I Wonder What Former President Obama Says Now??

And furthermore there are more peaceful protests that are going on than violence and I will not be swayed by crisis actors

It would be interesting to see how he would describe this weeks mayhem. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Yes if you're even morally honest enough to describe who inspired that white Minneapolis cop to start this mayhem.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
And furthermore there are more peaceful protests that are going on than violence and I will not be swayed by crisis actors Originally Posted by Sienna91
I agree. Those looters are not protesters. Breaking in to stores and stealing shit has nothing do with protesting anything. They are just idiots looking for an excuse to steal shit and to blame it on a cause they probably don't even care about.

The vast majority are peaceful and these idiots who are committing crimes take the message away and ignorant people like many in this forum just group all of them together and try their best to make it fit their political narratives without even considering the big picture and why people of many different ethnicities are actually protesting.

I don't know what that piece of shit cop's political views are but I do know that his lethal and cruel actions had nothing to do with politics and had everything to do with a lack of any moral compass and a lack of any humanity.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Again I am not condoning violence but when people are not heard they act out we have seen this in history time and time again

and this is not just a black issue it is a human right issues

I can stand firmly on this and say if they would not have lifted the coronavirus lockdown my ass have been right out there on the front lines protesting and others would have joined me. because whether it be the color of my skin or the government telling me I'm a prisoner in my own home I will not stand for my rights getting taken away. Or the rights of my brother being taken away black or white

truth be told some people are willing to die for what they believe in and I'm one of them I made that very clear during the coronavirus pandemic

When black groups protested peacefully by kneeling remember nobody like that so then they got increasingly and increasingly more violent with every single police brutality killing so why are we surprised?

When they peacefully protest people get mad when they shout and their protest but don't harm anything people get mad when they destroy buildings people get mad what do you want them to do

That's all I have to say Originally Posted by Sienna91
Oh, and by the way sweetheart, don't waste your time explaining your point of view to the many old fuckers in here. They won't even understand it and will just twist your words if you don't praise Trump to fit their retarded narratives.

You don't owe anyone any explanation. If they don't understand, fuck them and let them figure it out on their own if they actually have the mental capacity to do so which is doubtful with most in this forum.

As I've said many times before, I could give a flying fuck about what people think about my posts. If I broke a rule, I'm cool with the points. Otherwise, I don't care who I offend because your opinion means nothing to me.
  • oeb11
  • 05-31-2020, 08:33 AM
AM - u have the usual liberal DPST anti-cop and anti-law enforcement bias in favor of criminals committing felonies - while u justify their behavior hoping for more votes.

may they come for U home and business,

U might develop a different point of view.

Try an experiment - Post a sign on ur property - "No cop response" - and do without police protection .

See how long it takes for ur property to be invaded, burned , vandalized, and stolen.

Hypocrite =- enabling rioters committing crimes against innocent business and home owners.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
oeb, I can't speak for AM. He's too much of a goofball to me so I don't take him seriously. I don't care whether anyone is right or left, but I'm not reading silly shit from a goofball like him and many others in here.

Speaking for myself though, I will never need a cop's help for anything. I have plenty of Henry rifles for that. Any motherfucker stupid enough to fuck with me on my property will leave this earth in one of two ways - from a bullet or by my own hands.

I don't have to worry about anyone coming to me at my business though because I am a corporate bitch who is usually on around the 30th floor in different cities to see my clients. LOL

I understand and respect your point though. That cop was an outlier. He doesn't represent cops. You can't just bad mouth all cops because you have some bad ones. That's the same for every profession because there will always be bad apples regardless of the job.
the rioters are a hidden base of the dim party who wish to destroy both the dims by using it and to destroy the country

... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Antifa and BLM are arms of the Democratic Socialist party. If Tom Perez (who replaced Keith Ellison as DNC head) made a phone call he could stop this in an instant. He doesn't want to.


But when you feel your rights are violated people will go to extremes .

Peace would be better but sometimes violence is the only way to be heard let's not act brand new..if this wasn't the case then wars went even exist

I think people have the right to protest whether it's for police brutality or the coronavirus and my comments have always reflected that I don't pick and choose

If the government no longer work for the people than the people have to do what they have to do

we are supposed to run this not them they are supposed to do what we need them to do not the other way around

So while I again do not support violence people are at their wit's end and this is what happens

And PS is not just black people riding and looting a lot of these people are white too so let's just make sure we're being fair here everyone's fed up with this crap

Killing people, locking us in our homes and treating us like slaves between this and coronavirus I'm fed up

and it's the only comment I'm saying about this entire situation so please no one go back and forth with me because this whole situation being a person of color is just really getting to me Originally Posted by Sienna91
So it looks like someone (like many) have conveniently forgotten that we've had a black President.

