Fellas whatcha think and providers why?

Unforgivable's Avatar
[quote=Natalie Reign;1252079]It sounds like you had a disappointing experience, and you're looking to us for answers. But, we don't know the situation, and I certainly can't pass judgment on what goes on between two people behind closed doors. If there is a specific "YMMV provider" that you're hoping will answer your question, maybe a PM is the way to go. [quote]

Nope, I was just curious about YMMV provider.. I just see it in reviews and I see some providers note that..
rrrabbit's Avatar
And, providers are not robots. The content of my sessions changes based on who I'm with, their likes/dislikes, hygiene, chemistry, and how the gentleman treats me. To me, that's what YMMV means. I'd venture to say the same probably goes for most providers. Perhaps if you gave us some insight as to the reason for your original post, we could answer your question a bit more clearly, or help you understand what went wrong.

xoxo Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
I say this with the utmost of respect towards every providers and hobbyist. Please bear in mind and let it be a known fact that I'm not picking on Natalie. I am simply choosing to use her comment as an example of what has already been said over and over again (she has a solid reputation that defies doubt, vs the bull this soon-to-be rabbit-stew puts out).

When I read the OP, the high volume BP girls and bait/switch is the 1st thing that came to my mind.

It think that we can all agree that "YMMV" has different potential interpretations. I dunno, but I don't think the average boo-boo here needs to be reminded of hygene or good manners. Yes - that works both ways.

It seems that most of the rebuttals to this thread has been "but, but ... there are so many assholes and sick/dirty ppl out there !!!".

That is true, and the rest of us have to pay $250/$300 for an hour to accomodate and compensate. Otherwise, it'd be $40/pop. No ?

There is a cost associated with the fast money (not interchangeable with easy).

In contrast, remember that a doctor does not earn what he does because he/she can suck dong. Consider why he/she has a higher income than minimum wage.

Lastly, the only person/s I know who's making a living/killing by working 10-14 days out of the month without a diversified business portfolio (in this economy) and capable of holding themselves and their young ones up are ...

Note that the key word "honest" was mysteriously avoided in the last sentence.
I have had two so so reviews in my time, because one was a big miscommunication. I thoughti was walking into a d/s session. He expected me to be to submissive, LOL! I hate to try to be topped. In another instance I was asked if I saw very older men. He didn't say be was geriatric! He was not forthcoming. I shouldn't have gone thru with it. Shit happens every now and then. IMO, ymmv has to do with that sort of thing. And not just seeing every Tom, dick, and Harry.
Typos ... just terrible! I'm using my phone.
This was a good thread. "YMMV" seems to mean something different for everyone.
It sounds like you had a disappointing experience, and you're looking to us for answers. But, we don't know the situation, and I certainly can't pass judgment on what goes on between two people behind closed doors. If there is a specific "YMMV provider" that you're hoping will answer your question, maybe a PM is the way to go.

Maybe we're all misinterpreting what you mean by YMMV. Providers who state YMMV on their ads or websites do so to manage expectations. Contrary to popular belief, not everything you read in reviews is true. And, providers are not robots. The content of my sessions changes based on who I'm with, their likes/dislikes, hygiene, chemistry, and how the gentleman treats me. To me, that's what YMMV means. I'd venture to say the same probably goes for most providers. Perhaps if you gave us some insight as to the reason for your original post, we could answer your question a bit more clearly, or help you understand what went wrong.

xoxo Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Thats what it means for me as well. Sessions can certainly change with those issues (chemistry,hygiene,ect.ect.) And paint it how you want to but everyone knows the reviews are not always accurate. I agree with you on that. And yea you can screen but that still doesnt mean the guy is gonna show up smellin like roses. Hell, I even offer a shower and they still won't get in. I guess back in tha day when I did incalls I should have insisted they get in !! lol !
budman33's Avatar
Showers pre session are great, especially when you get in with me. Hobbiests are all told to be YMMV too, just because the little head is doing most of the thinking, If the door opens and it isn't the girl in the BP ad or the incall smells like someone lit a cigarette bonfire, you have to turn the fuck around and walk away. Then I just tell my little buddy he has a date with Rosy Palm and to quit whining.
Showers pre session are great, especially when you get in with me. Hobbiests are all told to be YMMV too, just because the little head is doing most of the thinking, If the door opens and it isn't the girl in the BP ad or the incall smells like someone lit a cigarette bonfire, you have to turn the fuck around and walk away. Then I just tell my little buddy he has a date with Rosy Palm and to quit whining. Originally Posted by budman33

Lol !
Ymmv = inconsistent service = whatever she feels like doing at the moment= oh shit, he didn't look like Brad Pitt or Daniel Craig. = feeling lazy and could a damn less about the client. = Really bad service. = Yikes!!!!!.
hmmmm this is very interesting reading..... My ex girlfriend couldnt take more than six inches either she was tilted down there and she liked anal....Me... nope that is not for me and well as far as the size goes as long as it feels good why not.................but thats why I am sticking with the hands for my job but hey looking for a boy toy or a man bo in my personal life.lol