Something positive ..atleast to me

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Congrats Ms Vikki!! Keep up the good work!!!!!
great job ladies!!
i lost 12lbs myself...
new yrs resolution didnt last that long..ok 1
but i know have a "realistic" routine! and eatting right!!
squiretuck's Avatar
Way to go ladies!
Congrats to VL on weight loss, Taylor M. on weight loss, Marley M. on new baby and getting in shape ethic. Nice to see you on the boards, Ms. Kat!
Yeah I lost all the baby weight within two months, firming it up is not as easy lol.

Taylor, ur so sweet. I haven't talked to my taylor of mint in months, its sad cuz she was my best friend since before we we're both in the hobby
I booked a week to Disney. Nice but sure is going to squeeze the hobbying.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
This weekend my 7th grader will be taking her college ACT/SAT test from a Duke University program.She took the practice test and only missed 1 question.....I am one proud momma
rrrabbit's Avatar
Not sure if this qualifies, but I started metoring 3 high school juniors in math this week; they are well on thier way to flunking, and so my challenge is going to be to get the blind mice to see.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Not sure if this qualifies, but I started metoring 3 high school juniors in math this week; they are well on thier way to flunking, and so my challenge is going to be to get the blind mice to see. Originally Posted by rrrabbit

Anything that enhances another's life is always a postive in my book
knotty man's Avatar
tru that VL. wish you couldve made it today. i sure wouldve loved to meet the "new" you
Ghosting's Avatar
glad your not "metoring" in english rrrabit, lol, sorry couldn't resist

and see VL everything starting to head the way we talked about! great job, keep it up you've got support.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Congrats Vikki, Brittney, Marley, saj1000, and MsPrittiKitti on the weight loss! Congrats to all the others who have posted in this thread. It's nice to see people working on self-improvement or helping others.

I'm working on things as well but don't have much to brag about yet.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
glad your not "metoring" in english rrrabit, lol, sorry couldn't resist

and see VL everything starting to head the way we talked about! great job, keep it up you've got support. Originally Posted by Ghosting
You were right

On another note:
I just saved close to $750 one two last minute plane tickets...I love price line even got the flight time I wanted..Come on Thursday
Well I am happy that I will be going to the Red Dirt Mardi Gras Festival this Friday to see the Randy Rodgers Band and then....March 8th to see Korn! Wooohooo, yes I love all types of music!