD moderator or former moderator, in the room is named Omahan. Originally Posted by newtotown
malwoody's Avatar
View Poll Results: Is there a reason why some of the older guys on the board have turned into cranky lil curmudgeons?

I am young and female, yes they are 1
I am young and female, they are not 2

I am old and male, they are 5
I am old and male, they are not 6

I am young and male, they are 0
I am young and male, they are not 1
View Poll Results: Is there a reason why some of the older guys on the board have turned into cra

3 females voted and 2/3rds say the old guys are ok

12 males voted, only one was young, Most of the males on this site are not young. 7/12ths (more than half) of the males think old guys are not crank or not crumudgens
Originally Posted by newtotown
Wow..that scientific poll cleared everything up....NOTT..
ladylover4ever's Avatar
Damn, Can I have my 5 minutes back? What a waste reading this thread!
marco2007's Avatar
53 here. All it takes for me to forget my aches and pains and life's problems is a cute 20something with a sweet smile and nice set of boobs to play with. At least for awhile.
malwoody's Avatar
Damn, Can I have my 5 minutes back? What a waste reading this thread! Originally Posted by parttimeplayer

Then why did you read it?
ss4699's Avatar
Wow..that scientific poll cleared everything up....NOTT.. Originally Posted by malwoody
Sorry the sample size to too small to be staticially significant, so they are just general observations not "scientific".