First Contact - Separates Men from Boys

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-04-2022, 04:55 PM
One word text/email requests are something I joke about with my provider friends all the time. It's right up there with unsolicited dick pics.

Failure to follow instructions is high on my list of no-go's and since my site asks you to introduce yourself it is clear to me that you either didn't read or didn't care.

I'm sure I turn away some good clients but honestly if you can't or won't compose a coherent sentence in an effort to make a good first impression then who knows what other areas you'll be lacking in? Hygiene? The ability to understand the word no? Will you be able to follow the instructions to my door? You open up a box of red flags when you can't follow the first instruction you're given. Originally Posted by Evelyn QV
I'm sure the other ladies appreciate your lost $ over some pet peeves, there's enough nuts for everyone to stay busy, I've never had to write a kiss ass introduction to give my $ away.

Still don't or wouldn't ever stoop that low, I take this required introduction is before the guy's "get screened" with giving up personal information?

Makes me wonder if she's this bossy that my hello needs to be her way, I wonder if the session will be any fun, will she be more bossy? Maybe grouchy? I guess since you brought it up, will her pussy stink? I'll save the risk and pick someone else without the instructions
One word text/email requests are something I joke about with my provider friends all the time. It's right up there with unsolicited dick pics.

Failure to follow instructions is high on my list of no-go's and since my site asks you to introduce yourself it is clear to me that you either didn't read or didn't care.

I'm sure I turn away some good clients but honestly if you can't or won't compose a coherent sentence in an effort to make a good first impression then who knows what other areas you'll be lacking in? Hygiene? The ability to understand the word no? Will you be able to follow the instructions to my door? You open up a box of red flags when you can'
follow the first instruction you're given. Originally Posted by Evelyn QV
Giiiirrrll! You damn right!

I typically edit out non-important comments on a response .... but hells bells
.... I'm digging every word of your post~!
Is this not the most educational thread ever?

I think this would be up for the Pulitzer award!

BLM - ..."I wonder if the session will be any fun, will she be more bossy?

Obviously you've not read my latest reviews....oh yeah ... you have cuz you bashed me on one recently posted.

For Gods Sake .... BLM ... just get a life and grow up ....
RachelR's Avatar
The “I saw you on the internet” happens more often than not on this side of it. It’s quite frustrating sometimes. Duh I know you saw me on the internet 😂🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ No need to tell me you did!!
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...kinda reminds me of all those cheesy pick up lines from the disco days:


1. Are you my appendix? I don’t know what you do or how you work, but I feel like I should take you out.

2. Somebody call the cops because it’s got to be illegal to look that good!

3. If you were a vegetable, you’d be a CUTEcumber!

4. Is it hot in here or is it just you?

5. If you were a triangle you’d be an acute one

6. Hey girl, are you a beaver? ‘Cause damn!

7. Are you an orphanage? Because I want to give you kids.

8. Is that a mirror in your pocket? Cause I can see myself in your pants.

9. Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute. Together we’d be Pretty Cute.

10. Would you grab my arm, so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?
The Queen Sophie's Avatar
"Are you an orphanage "??��

Now that was damn funny!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-05-2022, 12:01 PM
Giiiirrrll! You damn right!

I typically edit out non-important comments on a response .... but hells bells
.... I'm digging every word of your post~!
Is this not the most educational thread ever?

I think this would be up for the Pulitzer award!

BLM - ..."I wonder if the session will be any fun, will she be more bossy?

Obviously you've not read my latest reviews....oh yeah ... you have cuz you bashed me on one recently posted.

For Gods Sake .... BLM ... just get a life and grow up ....
Originally Posted by Torre Tames
I think you need to go after the tricks that reported on that encounter, you don't want them reporting that you're giving up raw pussy, stop giving tricks raw pussy! Simple
I think you need to go after the tricks that reported on that encounter, Originally Posted by BLM69
And once again .... I hang on every moment waiting for you to post a response.

So insightful and intelligent ... what would we do without you BLM?

RACHEL R: The “I saw you on the internet” happens more often than not on this side of it.
It’s quite frustrating sometimes. Duh I know you saw me on the internet ������♀️����♀️ No need to tell me you did!!

