Allen West confirms he is a lunatic

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Here is a little insight from another one of those crazy Negroes.
Here is a little insight from another one of those crazy Negroes. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This should be MANDARORY viewing for OZOMBIES.

Of course the HUFFPO did not put it out so it won't happen.

Thanks DOG.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This should be MANDARORY viewing for OZOMBIES.

Of course the HUFFPO did not put it out so it won't happen.

Thanks DOG. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
^^^But if that's the case, I hardly think it's JUST Democrats who are Marxist. Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
not sure your thinking here..but you are too beautiful for me to want to argue
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That is the fallacy here. Extreme left wingers are communist, extreme right wingers are Fascist. The end result is the same: Totalitarianism.
Guest123018-4's Avatar

There is a reason that the framers limited the powers of the federal government and all of its branches.
joe bloe's Avatar
That is the fallacy here. Extreme left wingers are communist, extreme right wingers are Fascist. The end result is the same: Totalitarianism. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

True conservatives believe in a small, relatively weak federal government; fascism can not exist in that scenario. Extreme right wingers believe in personal freedom and having the government mind their own business.

It's a popular misconception to call true conservatives fascists. Liberals want people to think that there is a continuum of conservative politcal views that ends in Hitler, representing the highest degree of conservatism; that's utter nonsense. If conservatism was taken to an extreme, it would result in anarchy, which is essentially no government, certainly not a dictatorship.

Probably the most famous fascist was Mussolini. Mussolini was a life long socialist and loved by the American left until he allied with Germany.If you're interested in the subject of fascism, I highly recommend Johah Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascism".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Conservatism leads to control, just not as quickly as liberalism. Too much power is concentrated at the top. Conservatives need to support reduction of government in all departments and all levels. They don't. They appear to support the crony capitalism that currently dominates our economy. That is not smaller government, it is only smaller in certain areas. They still want to police the world, and to continue to bomb the Middle East until they like us.
joe bloe's Avatar
My defence is of the political philosophy of conservatism not the Republican party or people masquerading as conservatives. Conservatism does not result in "too much power being concentrated at the top". If real conservatives were running the country, the federal government would be downsized to a system that operated within the boundaries laid out in the Constitution. Real conservatives believe in the tenth amendment which guarantees that too much power can not be concentrated at the top.

I don't think we are fundamentally in disagreement. I think it's important to be careful in the use of terminology. Conservatism does not lead to control. The Republican party absolutely does grow the federal government and restrict personal freedom, but it's not because they're implementing conservative policies. Republicans grow the government and restrict our freedom by implementing liberal policies.

The founding fathers were the personification of conservatism and would be against most of the power being weilded by the federal government today.

Conservatism is not the problem. Liberalism is the problem.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Most of the people who espouse "conservatism" over "liberalism" still support massive defense spending and world policing, which maintains and increases the power of the military industrial complex. They are for continuing the ridiculous and wasteful "war on drugs." They support tax cuts for the wealthy, which will do nothing, instead of replacing the income tax with a system that makes sense and works. They support so-called "family values" legislation, which still interferes with the individual's right to choose how they want to live. They refuse to support the repeal of the 16th and 17th amendments, which corrupted the Constitution that the Founders created. And they do not support ending the Federal Reserve System and the move to give our money real value. They also refuse to enact meaningful reforms which would reduce the corrupt influence of Wall Street on the system.

That may not be you, Joe, but that is the "conservative" line.

Conservatism is definitely a major part of the problem. Libertarianism is the solution. Freedom. Liberty. Let's legalize that.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
My personal belief is that the true conservative would be a libertarian except for the insistence on a huge military complex in the name of being the world dominate military. To me that is not very conservative.

\I also believe that a conservative should be aware of conservation and strive to be a good steward of our resources. This does not mean that a conservative should be one of those Green meanie fanatics but should support conservation that does not limit what a person can do via government control.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
not sure your thinking here..but you are too beautiful for me to want to argue Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I could have elaborated a bit more haha sorry I was pretty tired after driving 10 hours

I was directly responding to this

marxists see everything thru the prism of class.
I really feel that sums up the American People in GENERAL and has nothing to do with a political party.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It would be very sad if people only viewed others as to what they THINK is anothers class.
We may not all travel or exist within the same social circles but I dont view one person as better or worse because of their wealth or lack there of.I dont envy those that have more or pity those that have less.

I guess it is human nature though for some to view others as better or worse than they are. It is like watching an episode of COPS and remarking about the trailer trash, while some exclaim how well off they are to be acting that way and still others have no idea what COPS is.

The prism divides the light into the spectrum of colors each distinguishable in the middle of the color but mixing slightly as the other color emerges. Many colors.
Marxist only divide things into black and white., the haves or the ruling class and the rest of the people. The idea that all people are born equal and should remain that way all of their lives.

I would rather live where I am free to accomplish what ever I can accomplish and not be controlled by the government.

A statement I have heard from some of the workers when offered some overtime work is that they dont want it because the government ends up getting most of it so why give up their weekend just to pay more in taxes.

Allow people to make more money and not increase the tax rate and the government will increase the revenue. Just because you have the ability to make more money does not mean you will do so if you feel that the amount you have to pay makes it not worth it.
I could have elaborated a bit more haha sorry I was pretty tired after driving 10 hours

I was directly responding to this

I really feel that sums up the American People in GENERAL and has nothing to do with a political party. Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
your explanation has me thinking.

a few months ago in here, in several rather vivid discussions, i was called stupid for thinking and voting against my "class" and against my "interests" by several of the more left leaning types. that struck me as something totally strange to say to me and totally opposite things i had been taught and learned or felt or believed about america or understood about myself. as an adult, and once i matured, i never considered i was a member of any "class".

about the last thought that would ever enter my mind is to vote for some benefit for myself as opposed to what i thought would be best for the country in general. thats not how i perceive many people in the democrat party to be however.

marx lived in london. england was and, to more than a small extent, still is a class based society. you could be a great golfer and win the british open but not be allowed to enter the clubhouse at st. andrews, for you weren't a gentleman. his (marx's) whole class struggle thing was something i dont ascribe to for america is or was or is still supposed to be, different.

america was formed without kings or royalty and the founders purposefully did so. now our society wasnt perfect and had its own informal system of bluebloods but one wasn't held to his or her birth station. frontiersmen could and did become presidents. we did have a struggle with race, more perhaps on a macro level than individually, but i think we have come a long way. i learned that in america, almost anything is possible given one's abilities and ambitions. i think that has proved to be true time and time again.

i would guess that attitude, how you perceive yourself and others, defines you. i always had the attitude i could work for something and get it. i would rather someone stomp a mud-hole in me than feel sorry for me and give me something. without going into anything personal, i will just say i had it rough growing up but i never thought of myself as a poor person who was against the rich. i was more a rich person without a thing, for i had nothing.

but in thinking about my youth and young adult hood, i did have a few scars i carried. i remember the first few times i ever entered a country club. i kept my eyes downcast and did feel out of place. and with good looking girls?, well i knew they were out of my league or so i felt.

but politically? i would say that the democrat party does play to what they perceive as class, and to separate people and treat people as members of a class instead of as individuals. they try to appeal to divisions and everything is about ethnicity and groups instead of just as american people. and the more extreme the democrat, the more it seems to be true.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It wont matter how much we spend on defense when China comes to colle3t their money.