I think the police officer that killed Floyd should be and has been charged with 3rd degree murder. I think the other officers that could have intervened but didn't should be charged with something.....

Of course I can't understand being Black and the history that goes with that. Of course I have sympathy for anybody who has been treated badly by the very people tasked with protecting you.
.... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
There is always going to be "bad cops" and we will need to purge them from the force. Some are just bad individuals and some just aren't cut out to be patrol cops. IMO, this is a local issue and not a systemic racism issue.

I'm tired of the "you wouldn't understand because you're not a person of color" excuse and the "my feelings override any legitimate argument you come up with."

Again I am not condoning violence but when people are not heard they act out we have seen this in history time and time again

and this is not just a black issue it is a human right issues

I can stand firmly on this and say if they would not have lifted the coronavirus lockdown my ass have been right out there on the front lines protesting and others would have joined me. because whether it be the color of my skin or the government telling me I'm a prisoner in my own home I will not stand for my rights getting taken away. Or the rights of my brother being taken away black or white

truth be told some people are willing to die for what they believe in and I'm one of them I made that very clear during the coronavirus pandemic

When black groups protested peacefully by kneeling remember nobody like that so then they got increasingly and increasingly more violent with every single police brutality killing so why are we surprised?

When they peacefully protest people get mad when they shout and their protest but don't harm anything people get mad when they destroy buildings people get mad what do you want them to do

That's all I have to say Originally Posted by Sienna91
I'm of the opinion that being locked up for months has put everyone on edge.

Some of your arguments have validity but when say 30% of the protesters are nonviolent but are providing cover for 70% who are, then the nonviolent protesters are just providing cover and are, frankly, inherently violent.

Just like those cops who stood by and did nothing.

oeb, I can't speak for AM. He's too much of a goofball to me so I don't take him seriously. Speaking for myself though, I will never need a cop's help for anything. I have plenty of Henry rifles for that. Any motherfucker stupid enough to fuck with me on my property will leave this earth in one of two ways - from a bullet or by my own hands. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Let's say your house is in the middle of downtown Minneapolis. You're fucked. You might me able to disperse a couple but likely the cops will pull your body out of the rubble.
Antifa and BLM are arms of the Democratic Socialist party. If Tom Perez (who replaced Keith Ellison as DNC head) made a phone call he could stop this in an instant. He doesn't want to. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes, Perez could step up and push for a stop to most of this. He won't. He's been a DNC weasel all along.

And I hate to keep correcting you, but Keith Ellison was never DNC chair. The recent progression was Wasserman-Shultz, then Donna Brazille, then Perez(who beat out Ellison in 2017}. Ellison as I noted was briefly Deputy Chair(appointed by Perez from 2017 through 2018), until he resigned having been elected Minnesota AG.

There is always going to be "bad cops" and we will need to purge them from the force. Some are just bad individuals and some just aren't cut out to be patrol cops. IMO, this is a local issue and not a systemic racism issue.

I'm tired of the "you wouldn't understand because you're not a person of color" excuse and the "my feelings override any legitimate argument you come up with."

I'm of the opinion that being locked up for months has put everyone on edge.

Some of your arguments have validity but when say 30% of the protesters are nonviolent but are providing cover for 70% who are, then the nonviolent protesters are just providing cover and are, frankly, inherently violent.

Just like those cops who stood by and did nothing. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Let's say your house is in the middle of downtown Minneapolis. You're fucked. You might me able to disperse a couple but likely the cops will pull your body out of the rubble. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Some people are all blather and no grasp on reality. They consider themselves above others and invincible. Too many Rambo movies in their history, I would guess.
  • oeb11
  • 05-31-2020, 12:19 PM
LM- That cop was an outlier. He doesn't represent cops. You can't just bad mouth all cops because you have some bad ones. That's the same for every profession because there will always be bad apples regardless of the job.

It does seem that cop was an outlier - and U have a valid point. He is already in the Justice system - arrested and charged with murder. This matter is not about Justice and rule of law - it is about the privilege given to a violent group to run wild and destroy homes, property, neighborhoods, and do so with cooperation of the political leadership of the areas they riot .