Yes Rachel ... Yes!
I find it funny that even the most savvy hobbyist don't understand how our time is wasted on clueless inquiries.
It's good to have an upholding reputation so that we can scoff those dudes away.
oops ... foot in my mouth ... eeek!

I said scoff "those dudes" away .... I'm not referring to the savvy hobbyists .... !!

Back peddle .... back peddle .... yuk, I hate it when my fingers get ahead of my brain ....

I do know ..... and this is because many clients take what I post very much to heart .... it's important to make sure they know it's not directed at them!

Love .... love my Regs!
XXOO :-)
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-05-2022, 04:52 PM
oops ... foot in my mouth
TT Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Not the first time you put your foot in your mouth and let us know how you really feel 😆 I can respect that more than the BS. You start being honest all the time, I'll be complimenting you
There are SO MANY ways I can respond to that .... I choose to take the high road.

Being honest is something we all should practice more often.
or .... then.... well, some are TOO honest and it gets a bit irritating.

But ... wow .... I'M SOOOOO honored to get your approval!
When do I get my $2.95 trophy?

Oh wait .... hhhmm... I'm rethinking this .... and seeing your posts in the Harry Hines thread ... well makes me want to erk. I bess not get within 10 feet. Nasty .... just plain nastiness.

Back to the subject.
I really can't beleive the volume of texts and phone calls from one liner dudes ... saying ... "I saw your review on ECCIE and I want some of THAT"

I'm like (in my head) .... bloke .... obviously you DID NOT perform any due dilligence cuz you know I'm not gonna acknowledge your request!
Evelyn QV's Avatar
I'm sure the other ladies appreciate your lost $ over some pet peeves, there's enough nuts for everyone to stay busy, I've never had to write a kiss ass introduction to give my $ away.

Still don't or wouldn't ever stoop that low, I take this required introduction is before the guy's "get screened" with giving up personal information?

Makes me wonder if she's this bossy that my hello needs to be her way, I wonder if the session will be any fun, will she be more bossy? Maybe grouchy? I guess since you brought it up, will her pussy stink? I'll save the risk and pick someone else without the instructions Originally Posted by BLM69
Men who don't like following instructions can never seem to find a woman's clit and must be screened out immediately!

And just like magic they screen themselves out *poof*
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-06-2022, 12:45 AM
There are SO MANY ways I can respond to that .... I choose to take the high road.

Being honest is something we all should practice more often.
or .... then.... well, some are TOO honest and it gets a bit irritating.

But ... wow .... I'M SOOOOO honored to get your approval!
When do I get my $2.95 trophy?

Oh wait .... hhhmm... I'm rethinking this .... and seeing your posts in the Harry Hines thread ... well makes me want to erk. I bess not get within 10 feet. Nasty .... just plain nastiness.

Back to the subject.
I really can't beleive the volume of texts and phone calls from one liner dudes ... saying ... "I saw your review on ECCIE and I want some of THAT"

I'm like (in my head) .... bloke .... obviously you DID NOT perform any due dilligence cuz you know I'm not gonna acknowledge your request! Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Now you don't really believe that any of you Ladies are any better them HH girls? They also give instructions but so do I! And we know who wins that game, I've kicked a few out from my car and the room after they showered, I don't buckle for stupidity. I can't run the show and be a simp at the same time

Look at that pic of one I posted up walking the track! That young hottie not on your levels? What about the link from that other girl that was just posted up? She looks like a keeper to me, you Ladies do the same thing $, what's the difference?

About the instructions that some of you require, not everyone is going to follow them, some tricks don't care, some don't like to do extra stuff to give someone business, most guys want the easy quick way, but the good thing is that there's a fool that would do it. There's a ass for every seat (heard that on a gas monkey garage episode)
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-06-2022, 12:54 AM
Men who don't like following instructions can never seem to find a woman's clit and must be screened out immediately!

And just like magic they screen themselves out *poof* Originally Posted by Evelyn QV
Maybe they smelled the pussy and decided to get lost, the screening is only affective when they're interested, what if they're not interested? Maybe they said screw it, I'll contact someone else with less requirements,

You talk like there's a shortage of options? There's always someone more eager, nicer willing to take the cock draining challenge, once tricks smarten up and learn how to fish, they'll never starve again...... I'm stuffed
“Now you don't really believe that any of you Ladies are any better them HH girls?
Look at that pic of one I posted up walking the track! That young hottie not on your levels? What about the link from that other girl that was just posted up?
She looks like a keeper to me, you Ladies do the same thing $, what's the difference?"

