Are you sex addict?

milfy2002's Avatar
I started a support group. Each meeting ends up in a orgy. Originally Posted by Hercules

I think I need to join. Hopefully there are few ladies there and mostly men!
TexTushHog's Avatar
No more than to food, water,and shelter. I don't think Maslow considered the drive to obtain the basic physiological necessities of life as "addictions".

The current fashion of making every aspect of life subject to a diagnosis is just ridiculous. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Exactly. And there is a great deal of literature that supports this. Sex addiction isn't a real diagnosis. Pop psychology bullshit.
pmdelites's Avatar
My addiction landed me here and I think of this as a positive outlet. I'm able to play safely, I can screen and actually have learned to manage my addiction. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Only on days that end in "y"....... Originally Posted by Kendall4U
hmmmmm, now i'm sure i know how i want to restart my deliteful "addicktion" after my vacation !!!!!

"hi, i'm pmdelites and my friend here is lil delites. a pleasure to meet you two :^}"
pmdelites's Avatar
Yeah and I am currently going through withdrawal.. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
ms foster, i will be back in dallas in august. we should get together for some intercourse on our addicktions :^}
Sex addiction was made up by shrinks to make money off of normal people. Cash cow. Convince you that you have a disease that you don't really have. Originally Posted by 200K
Actually the current shrink bible (DSM-V) does not recognize sex addition as a real affliction. It is about the only excess that is not recognized.
I once heard that a person can be truly said to be addicted to something if he seeks that thing in the face of adverse consequences. Originally Posted by roaringfork

If only I had my dildo available when I'm struck in traffic on 635 and/or on Dallas North Tollway.

Nonetheless, I'm a believer that everyone has a vice. Mine is sex. Money comes in a close second.
TinMan's Avatar
Ten years ago if you had asked me that question, I would have answered, "quite possibly".

Now, I'm pretty sure the answer for me is no. As I've gotten older, my sex drive has declined. I would think if I was addicted, I would continue to seek sex on a near daily basis despite the natural effects of age. Kind of like a guy with liver disease still needing that drink, or a smoker taking off his oxygen mask to light one up.

These days, I'm good with once every week or two, sometimes longer. Frankly, I'm glad for it, as my sex drive is what drove me to the hobby, and all the potentially damaging baggage that came along with it. Fortunately, for me it really was nothing more than an expensive hobby.

I now recognize my problem for what it really was: I was young and horny, just as God intended.
Nope! Not a sex addict. Might be an orgasm addict though (on both sides of the fence. I enjoy a woman having a powerful O as much as my own eruption of pleasure and while it doesn't dominate my life or thoughts, I do think about more than I feel is "normal")... ;-)
guest071618-1's Avatar
Ten years ago if you had asked me that question, I would have answered, "quite possibly".

Now, I'm pretty sure the answer for me is no. As I've gotten older, my sex drive has declined. I would think if I was addicted, I would continue to seek sex on a near daily basis despite the natural effects of age. Kind of like a guy with liver disease still needing that drink, or a smoker taking off his oxygen mask to light one up.

These days, I'm good with once every week or two, sometimes longer. Frankly, I'm glad for it, as my sex drive is what drove me to the hobby, and all the potentially damaging baggage that came along with it. Fortunately, for me it really was nothing more than an expensive hobby.

I now recognize my problem for what it really was: I was young and horny, just as God intended. Originally Posted by TinMan
Thank you for ur comment. Definitely comment I can relate to and u put it perfectly. I am getting into that phase of not urging daily.... Also getting into phase of quality companion including quality sex (which I am kind of tired of searching because of some top providers I've seen)... When my work in DFW wraps up, I will find out for sure what it is because once that satisfied me every aspect of hobby are in DFW.
It will be near impossible to replace 2 of my ATFs in DFW and too old to searching and taking chance.
SOULFLY's Avatar
Does going to sex addict support groups looking for horny women count?
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Nope. And neither are you. Little real research supports the idea of sex addiction, and a lot, especially of late, disputes it. When you look at the research behind "sex addiction" you will find it goes hand in hand with things like bipolar disorder, personality disorders, actions taken under the influence or to feed drug addictions or as a part of any number of other disorders rather than being an issue of its own to be treated.

What we see as sex addiction is usually either a symptom of another issue, or an attempt to justify actions for which we feel guilty.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually the current shrink bible (DSM-V) does not recognize sex addition as a real affliction. It is about the only excess that is not recognized. Originally Posted by regmand
Very true. But that hasn't stopped some of them from treating the "condition" or even professing special expertise in it.
TinMan's Avatar

What we see as sex addiction is ... an attempt to justify actions for which we feel guilty. Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk
Isn't it a favorite excuse of the US politician caught screwing someone other than his spouse? If that's not how the term originated, it sure didn't take long for them to exploit it.

I bet sexual addiction is non-existent in France and Italy.
HurleyDallas's Avatar
Hurley is......I not!!
berkleigh's Avatar
I am just gonna say YES, yes I am ...