Going past the scheduled time

JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
the things you miss when you go MIA.

first W-T-F? wasn't sure if I was on a ho board or a stripper board. OP read like classic stripper tact. the ho in question is probably a ho/stripper bringing her game to ho-ville.

I had an hour appointment with a provider that I had never seen.......................... ...........TL................. .......................Was I being a dick by not watching the clock and not being prepared to double the hourly rate? This has never happened before. Sure I've gone 5 or 10 minutes and always tip for great service. I feel like scum but what is her resposibility here? Maybe she could have has a couple less O's and taken care of my business? Thoughts? Originally Posted by rlowden
OP, don't let her make you feel guilty. sounds like she did otherwise why post about it? need some support? you got it. don't do it again or fall for it again. move on to a better girl.

Sometimes it's better to become a clockwatcher yourself .............................. .............. Originally Posted by kerwil62
no. never.

You are paying for YOU to get a nut. If you are foolish enough to believe the hooker is enjoying it so much that she is gonna give you free time then you are a fool. I am sure you were aware that you were way over your hr. Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
don't know about you, but more than half the ones I've met have stayed overtime. the ones that didn't, 5/2 odds they had pimps or pimp-like partners/helpers/brothers/friends.

Well... It is the responsibility of both parties to keep track, the provider as time is what she sells,........................ ................
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
both? no. never! I don't pay to watch a clock myself. rather watch boobs or something

Bottom line, we, everyone on this planet is selling the same thing.


...and yeah.... seriously dude.. It's her part of her job description to make you feel like you're the best ever. Originally Posted by u12b8
frenchie t?

I have a pretty set routine that lasts 55 minutes - if the lady wants me to stay over for free and give her more orgasms she will have to ask. I am certain that won't ever happen. I always keep an eye on the clock specifically to avoid your scenario. Originally Posted by tbone77494
you never know. or maybe it's you? then again it might also be dependent on other things like where session happens and what type. then again to be more precise I'm not saying the overtime I've gotten is more orgasms on either end or not. most of it's been just more time in general.

you gotta clock watch yourself, it helps you maximize your time as well. Originally Posted by cr76
eh, I see what you're saying. however what you are saying implies that the time is going to be on time and exactly what is paid for. as in to maximize the hour or whatever was paid for. that doesn't exactly go along with the OP's theme.

I always get a kick out of the guys that will state in their review they went "way over" like it was some sort of favor to the lady or they got special treatment.. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
hard to get a feel for tone on typing so eh. retracting my reply but I already quoted.

Ok? you went overtime so fuckin what. You do not need to pay double that's ba Originally Posted by the cute papi
one of the few things I will agree with this member on.

1. It would help if he named her.

2. It would help if he quantified WAY OVER.

3. They should get married. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
#3? lol I think someone needs to used a symbol for serious answers vs. sarcastic answers.

I've had guy's being clock watchers... Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
would and will never.

Hello!!!! You got played Dude.
Plain and simple. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
this EXACTLY. played stripper school style.

I agree with Dulce!! It's like when you get dances at the strip club. Some girls keep a count out loud and ask if you want another dance. Others keep the count on the inside know they're about to get paid. As someone else said, lesson learned. They say the lessons that cost your the most are the ones you learn the best. Thanks for sharing your story, cause who knows how many other could fall into the same situation?? Originally Posted by jojodancer15
all I read was to dances at a strip club. exactly my thought reading the OP.

Fuck the bitch!!! It's her responsibility as a entrepreneur to let you you know when times up. She should have had you sign a copy of her policies and procedures at start of session. That's her job. You are the customer. She should have let you know up front how much per minute she would charge you if you went over. She should put a time stamp on all of her pictures in her showcase. She should let you know up front how many guys she fucked before you that day and how many were bbfs. She should tell you how many sugar daddies she has also.
Pay her the donation and walk out. Originally Posted by Jasechase
right here. what this member said. I think he meant "fuck the ho" tho. (see what I did there?)

also, the part about being the customer. think of other scenarios where time is a factor and how those apply. for example, bowling? maybe you don't bowl but you pay for an hour they don't leave the lanes on past an hour and suprise charge you at the end. neither do the dudes at the go cart places. never done it but pretty sure LMPs wouldn't do that either. then again, maybe a car rental place or a cell phone company would screw you like that but as the above poster stated they make you sign plenty of papers letting you know they will. I could be missing some examples but I got a buzz so eh. how about use your common sense!

how some dudes even make it to a session I wonder sometimes.
Woulda been a lot easier if when you said "The hour is up" and she said, "Keep going."
If you said, "I only brought donation for an hour."

