Yesterday's news really, leftover urine from a 2010 pissing match that nobody won, and everybody lost some. I don't vouch for or against anybody on that board, but I've met some fine folks through there and look forward to having it up and active again. Originally Posted by skeeziks
Geez, how did I miss this opportunity to bash GBN? Must have been occupied with other things in early March....

If it was just one person/group that had beef with GBN, I might give them the benefit of the doubt. But I had heard nearly the exact description that SethG posted, from an independent provider from central IL months before the TAE vs GBN tiff. She had taken down her web presence (personal website and ads). When I asked her why, she told me the guy who runs GBN had been stalking her. He had asked to start a personal relationship with her and was following her to the cities she posted ads in. So she stopped posting ads and was only seeing guys she knew. She retired a few months later--wasn't necessarily because of GBN, but because she was pursuing a different career. I figured the GBN guy had a mad crush on her (she was the kind of girl that could happen to), but when TAE started complaining, I realized the transgressions may have been more widespread.

That doesn't necessarily mean that GBN is not a useful site or that its members aren't good folks. It just means you should be careful when dealing with the head honcho (I didn't know that was YAG).
livn2do's Avatar
I've tried my hand at GBN and just don't get it. Kay2Day referred me to it back when I was just a pup and being that I'd wear a sundress and 6" Stiletto heels to make that woman happy I checked it out. Not my bag. Maybe it's because I dont support them financially even though I continue to get emails asking me to do that. Sorry fellas, I have to save all my pop can fun money for my honies.