One word text/email requests are something I joke about with my provider friends all the time. It's right up there with unsolicited dick pics.I'm sure the other ladies appreciate your lost $ over some pet peeves, there's enough nuts for everyone to stay busy, I've never had to write a kiss ass introduction to give my $ away.
Failure to follow instructions is high on my list of no-go's and since my site asks you to introduce yourself it is clear to me that you either didn't read or didn't care.
I'm sure I turn away some good clients but honestly if you can't or won't compose a coherent sentence in an effort to make a good first impression then who knows what other areas you'll be lacking in? Hygiene? The ability to understand the word no? Will you be able to follow the instructions to my door? You open up a box of red flags when you can't follow the first instruction you're given. Originally Posted by Evelyn QV
Still don't or wouldn't ever stoop that low, I take this required introduction is before the guy's "get screened" with giving up personal information?
Makes me wonder if she's this bossy that my hello needs to be her way, I wonder if the session will be any fun, will she be more bossy? Maybe grouchy? I guess since you brought it up, will her pussy stink? I'll save the risk and pick someone else without the instructions