Why no text messaging?

Sweet N Little's Avatar
I only do text after Ive met someone, I find it less intrusive than a phone call. If its ok to talk then I tell them to call me.
For first time meets I do email only and after screening etc I will text/call.
Satyrrical's Avatar
I've got this great app that turns my voice into a text and then back into my voice at the receiver end. It's even hands free!
I dont mind texting to set something up, but there MUST be at least one phone call so I can hear the persons voice, and get a feel for the person..I just think that if a man dosnt want to call and actually have a converstaion with me, then he is hiding something and therefore must be avoided...and like Naomi said it can be annoying... Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston

I think most girls don't like texting because 1) some of us use a prepaid phone for the hobby which is usually annoying to text on or all the minutes are run up from a few texts 2) Most ladies have their number listed in a add and I would figure about 95% of texts are guys who will never book but just want to send nasty messages + pics of their cocks .I am sure after your screened if you tell a girl you may have to text it would be fine . Originally Posted by AmericanGeisha

I don't mind texts from guys I've seen before or from gentlemen that may have hearing impairment, as a couple have stated here. I can say that 99% of the texts I've ever gotten from people I haven't met before really were just guys wanting to chat and not meet. So, for initial contact, I prefer email or a call.
1Jannessa's Avatar
I do welcome all forms of communication although at times a verbal conversation is imperative. I truly use texting a lot & probably more than verbal convo or email but as previously stated guys should know & use proper etiquette when contacting a provider in any form because personally I am Not going to respond to anything via text in a manner that I wouldn't respond verbally. So guys if have questions about services or activities you will be refered to my reviews here or my p411 profile. I am a very private person and always seem to find myself in situations where I can't talk so I welcome the text and emails and understand that the client may also be in that situation.
What ticks me off about texting. If a guy sends me a text and I'm driving, I'm not going to pull over right then and there, I'm going to wait until I get to my destination. Then if its 10-15 mins later, he cops an attitude with me because I wasn't quick enough for him.

Sorry, but I'm not wrecking my car or hurting anyone to hop on a text and some guys should be more considerate when it comes to that.
fallen2842's Avatar
Being somewhat new to the hobby, I have read many provider ads and most have a stipulation on texting. I have, by contrast, seen a few that allowed texting.

Why do the majority of providers ask potential clients not to text them? ... mind you, I have been on dates where the text messages came in the entire time. I can only assume the texts are from regulars or from friends.

Educate me, please.


Click the above link. There's been a few threads about this.
Mature Companion's Avatar
For various reasons.

1: LEAVES A TRAIL! Some Men don't often think before they speak/text. And thus they start sexting the ladies in an unwarranted manner as IF that's going to work & get them seen.
Your TXT messages leave a trail. Regardless if your single. The ladies may not be.
And while some *think* it's easier than talking on the phone. It's NOT.
Texts can be read if phone were to be picked up by the wrong person.

Talking on the phone take but a few minutes and it allows you more time to clearly talk with the lady w/o leaving a word trail behind for mnths & years.

2. Texting doesn't allow for proper screening to be done. And those so called potential clients, tend to use texting as a means of by passing screening and by pass actually conversing with the lady.

3. The NEW texting/driving law. Even OPENING/READING a text can get you a huge fine. Thus, actual talking on the phone or sending hr an email/PM. Does a heck of lot more good than texting.

I despise texting. If someone has the time to text. They have the time to write an email & send a PM as most phones these days are internet friendly. You can put everything in ONE email/PM than you can in dozens of text messages.

That's my opinion. I'm sure others don't give a hoot as some gals don't screen and some men refuse to be screened. So it works out perfect for those who could care less about their safety or who's contacting them for a date.

Being somewhat new to the hobby, I have read many provider ads and most have a stipulation on texting. I have, by contrast, seen a few that allowed texting.

Why do the majority of providers ask potential clients not to text them?
... mind you, I have been on dates where the text messages came in the entire time. I can only assume the texts are from regulars or from friends.