Then you REALLY would have seen exactly how much of a "good time" she really was having. I hate to advise any guy to game a hooker, but she obviously ran hers.... And you got swept away.... right to the ATM.
Here y'all go - he posted it for the premium access members.
The girl cant watch the clock,,,they write reviews about that sh*it and it reflects poorly on her. He will feel rushed,,,
OP has plenty of experience to take control and timing of his bodily functions,,,she doesn't know how long he can stay erect or how many times he can come on a regular bases.
New providers with very little experience won't lead,,,
The lady may be submissive, shy, and he sounds like he was in control of the different
things taking place.
He was asking questions about pleasuring HER,,,at any time he could have asked her if she would give him a break and let her drive. IJS

we are only get one side of the story,,,something is missing.
Is she young, verified, Backpage, all these factor into the WHOLE story.
You got taken school bro. I always try to time myself to make sure I stay within the scheduled time. I respect the provider's time and I expect the same from them.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
we are only get one side of the story,,,something is missing.
Is she young, verified, Backpage, all these factor into the WHOLE story. Originally Posted by Lorde
Enchanting Elizabeth isn't new.

However, she is currently banned from ECCIE, so there will only be one side of the story unless you wish to PM her through P411, where she is responsive...because I'd just screened, quoted, and was preparing to book...and am now...skittish.
New providers with very little experience won't lead,,,
The lady may be submissive, shy, and he sounds like he was in control of the different
things taking place. . Originally Posted by Lorde
The ho isn't submissive if she fronted him about the extra time. Then wanted to follow him to his bank. First I wouldn't let the whore follow me anywhere.
Second I would have told her to go fuck herself over the extra money. It's her responsibility to call time. Every fucking theme park in the world has a time limit on their rides. Bet she wouldn't have refunded money if he'd finished early.
She made a mistake doing this. I know one person who won't see her now.
Plus the OP.
Update - Today I get a text from and old GF/escort that used to work for one of the agencies. She left and I think she goes back and forth between UTR and working a traditional 9-5 job. Anyway, she wants to meet me after work. We never discuss money and she never puts a time limit on our meetings. She tells me she wants to see me because I never made her feel like a prostitute and that she feels like I respect her as a person. Great sex and I wish she had more time to see me. She has a young daughter and now a day job and I'm married so We get together when we can. For her I'd pay three time what I paid out the other day but she's a lady and probably would be offended. I actually have to make her take money sometime by explaining that I want her to get something for her daughter to to get a new dress to wear when we meet next time. Usually I just put an envelope in her purse and we don't talk about it. WHY can't more women be like her? Are there so many guys out there that will take advantage every chance they get. Oh well more often than not it works out better for me.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
... WHY can't more women be like her? Are there so many guys out there that will take advantage every chance they get... Originally Posted by rlowden
Why? You answered your own question by asking the next. Yes, there are, alas, both men AND women who seek to take advantage in EVERY commercial enterprise. This being a marketable commodity, the sale of professional companionship, it requires price points. (The whole "donation" thing bugs me to no end, frankly. I'm not a charity, but a businesswoman. The term "rates" is perfectly acceptable.)

You said it yourself; you've known this other lady quite a while, and with that familiarity comes comfort and a relaxing of the traditional boundaries. You obviously have good chemistry with each other, especially if you saw her off the clock as GF instead of GFE.

I've had a limited few long-term gentleman friends evolve to a similar level, where I just accept whatever is left in the envelope for open-ended multi-hour visits, usually at their homes, but it took years and much time together to establish such a level of trust and, yes, friendship. Such arrangements don't often work in the practical, hour-at-a-time confines of the Hobby, or are saved for SD relationships.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The girl was right.

You shoot it, you eat it.

You fuck it, you pay for it...all of it.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I liked the bowling analogy.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Woulda been a lot easier if when you said "The hour is up" and she said, "Keep going."
If you said, "I only brought donation for an hour."

Then you REALLY would have seen exactly how much of a "good time" she really was having. Originally Posted by FoxyNC
I think Foxy is my long lost twin.
  • YSD
  • 11-10-2015, 04:58 PM
Fuck her. It's like an amusement park ride. If the person running the ride goes over it's on them. It is up to the provider to end the session or set the guidelines. This is on her. Sorry about her damn luck.
alikkalottapuss's Avatar
OP you are such a "brave man". Sure does take a lot to post on an anonymous escort site and bash a girl and try to ruin her reputation when you know she can't defend herself or tell her side of the story.
Plus you know nobody else can post her story for her because they would get banned and it would be removed anyway.
What an ass.
The fact you posted this thread in co-ed before even posting the review speaks volumes

You want to spend an hr and a half eating out a provider?pay for 2 hrs or find a sugar baby
I hear Bustybiracial is available