Will the Chief Justice wear the gold stripes?

  • oeb11
  • 12-12-2019, 09:39 AM
yes - federal law allows foreign citizens legally in the US to purchase firearms under certain conditions.

The Saudi , by report - met those conditions and purchased legally.

As reported .
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yes so sadly the "Loophole " the morons in the media are reporting isn't a "loophole" its a "hole" intentionally left --All they need is a local address is state, Bill or something. ( you really wouldn't want illegals not to be able to ship weapons home now would you)
I'm curious to understand the genesis of the "loophole"

wonder if it has its beginning with the nra?

there can be lack of full thought on the right too you know, in an effort to protect from the chiseling of rights by the chiselers
  • oeb11
  • 12-13-2019, 11:29 AM
Not a "loophole" - but federal law.

a discussion below:
A non-immigrant alien who is not a permanent resident as a general rule cannot purchase firearms in the USA. There are exceptions for import/export, law enforcement and hunting but except for hunting, these exceptions are difficult to qualify for and if you do, you already know whether or not you can follow through.
Only citizens and permanent residents can purchase firearms freely subject to local, State and Federal restrictions. For non-immigrant aliens, non-residents can’t purchase guns at all. Borrow them, rent them but not purchase.
For non-immigrant aliens, those in possession of a valid hunter safety certificate in their state of residence and can prove said residency can purchase firearms for that sporting purpose. That means you can’t just purchase anything and you may be required to demonstrate why that Glock you want to buy relates to hunting. You will likewise be subject to all local and State restrictions and they may not permit a non-Green Card holder to meet their purchase requirements if they are allowed to do so under Federal law.
A tourist or visitor is out of luck. They can’t meet the residency requirements for purchase. And residency in a state is a big part of the ability to buy guns in general. Until recently, a Green Card holder would lose their gun purchase ability for three months if they moved to a different state because the law required them to demonstrate 90 days of continuous residence in the state. That regulation was modified to match those of citizens.
While it may seem like gun ownership is loosely or unregulated in the USA, it is anything but. The regulations are nuanced and often behind-the-scenes but are there when you try to actually get involved with gun ownership. Many of these regulations are nuanced and are not as easy as some people (read: anti-gun) want to make them out to be.
A foreigner cannot simply show up in the USA and buy a gun legally. And doing so illegally can get said foreigner an extended stay as a personal guest of the US government followed by a one-way ticket home, never to return. Firearms crimes by non-citizens and foreigners is a very serious business in the USA. For non-citizens, one deals with firearms at their peril.

FYI - anti gun DPST's please direct your complaints to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
Not a "loophole" - but federal law.

a discussion below:
A non-immigrant alien who is not a permanent resident as a general rule cannot purchase firearms in the USA. There are exceptions for import/export, law enforcement and hunting but except for hunting, these exceptions are difficult to qualify for and if you do, you already know whether or not you can follow through.
Only citizens and permanent residents can purchase firearms freely subject to local, State and Federal restrictions. For non-immigrant aliens, non-residents can’t purchase guns at all. Borrow them, rent them but not purchase.
For non-immigrant aliens, those in possession of a valid hunter safety certificate in their state of residence and can prove said residency can purchase firearms for that sporting purpose. That means you can’t just purchase anything and you may be required to demonstrate why that Glock you want to buy relates to hunting. You will likewise be subject to all local and State restrictions and they may not permit a non-Green Card holder to meet their purchase requirements if they are allowed to do so under Federal law.
A tourist or visitor is out of luck. They can’t meet the residency requirements for purchase. And residency in a state is a big part of the ability to buy guns in general. Until recently, a Green Card holder would lose their gun purchase ability for three months if they moved to a different state because the law required them to demonstrate 90 days of continuous residence in the state. That regulation was modified to match those of citizens.
While it may seem like gun ownership is loosely or unregulated in the USA, it is anything but. The regulations are nuanced and often behind-the-scenes but are there when you try to actually get involved with gun ownership. Many of these regulations are nuanced and are not as easy as some people (read: anti-gun) want to make them out to be.
A foreigner cannot simply show up in the USA and buy a gun legally. And doing so illegally can get said foreigner an extended stay as a personal guest of the US government followed by a one-way ticket home, never to return. Firearms crimes by non-citizens and foreigners is a very serious business in the USA. For non-citizens, one deals with firearms at their peril.

FYI - anti gun DPST's please direct your complaints to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Originally Posted by oeb11
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so, a non-resident alien should not be able to buy a gun in any circumstance except for 3 things; import/export, law enforcement, and hunting... was "hunting claim" that loophole?

like to know how that saudi was able to buy a gun. sounds like somebody failed big time on the background check.
rexdutchman's Avatar
First the Loophole was a LSM make up something bad sounding that's all , Second NO non-res should be able to buy Because we US has no good way to Background check non- res ( Background check NCIC is US ONLY) so the feds fu*ked up again,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 12-14-2019, 11:18 AM
so, a non-resident alien should not be able to buy a gun in any circumstance except for 3 things; import/export, law enforcement, and hunting... was "hunting claim" that loophole?

like to know how that saudi was able to buy a gun. sounds like somebody failed big time on the background check. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

You are welcome to search that and post the answer here.

Thank You.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ sadly the anti gunners will not have an answer - It was allowed by the feds ( watch is clearly wrong but remember there gonna save us)