Clark County (Vegas) commissioner tells lawful Americans to make funeral plans

When governments fear the people, there is liberty... When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.... Thomas Jefferson

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Cattlemen have been paying for grazing rights on federal land for years. It is cheaper than owning the land paying taxes on it and maintaining stewardship on it so it will remain productive. I find it humorous you all are rallying around a cheap son of a bitch who won't pay his bills. Wonder what your hero Putin would have done?
it just seems ever so strange that the story on reid wanting the land comes out and the crisis melts away

nothing makes sense to me but that

the new media (internet) and fox news have broken the hold of the democrats and their lap dog "journalists"
on what to cover and how to cover it and what to ignore on so many fronts

there is no place to hide any longer, so they revert to overt lies as opposed to mere covert lies
its why Obama is such a bald-faced inveterate liar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Cattlemen have been paying for grazing rights on federal land for years. It is cheaper than owning the land paying taxes on it and maintaining stewardship on it so it will remain productive. I find it humorous you all are rallying around a cheap son of a bitch who won't pay his bills. Wonder what your hero Putin would have done? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I guess you missed (why am I not surprised) that Bundy tried repeatedly to pay his money to the COUNTY but they would not take it. Hardly cheap and I don't know if his mother was a canine or not but I doubt. Your post has no validity and is nothing but insults and the final lie about Putin.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Cattlemen have been paying for grazing rights on federal land for years. It is cheaper than owning the land paying taxes on it and maintaining stewardship on it so it will remain productive. I find it humorous you all are rallying around a cheap son of a bitch who won't pay his bills. Wonder what your hero Putin would have done? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
They have only been taxing grazing there for 20 years. It is a bullshit tax made up to break the farmers and run them out because they want the land. It is government land that belongs to all Americans. They have used the bullshit tortoise as a lame excuse as to why they need to tax them. When the Feds themselves were willing to euthanize the turtles before the land grab came into play. Don't think for a minute that they give a fuck about turtles.

What they are doing isn't right, and people are tired of big government bullying people around. They are more than happy to see people stand up to them. Even with helicopters and military vehicles and M16s in their face they are doing whats right. Do you think if those supporters weren't armed themselves that the feds would have turned around and walked away? Fuck no they wouldn't have. They would have been able to do whatever the fuck they wanted to to those people.

Yesterday is a prime example of why we can NEVER NEVER NEVER let them chip away at the second ammendment. Fear is the only thing that will stop them.

P.S. Fuck Putin
I guess you missed (why am I not surprised) that Bundy tried repeatedly to pay his money to the COUNTY but they would not take it. Hardly cheap and I don't know if his mother was a canine or not but I doubt. Your post has no validity and is nothing but insults and the final lie about Putin. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Got a link to where he tried to pay ? If true why have judges ruled against him?

They have only been taxing grazing there for 20 years. It is a bullshit tax made up to break the farmers and run them out because they want the land. It is government land that belongs to all Americans. They have used the bullshit tortoise as a lame excuse as to why they need to tax them. When the Feds themselves were willing to euthanize the turtles before the land grab came into play. Don't think for a minute that they give a fuck about turtles.

What they are doing isn't right, and people are tired of big government bullying people around. They are more than happy to see people stand up to them. Even with helicopters and military vehicles and M16s in their face they are doing whats right. Do you think if those supporters weren't armed themselves that the feds would have turned around and walked away? Fuck no they wouldn't have. They would have been able to do whatever the fuck they wanted to to those people.

Yesterday is a prime example of why we can NEVER NEVER NEVER let them chip away at the second ammendment.

P.S. Fuck Putin Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat

Helo's were used for the round up Feds had tazers armed protesters wanted to be martyrs. You fuckers sound sad there wasn't a shootout. The grazing fees have been in effect for Many years throughout the western states. If this was a absentee landowner they were fucking out of there rent what side would you take then? Because it is our government it is alright to fuck us out of the rent. Who is it that wants the land? Not the ones who want to graze there for free.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
You make it sound like a fair tax, it not like paying rent. Wake up. It was instated to break them and force them out. Thats not paying rent. It's a bullshit tax. The same kind of shit that started the american revolution. Bullshit taxes. Ever hear of the Boston tea party. I guess those guys just wanted to be martyrs too. Nobody wants a shoot out, they just want to be left alone.

