Truth about open dating market

And sadly because I am Asian, most women won’t be attracted to me. I know it’s racist but most women have racial preferences and Asian,Indian, and Arab men are generally not desired by women (especially hot white girls). Originally Posted by bbjunkies
Hate to break it to you, but the problem is not the girls, the problem is you.

I'm an Asian guy in my late 30s and I've fucked literally hundreds of hot white girls -- as dates or bar hookups or girlfriends when I was younger, and now as an older guy with money through sites like SeekingArrangement.

You are convinced that girls aren't attracted to you, and that is literally why girls aren't attracted to you. They can smell that desperation and self-pity from miles away.
bbjunkies's Avatar
Hate to break it to you, but the problem is not the girls, the problem is you.

I'm an Asian guy in my late 30s and I've fucked literally hundreds of hot white girls -- as dates or bar hookups or girlfriends when I was younger, and now as an older guy with money through sites like SeekingArrangement.

You are convinced that girls aren't attracted to you, and that is literally why girls aren't attracted to you. They can smell that desperation and self-pity from miles away. Originally Posted by sneed12
Stop lying you know very well women generally arent attracted to asian men. Lol. You're a low sexual market value asian guy and probably only fuck your equally looksmatch or below.
bbjunkies's Avatar
Just because you believe you are attracted doesn't make women magically jump on your dick lmao. You think that you're the only special snowflake who's convinced of himself. Attractive women has tons of options. What make you think she will go for a low smv asian guy like you vs tons of good looking chads that are 8's and 9's.

Keep coping. It's all looks, nothing else

Anyone who insulting me doesnt invalidate my post content lol.
bbjunkies's Avatar
Imagine a short guy that's pretending to be a badass and brave and having confidence, though she likes a badass bad boys, short guy can't pretend to be something without having the look prerequisite. An ugly guy with confidence is like that. Girls DO love guys with confidence, but only if he's good looking. So no matter how hard a guy think he is, IT DOESN'T MEAN SHIT.

Any guy can walk into a bar with confidence thinking women will pay him attention. It still doesn't mean anything if he's not good looking. Because at the bars/clubs people generally pay attention to themselves anyway.
Is it just me or did something happen to online dating? I was fine up until I was about 25 with dating, but then all of a sudden every site was flooded with spam profiles and the few real people were married already. I didn't even update my profile, and used the same summary and photos, but they all magically stopped working. I got on this website shortly afterwards. I hardly see younger ladies in bars/clubs anymore, either, but don't go very often.

Is there some kind of motivational shift around the mid 20s for women where they no longer date to have fun and make friends, instead just looking for someone to provide security for them? Is there some magic number on dating sites (like 25) where they no longer work and all you can find are escorts, spammers, or divorced women 50+ lbs. overweight with 3 children already?

I'm not even ugly (I'm somewhere between Johnathon Myers and a young David Beckham but am average/slightly below average height) and don't have kids or an ex-wife. I don't have anything against the ladies on sites like this one but would rather find a normal relationship if I can. I still date occasionally, but can't use dating sites at all and very rarely find people at bars is all I'm saying. It's nothing like 10 years ago, even though I have money now and was broke then.
Stop lying you know very well women generally arent attracted to asian men. Originally Posted by bbjunkies
They seem to be attracted to me just fine.
You're a low sexual market value asian guy and probably only fuck your equally looksmatch or below.
I'm a pretty average looking guy. Not fat, not ugly, and on the tall side, but average looking. I have scored girls way hotter than I probably deserve many, many times. It just takes confidence.
What make you think she will go for a low smv asian guy like you Originally Posted by bbjunkies
Did your mommy not hug you when you were a kid or something?
vs tons of good looking chads that are 8's and 9's.
There's the incel language, knew it was coming.
Keep coping. It's all looks, nothing else
I am living proof that you are wrong. I'm a normal looking guy who is reasonably charming, intelligent, witty, and polite. With that, work, and a little luck, I have scored with astonishingly hot girls. And now that I have money it's like shooting fish in a fucking barrel.
bbjunkies's Avatar
They seem to be attracted to me just fine.

I'm a pretty average looking guy. Not fat, not ugly, and on the tall side, but average looking. I have scored girls way hotter than I probably deserve many, many times. It just takes confidence. Originally Posted by sneed12
Sorry but being average is not enough to get hot girls unless you REALLY REALLY spam approach. You approached 500 girls and 2 land on your dick every 6 months. That's more likely to happened.

Even with good game you are too far outside of their range to be acceptably from majority of attractive women.

Game can only be leverage if you are above average 7/10. Height is 5'10-6'2 is where the minimun cutoff range is. Most asians are short 5'5.

Average guys or below often settle for their equally looksmatch, pay a prostitute or go to third world countries. It's easier to get the girls overseas.
bbjunkies's Avatar
It just takes confidence. Originally Posted by sneed12
Would you fuck a fat ugly girl that has confidence?

No way, right?

Confidence only matter if she's ALREADY attracted to you.

An ugly guy with confidence will get friend zoned when it comes to non platonically.

No amount of confidence will FORCE her to like you the same way a fat ugly girl with confidence approach you.

Your looks will play a big role in the relationship. If she's start to flake/make excuses etc.. It means that she was never attracted to you in the first place. She just doing you a favor by not telling you and hope that you get the hint.

It's your looks! She doesn't see you as her type.
sweety this logic only works on 18-22 yr olds who live at home with their mother and the only bill they have is a cell phone bill. Real grown women go for secuirty not looks. Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle

Truth right here. OP is fixated on tinder/bumble etc. Last i checked those are hook up sites. I.E. the women on there are completely superficial, 18-22 for the most part. As are the guys.
I'm a grown man, i don't get on Tinder or any of that to get pussy. I've been sticking to SB's for a while, but catch a bunch of them in the real world, not on web sites.

Don't get me wrong, if you're fuck all ugly you're gonna have a hard time of it. The rest is attitude and skill. I'm still amazed at how basic manly skills are the key. Take a 9/10 on a date, pay for diner and drinks but don't be flashy, open her door, pull out her chair, maintain eye contact, listen and retain what she is saying, don't slober over other tits and ass that walk by, treat the staff with respect, speak properly, and that pussy will be dripping wet and ready to go by nights end. And will stay that way for you long after that first date. I still open the car door for my girl to get in and out.

OP sounds like a fuckboi, forgive the terminology but that's what my current girl calls guys like that.
bbjunkies's Avatar
Truth right here. OP is fixated on tinder/bumble etc. Last i checked those are hook up sites. I.E. the women on there are completely superficial, 18-22 for the most part. As are the guys.
I'm a grown man, i don't get on Tinder or any of that to get pussy. I've been sticking to SB's for a while, but catch a bunch of them in the real world, not on web sites.

Don't get me wrong, if you're fuck all ugly you're gonna have a hard time of it. The rest is attitude and skill. I'm still amazed at how basic manly skills are the key. Take a 9/10 on a date, pay for diner and drinks but don't be flashy, open her door, pull out her chair, maintain eye contact, listen and retain what she is saying, don't slober over other tits and ass that walk by, treat the staff with respect, speak properly, and that pussy will be dripping wet and ready to go by nights end. And will stay that way for you long after that first date. I still open the car door for my girl to get in and out.

OP sounds like a fuckboi, forgive the terminology but that's what my current girl calls guys like that. Originally Posted by sand247
In other word, you pay for it.

I don't need pay for it. Women pay me cause im that good looking haha. Yup women pay men too.