
Naomi4u's Avatar

I know Tamsen from TBD so I know she is not a biaatch....just opinionated as we all are. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I was NOT referring to her in that comment.
well I never had an issue before that is why i made this post..i verified one guy and got he is ok..he is clean and a nice guy..turns out he liked it rougher than what I expected and in addition if a guy gives you as a reference than he apparently wants you to vouch for him otherwise he wouldn't give a name but I also check the girl out as is another example a guy emailed on three reviews he had were ALL bad so I contacted two of the girls...and neither of them saw him and one told me he just made her nervous and unsafe the third girl was no longer on the site...and all reviews were dated on the same day and him "seeing" him on the same flags went up and now he has emailed me no I won't see him something is WAY OFF....
I know Tamsen from TBD so I know she is not a biaatch....just opinionated as we all are. Sophie is no different than anyone else you give a reference to except for the fact that she was a felon lol. Bottom line is we are ALL breaking the law here, and if you say "OK" you are still admitting you have in fact seen a person. Saying he is 6' tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, clean, and on time, is not really getting you in any more trouble. Any one of us can be busted at any time so by that theory we should not give refs to anyone lol.

I take being cordial and reference friendly as a part of my job, and I am not saying anyone else has to agree or do the same thing. The ONE time I just said a guy was ok the dumb biaaatch went back and made it sound as if I did not think very highly of him. He literally contacted me and said, "London I thought we really hit it off but so and so said all you said was I was just ok."

I do agree that if a girl is a pain in the butt, I won't deal with her but that is a rare occasion. I had one the other day that had no site, no reviews, just a random BP ad, and expected me to reveal info. about a very good and professional client. Then she got pissy when I asked to verify her and said, "Well fine I will just tell him you would not give him a reference." Uh no idiot, I have given him SEVERAL refs to women who have a brain and know how to conduct their requests!

I emailed him and told him to stop giving his real name to these retards because of things like this. He has 6 solid refs so there is no reason to give his name to everyone....especially those who can't be verified and have nothing to lose. Guys appreciate it when you do what you say you will, and when I say you will get a good can bet I keep my word.

It's apparent that not all of us screen thoroughly because "OK" with me would never get a guy in the door. I don't get pissy about it, but note not to use her as a ref ever again and tell the guy I will need more info. Even the screening sites flat out tell you not to just go on okays extra research. If they are saying so, I would take that very seriously. Originally Posted by London Rayne
eccietime's Avatar
Ok, please send me your references ms vixen!!!

dearhunter's Avatar
What kind of puppy?
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Honestly, Some ladies are just spiteful biatches! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Heh heh heh...
you show me yours and I will show you mine....
Ok, please send me your references ms vixen!!!

Originally Posted by eccietime
i remember mine...
I remember every. single. guy. Maybe it's because I'm not seeing 10 guys a day. Dunno but yeah.. it's possible. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Amen Naomi!! THANK YOU!! These men do not belong to you, I don't see your name on the marriage license with his!!
I second that notion..they like variety and give your name for a reference to vouch for them like I said before and if someones not giving a reference and think they are making brownie points with the guys I always tell the guy I haven't heard from so-so....and I find it interesting not one female as posted on part two so we all know who not to contact for a reference although I already have a general idea who I would talk with and not...
Amen Naomi!! THANK YOU!! These men do not belong to you, I don't see your name on the marriage license with his!! Originally Posted by ali*cat
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What kind of puppy? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Men .. I think it was a poodle!

Amen Naomi!! THANK YOU!! These men do not belong to you, I don't see your name on the marriage license with his!! Originally Posted by ali*cat
I remember every. single. guy. Maybe it's because I'm not seeing 10 guys a day. Dunno but yeah.. it's possible. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I am so looking forward to the day that you remember me!!!
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I am so looking forward to the day that you remember me!!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Same here Can't wait to meet ya!
Can't wait to meet ya! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I'm not on P411 or datecheck or any of the normal referal/screening services...What kind of references will I need?? Hmmmmm???
Those site are very usefull unless you always have current references handy. You might have to give out more info to make provider more comfortable with you.