Educate me, please.

fallen2842 Originally Posted by fallen2842

That's my opinion. I'm sure others don't give a hoot as some gals don't screen and some men refuse to be screened. So it works out perfect for those who could care less about their safety or who's contacting them for a date. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I hate the texting thing, if you dont want to call me to set up an appointment then mayb you are hiding something...If I get to know you then thats fine, but not on the first visit, i have to hear your voice, I have even had guys say, " I dont have a hobby phone " and tell me they are gonna call from a pay phone when they get in my area..hell no !!! if you dont have a hobby phone where you can call, then why are you hobbying ? Im sorry didnt mean to hijack the thread...carry on..lol !!
jsparrow's Avatar
Calm down, please. I didn't have any cell phone (hobby or otherwise) when I started hobbying in 2006. When I told my first appointment I would call from a pay phone when I got to her area, she politely said "Hell No...no phone, no appointment". I answered that if it was that big a deal, I'd get a phone...which I did. I'm not an A**hole; I was just very wet-behind-the-ears and didn't understand the implications.

Got the phone, saw the Lady (my ATF until she retired), and have been happiliy hobbying ever after. And I certainly understand the risks and proper procedures much better now.
fallen2842's Avatar
I didn't realize it was such a touchy issue. I didn't know so I thought I'd ask. I can understand the need to not leave an electronic trail, but the truth of the matter is e-mails and telephone calls have electronic trails. Just ask Eliot Spitzer or Ted Haggard.

I would never contact a woman, via text, who has such a prohibition in place. In fact, I try to adhere to the stated prerequisites of the several providers I've been with (such as trying to arrive on time, being completely clean and smelling nice and asking what their "dos and don'ts" are) before we begin any physical/intimate interaction.

Thanks for the information!

whitechocolate's Avatar
Obviously from all the posts in the various threads, everyone has their preferences. We have texts, email, voice and PMs. It seems every provider has her preference and every client has his preference and often they dont mesh. All have their place and I usually tell providers that I prefer email as my first choice and voice second. I feel that for making initial contact a PM or email first is usually best followed by emails and voice and texts can be used for last minute planning. A lot depends on privacy concerns and the ability to respond at that moment in the method selected by the sender. There is no right or wrong here.
Calm down, please. I didn't have any cell phone (hobby or otherwise) when I started hobbying in 2006. When I told my first appointment I would call from a pay phone when I got to her area, she politely said "Hell No...no phone, no appointment". I answered that if it was that big a deal, I'd get a phone...which I did. I'm not an A**hole; I was just very wet-behind-the-ears and didn't understand the implications.

Got the phone, saw the Lady (my ATF until she retired), and have been happiliy hobbying ever after. And I certainly understand the risks and proper procedures much better now. Originally Posted by jsparrow
Im sorry I didnt mean to come off sounding harsh, I just like to hear a voice , I can get a better feel for a person if I can talk to them..didnt mean to offend anyone...as for the hobby phone thing, I just dont understand how if someone who has been doing this for a bit dosnt have a hobby phone, since phones are so cheap, but if they are a newbie, then it can happen..didnt mean to offend anyone...I just dont like the numerous texts, like was said before if you can text for 30 minutes you can have a conversation......:gri n:
shooter1a's Avatar
Anyone not understanding the difference between text, conversation and e-mail is urged to read Marshall McCluen's "The Media is The Message."
This is very simple, Voice is hot, Text is warm and e-mail cooler. If you want to meet now, Voice. Tomorrow, text. Latter or chat, then e-mail. Use the media to enhance the message. If a lady does not answer right now she chould be busy.
Have you ever been called out of the shower to answer a spam call? Does that piss you off? Think if the lady is in session and you want to chat. She will not be happy with you. Text her and leave a phone number and let her call you back when she is not busy. You don't mind voice mail. Text is like voice mail without the problems of voice mail. But be aware that your text can get you into a lot of trouble as can an e-mail or voice mail. Use care and proper etiquette. Tiger woods got in a lot of trouble over a text message, so can you.
Mature Companion's Avatar
I believe we as adults, shooter. KNOW full well and have a great understanding of the difference between text, conversation and email.
We don't need to read any friggen book on something such as that.

Anyone not understanding the difference between text, conversation and e-mail is urged to read Marshall McCluen's "The Media is The Message."
This is very simple, Voice is hot, Text is warm and e-mail cooler. If you want to meet now, Voice. Tomorrow, text. Latter or chat, then e-mail. Use the media to enhance the message. If a lady does not answer right now she chould be busy.
Have you ever been called out of the shower to answer a spam call? Does that piss you off? Think if the lady is in session and you want to chat. She will not be happy with you. Text her and leave a phone number and let her call you back when she is not busy. You don't mind voice mail. Text is like voice mail without the problems of voice mail. But be aware that your text can get you into a lot of trouble as can an e-mail or voice mail. Use care and proper etiquette. Tiger woods got in a lot of trouble over a text message, so can you. Originally Posted by shooter1a