Petition to unban Alyssa from ECCIE

In case anyone was believing alyssa's bullshit, tineye her pics. 227 results on one, 86 on the other.
boardman's Avatar
Since the other thread was closed without explanation.

Alyssa seemed to be a new member in good standing with some positive reviews however her self destructive tendencies were pretty obvious.

You must've missed the "I'm quitting" post by Alyssa where several members, Ladies and Gents alike, encouraged her to stay and seek advice from those more experienced in screening. Some of the ladies offered to personally mentor her.

Newcomers are not doomed however, they would be well advised to establish themselves as members wanting betterment for the hobby in general and to promote access to pussy. Which have you done?
Once you gain that respect then the board will accept some shenanigans.
It's so funny when a newbie comes along and immediately wants to be part of the family then they start shit and cry foul.

Most of us who have been around a while have in one way or another put ourselves in the line of fire, so to speak, based on the trust we have in those whom we only know as a persona on a shmb. That's a very slippery slope we choose to navigate but once we do and come out clean on the other side we gain appreciation for the wisdom and experience of those that have hobbied before us. We also get protective. We have learned who to trust and who to be suspicious of.
Yes, on the boards we have secret handshakes and code words and inside jokes. They make us feel safe in a way and comfortable with each other. They remind us of our shared history both good and bad.
When someone comes along and tries to be an immediate insider it, quite frankly, makes us uncomfortable and our instincts to protect our brothers and sisters kick in.

Then one of the most protective of us gets banned for sticking up for herself and defending the allegations made against her and you with your admitted multiple handles are allowed to stay, stir shit and continue to criticize our unwritten code of shmb etiquette that makes us comfortable.. That just breeds more suspicion. So just what are your motives?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-08-2010, 08:18 AM
Don't give cum rag kid a reason to post and mods please check IP address of that guy.

I told you someone would start a petition I just thought it would be for brook.
BaldGuy82's Avatar
Alyssa32= I could care less.
Brooke= I'd vouch for!

In other words "Blood is thicker than water." Brooke has seen many members and is like a mother to this site. She helps everyone and tells it like it should be. Everyone has a mother or else you wouldn't be here. Simple as that. Brooke should be allowed back and kick the "step-mother" (Alyssa32) to the curb for good.

***Please don't ban me!***
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Brooke definitely gets my vote!
Since the other thread was closed without explanation.

Alyssa seemed to be a new member in good standing with some positive reviews however her self destructive tendencies were pretty obvious.

You must've missed the "I'm quitting" post by Alyssa where several members, Ladies and Gents alike, encouraged her to stay and seek advice from those more experienced in screening. Some of the ladies offered to personally mentor her.

Newcomers are not doomed however, they would be well advised to establish themselves as members wanting betterment for the hobby in general and to promote access to pussy. Which have you done?
Once you gain that respect then the board will accept some shenanigans.
It's so funny when a newbie comes along and immediately wants to be part of the family then they start shit and cry foul.

Most of us who have been around a while have in one way or another put ourselves in the line of fire, so to speak, based on the trust we have in those whom we only know as a persona on a shmb. That's a very slippery slope we choose to navigate but once we do and come out clean on the other side we gain appreciation for the wisdom and experience of those that have hobbied before us. We also get protective. We have learned who to trust and who to be suspicious of.
Yes, on the boards we have secret handshakes and code words and inside jokes. They make us feel safe in a way and comfortable with each other. They remind us of our shared history both good and bad.
When someone comes along and tries to be an immediate insider it, quite frankly, makes us uncomfortable and our instincts to protect our brothers and sisters kick in.

Then one of the most protective of us gets banned for sticking up for herself and defending the allegations made against her and you with your admitted multiple handles are allowed to stay, stir shit and continue to criticize our unwritten code of shmb etiquette that makes us comfortable.. That just breeds more suspicion. So just what are your motives? Originally Posted by boardman

Let's not get emotional. I for one am in Brooke's corner. But, what they both did was a clear violation of the rules and warnings did not stop what they both were doing. so they were banned for a month.

Posting in Open forum, ladies forum content and PM content is against the rules.....And I don't care how sentimental someone feels about the person.....No one is above the rules..........

Brooke allowed alyssa to bring her there and she shouldn't have.

