did you know that the masses didn't start shaving their legs and armpits intil after ww2?
if you think about it, it hasn't been that long. but, who knows what the future of body grooming holds. now I am seeing more and more guys shaving their armpits.
Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
That's right, good point, and if you polled most people today they'd say hairy legs and arm pits on a woman are a HUGE turn off, although at the time there were probably some guys who were sorry to see that look go too.
That's the point I tried to make earlier, that the 40-something and up generation will probably be the last generation to find a full bush desirable and/or attractive.
The same goes for men now too. Did the term "manscaping" even exist 20 years ago? Again... women 40 and older might not care if a man trims or shaves, but see how a 25 year old woman reacts to your back hair and your penis that looks like a mushroom barely sticking of a field of grass and see how excited they DON'T get.