HHHMMMM… well, how about intelligent conversation …. A classy, clean beautiful incall …
Creating a connection which results in an AMAZING experience …. Going out to dinner with a hottie on your arm that is sophisticated, dynamic and PRESENTABLE ?!!
That’s just to name a few.

Weird how I feel you beg for the education ….. talk your talk ….. but your just running in circles dude.

I feel bad for those girls walking the streets …. And YOU taking total advantage of their disposition?
That is just sick … and not in a good way.

I wish I could help ….. but most of them are too far gone. It’s really really sad.

“I can't run the show and be a simp at the same time” …

Yeah, and like I said before …. GO ON witch your bad self.
What’s wrong with showing respect for women ….. and even those who are struggling just trying to make it to another day ….

You actually approve and are proud of the fact you exploit them?

“…most guys want the easy quick way, but the good thing is that there's a fool that would do it.”

No ….. not a fool.
Far from it.
Just because they prefer CLASS and can afford it …. Definitely does not put them in the “fool” category.
For myself and most quality providers …. We need to know your persona before we see you.
Such is why we ask more questions and also expect an appropriate and creditable response.
You don’t like it? Or can’t afford it?
Well, it’s not like you could go out today and just pay cash for a Lambo…. (you can’t afford to, right?).

Sometimes we have to accept ….. the facts ….. diff strokes for diff folks…

I only wish the best for everyone .... that's who I am ...
but look .... as one famous saying goes ...


Hugs to all!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-06-2022, 10:39 AM
“Now you don't really believe that any of you Ladies are any better them HH girls?
Look at that pic of one I posted up walking the track! That young hottie not on your levels? What about the link from that other girl that was just posted up?
She looks like a keeper to me, you Ladies do the same thing $, what's the difference?"

HHHMMMM… well, how about intelligent conversation …. A classy, clean beautiful incall …
Creating a connection which results in an AMAZING experience …. Going out to dinner with a hottie on your arm that is sophisticated, dynamic and PRESENTABLE ?!!
That’s just to name a few.

Weird how I feel you beg for the education ….. talk your talk ….. but your just running in circles dude.

I feel bad for those girls walking the streets …. And YOU taking total advantage of their disposition?
That is just sick … and not in a good way.

I wish I could help ….. but most of them are too far gone. It’s really really sad.

“I can't run the show and be a simp at the same time” …

Yeah, and like I said before …. GO ON witch your bad self.
What’s wrong with showing respect for women ….. and even those who are struggling just trying to make it to another day ….

You actually approve and are proud of the fact you exploit them?

“…most guys want the easy quick way, but the good thing is that there's a fool that would do it.”

No ….. not a fool.
Far from it.
Just because they prefer CLASS and can afford it …. Definitely does not put them in the “fool” category.
For myself and most quality providers …. We need to know your persona before we see you.
Such is why we ask more questions and also expect an appropriate and creditable response.
You don’t like it? Or can’t afford it?
Well, it’s not like you could go out today and just pay cash for a Lambo…. (you can’t afford to, right?).

Sometimes we have to accept ….. the facts ….. diff strokes for diff folks…

I only wish the best for everyone .... that's who I am ...
but look .... as one famous saying goes ...


Hugs to all!
Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Taking advantage? That can be said both ways right? This hobby is about knowledge, you're hustling and charging premium to tricks that have no other knowledge in how to connect with others, I would consider that exploitation $$$ and you can call it what you want

You a Lambo quality now? Don't fool yourself 😂 I say you're a good running used Hyundai with high mileage on a good day, nothing wrong with that, it's gets you where you need to be....barely

I love how you dismiss other SW that don't know about this place, they ALL become exploited in your brain, show's me your way of thinking 😆, if things are not your way, they're wrong! Your tricks are having interesting conversations alright lol, they're there for the raw granny pussy, some may drink the Kool aid, I already said there's fools out there. Exploit them suckers $