Also, this Miss Lana was banned for using multiple names and log ons. THink that was someone associated with Alyssa as well. I closed those other threads because it was enough of that ,as if people are not reading those the threads and why they were banned

I posted a thread called Warnings in Co Ed and I think some with questions need to read it.........things have been laxed around here.........
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I too thought the Banning was a bit harsh - especially in light of the rules violations which have been going on since the Board started.

PUBLIC Warnings (like the one Ike just posted) can sometimes be a good thing before coming down with the hammer.

BUT it reminds me that this Board, like the old one, is not a Democracy.

We are guests and that privilege can be terminated at the will of the king and his servants.
I too thought the Banning was a bit harsh - especially in light of the rules violations which have been going on since the Board started.

PUBLIC Warnings (like the one Ike just posted) can sometimes be a good thing before coming down with the hammer.

BUT it reminds me that this Board, like the old one, is not a Democracy.

We are guests and that privilege can be terminated at the will of the king and his servants. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Yeah, but I recall both of them acknowledging that what they were doing was in violation of board rules. They both knew it, so they can both take their lumps as far as I'm concerned. The only difference is that I'll be happy to see Brooke return.
Brooke has my vote completely cause Brooke and i were actually two of the ladies trying to help the girl....she asked for help and actually girls got together and i thought that the reason for calling this meeting was to help her and also to get to know the other ladies and then all the sudden it became a problem. I clearly see that this alyssa girl wants nothing but attention. And yes, Brooke shouldnt have fed into her drama. But we need Brooke!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-08-2010, 09:12 AM
The admin came in on more one thread and closed them, said one was a train wreck that should have been enough. He told them to think before posting more drama. At one point brook should have let it slide, be the bigger girl and let it go. She knew nothing that girl said would mess with her money, she has a solid fan base, and its not going anyplace soon. So they are both gone for a month not that big a deal we can all move on. If you keep makeing mods close threads they are going to ban you, duh.
carkido45's Avatar
The banning was light compared to ASPD which would have beeen a year on the ole site.
Brook will be back and we will welcome her back happy open arms because she's been great to a lot us.
I am an asshole on this site a lot but the mods have in the past have been fair with me in the past and have pm me and asked me to behave or points would be issued so far I have received none because I have chosen to respect there position and do as they ask it's that simple .
CB says this board isn't a democracy and he's right yet the mods have a job too do and they are more than fair IMHO.
If have we a problem with a mod we have other avenues we can persue in dealing with that such as talking to an admin or communicating with them in a pm.
Griping about them in an open forum well that's just not smart.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
We are guests and that privilege can be terminated at the will of the king and his servants. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
A timely reminder, CB. Most of us lifers understand and respect the fact that the board owner(s) get to/have to make all the hard calls.

Property rights trumps sentimentality.

Brooke got goaded by a bully. If she hadn't stood up to the bullying it would have kept on, and on, and on...she stopped the bullying, but it cost her. It cost us, too.

When she returns on 7 August, she'll return to a warm welcome by most of us. Alyssa? Not so much. My guess is Alyssa will never cease to be disruptive if/when she does return.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I guess you are right Enddie; when people admit they know they are breaking the rules, its kinda like thumbing your nose at the staff.....daring them to do something.

BUT ALL those threads went on WAY too long before someone stepped in to calm things down.

We don't need Mods to micro-manage the threads like we saw on the P all the time.....but its not hard to see the shit hitting the fan long before the shrapnel causing serious damage.

Well, its only a coulda been worse.
I usually post a warning or pm someone. They were banned by the mod in the female forum. But, this was after two warnings. So sometimes you just need to know when to leave it alone. I had to send messages to Brooke a while back with all that destiny stuff and she stopped. So sometimes it takes a note or a message.

Yes, there has been rules violations in the past.....and sending a note to the offender usually does it without having to put all that in the open forum...........I try to allow the threads to flow, without using a heavy hand or being an A-Hole about it.

But what puzzles me is even if the answer is right in front of people.....instead of reading back in a thread to find out what happened. They will post as if they have no clue as to what transpired. And then think the Mod's are being too hard............Just stop it!............

We let a lot of stuff go around here
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
[quote=SOULMANIKE;410047We let a lot of stuff go around here[/quote]

Yes, you do; and for that I am grateful. Moderator leniency actually seems to promote thoughtfulness in posting, in general. Right after the Big Exodus from aspd there seemed to be little or no moderation and it was amusing to see posters testing the boundaries, pushing the envelope...and then sort of straighten up as if they had suddenly realized they had better act like adults because no one here was going to force it upon them. Of course there were a small minority who never stopped testing.