Howdy strangers. Here's the update you've been crawling up my ass for. Better late than never.

LovingKayla's Avatar
Thank you guys so much.

I have found something I need help with. I will need to move my 5th wheel to place a temporary pole for the rebuild of my house. I need someone that has a 5th wheel tow hitch in the bed of their truck that's willing to hook up and move it 40 ft and then come back and move it back when the pole is removed. I'm out in the east Texas area commerce/Greenville. Do I have any knights that will come charging to the rescue. I am willing to pay you.... which will kinda make you a gray knight, but that's fun too.

I have enabled PM again on eccie. The email service through eccie isn't working properly. I apologize for not replying to emails sent through the system. There was no way for me to open them for some reason. But this is the first computer access I've had in 15 days.

And will someone PLEASE have an orgasm for me?! ALL MY BEST TOYS BURNED. The only one I want back is the celebrator. The little head that fits on an oral-b toothbrush. That's it. That's all I need.... for now..
pmdelites's Avatar
kayla, my condolences on the passing of your father, gramma, german sheppard, and cat!! keep the great memories of them alive by sharing stories w/ your family and friends.

then to have lightning zap your home?? yipes - again my condolences on all that you lost. sure, they might be replaceable, but the loss is big and impactful.

i send you hugs, love & peace as well as physical, mental & emotional strength to make it through this time of loss, stress, and more.

i'll be glad to fund your purchase of a new Celebrator!!
just let me know how i can get the funds to you.