National Guard should be armed - and if rioters refuse to stand down - advance with rubber bullet until they throw a molotov cocktail - then use live rounds to stop this rioting.
lustylad's Avatar
You look at my join date. Does it look like I run from shit like you do? Nope. I own everything and I don't run away from handles like a coward. I own everything I post. I don't run and hide and change handles like a scared baby. Fuck that shit. I post it and I own it. I'm not running from shit like you have done. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Who are you kidding? You're Luke the Fluke. You run away from everyone and everything! You're the biggest coward and fraud on eccie. Whenever you are challenged and exposed, you pretend to put the poster on ignore because you're incapable of defending yourself. That's the definition of "running away like a scared baby". You're afraid to own anything you post.
lustylad's Avatar
That cop was an outlier. He doesn't represent cops. You can't just bad mouth all cops because you have some bad ones. That's the same for every profession because there will always be bad apples regardless of the job. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Kinda like you're an outlier on eccie. Fortunately you don't represent eccie posters. We can't badmouth all posters because we have some bad ones on here like you. It's the same for every board because there will always be bad apples regardless of the forum.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Let's say your house is in the middle of downtown Minneapolis. You're fucked. You might me able to disperse a couple but likely the cops will pull your body out of the rubble. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Have you ever been to Minnesota during the winter? You're kind of fucked either way.

It's not like I am a head of a drug cartel. It's just going to be one fucker who knows I am fucking his wife or girlfriend who shows up at my house to waste his time playing tough guy with me and he will be put down in no time after I'm done.

Don't be all dramatic about simplicity in life. Any motherfucker who is dumb enough to fuck with me in RL, can kiss this earth goodbye.
Have you ever been to Minnesota during the winter? You're kind of fucked either way.

It's not like I am a head of a drug cartel. It's just going to be one fucker who knows I am fucking his wife or girlfriend who shows up at my house to waste his time playing tough guy with me and he will be put down in no time after I'm done.

Don't be all dramatic about simplicity in life. Any motherfucker who is dumb enough to fuck with me in RL, can kiss this earth goodbye. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
LOL - you were to scared to fight me and you also admitted you ran from that guy who showed you a picture of his gun.

If you do fuck some guys wife I'll be rooting for that guy to even the score with you. But, since you are a gay person, why would you be fucking any girl when you prefer sucking cock?
Kinda like you're an outlier on eccie. Fortunately you don't represent eccie posters. We can't badmouth all posters because we have some bad ones on here like you. It's the same for every board because there will always be bad apples regardless of the forum. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yep - we are stuck with Lucas the flukus.
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2020, 12:17 PM
Do y'all remember the Boston tea party? Just keep that in mind

Does it make sense to burn a city down? No

But when you feel your rights are violated people will go to extremes .

Peace would be better but sometimes violence is the only way to be heard let's not act brand new..if this wasn't the case then wars went even exist

you may not be black so police brutality may not affect you but when they lock us in our homes for other things it affects us all so please remember your words on how you respond to this because you might be the next person burning some s*** down when they try to take your rights away

the same people who are against what is happening here are the same people who were pissed at the rights are being taken away during the coronavirus

Keep the same energy

I think people have the right to protest whether it's for police brutality or the coronavirus and my comments have always reflected that I don't pick and choose

If the government no longer work for the people than the people have to do what they have to do

we are supposed to run this not them they are supposed to do what we need them to do not the other way around

So while I again do not support violence people are at their wit's end and this is what happens

And PS is not just black people riding and looting a lot of these people are white too so let's just make sure we're being fair here everyone's fed up with this crap

Killing people, locking us in our homes and treating us like slaves between this and coronavirus I'm fed up

and it's the only comment I'm saying about this entire situation so please no one go back and forth with me because this whole situation being a person of color is just really getting to me Originally Posted by Sienna91
You've got to give Sienna credit for being consistent, unlike the rest of us. She's a bit of an anarchist, and that applies regardless of whether you're talking about Covid 19 or the demonstrations.

Here's an alternative view, from Candace Owens, a young black Republican. A friend who's political views are far right badgered me into listening to it and I'm glad I did.

I don't agree with her. The situation is more complicated and nuanced than she thinks. But the video is worth the time to watch.

Warning to my friends here on the left -- this will piss you off.


You'll need to "full screen" the video to see her face.