The fucking feds had M16s, dogs, helicopters, military vehicles, snipers, etc. Dont say they just had tasers, lol.
BigLouie's Avatar
The fact is that they owe over a million in grazing fee and he has lost his case at almost ever turn. Every time he has lost he claims the BLM has paid off those ruling against him. He owes the feds the money so he then tried to claim that only the local government could tax him and tried to pay the tax to county tax collector and they turned him down. He LOST in two federal courts which ruled that the BLM had the right to seize the cattle. Basically he is just trying to find a way out of paying the tax that everyone else is.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The facts is that you fuckers came out against John Wayne the rancher. No one beats John Wayne. You lost, big time and your boys got humiliated as part of the deal.
Here is another win for our side from a few years ago...
You make it sound like a fair tax, it not like paying rent. Wake up. It was instated to break them and force them out. Thats not paying rent. It's a bullshit tax. The same kind of shit that started the american revolution. Bullshit taxes. Ever hear of the Boston tea party. I guess those guys just wanted to be martyrs too. Nobody wants a shoot out, they just want to be left alone.

The fucking feds had M16s, dogs, helicopters, military vehicles, snipers, etc. Dont say they just had tasers, lol. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat

Another babbling idiot, other ranchers have paid for grazing for years, there is only one here who is above the law. All we have here are the commie fuckers defending him. If you think paying a small fee for grazing is cheaper than owning land you are full of shit.
Ocoldfish caved... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
They are trying to avoid another Waco.

They will be back. And the Feds will be right. That land belongs to the US, not to the Bundy family.
Note to anyone with some sense. The OP is about the overreach of an agency of government period! The deflectors in general would have you believe that it is the itty-bitty technicalities are important. They do not want you to face the truth which should make you mad. 200 armed federal agents backed up with helicopters, armored vehicles, and snipes for what? To serve a notice to a elderly couple in the middle of nowhere????? Why can't these idiots see this. Some of us think that there are some paid jackasses whose job is to amuse and deflect from important issues. You can go back and read some posts. No matter how common sense an issue is they ALWAYS take the side of the left or they want to change the subject.

If this were a courtroom then it would be relevant if everything were 100% correct, if every word had been reviewed for spelling but this is not a courtroom. This is more like a barroom. This certainly isn't a classroom. I can post the words of a daughter of Cliven Bundy. She explains that Cliven tried to pay his fees to the county for years but they would not take the money. So there is a government lie out there that he had not paid at all. The government has lied! They have shut down the air space! They have used dogs against protesters! The have used tasers against protesters! They have killed cattle that they have taken responsibility for by stealing them! A number of laws were broken by the very people tasked with enforcing those laws. This could have ended very badly but someone (funny how we don't know who is in charge) made a decision that they didn't want another WACO or Ruby Ridge.

Some people here are just brain dead or on the payroll of the White House. They will get theirs in the end by way of karma. They can hide behind the Internet and throw shit but I suspect in real life they have been pegged by their co-workers for the royal asses that they are and maybe ......forget it. No matter what I say, they are still meat heads and will always be that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Lying sack of shit.

You said it was state land. I asked for links. You provided none.

You said the laws he broke were unconstitutional. I asked for links to the laws he broke. You provided none.

I asked for a link as to why they were unconstitutional. You provided none, Professor "Ex Post Facto"..

He owes money to the FEDERAL government. Why are you talking about Bundy offering money to Clark COUNTY? How does that help.

In any event POST a link to a reputable source (NOT Bundy or his family) that can confirm he offered money to the FEDERAL government.

Oh, and the reason that the federal government showed up with armed agents is because Bundy and his supporters were threatening to use force to prevent the cattle from being removed.

And just what the fuck does your comment about the being a barroom, not a courtroom, mean? Is that something the voiced in your head told you to repeat?

You get caught in one lie or exaggeration after another. And when you are caught, you ignore it and pretend your earlier lies never happened. Then you make up more lies.

You keeping throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
I guess you missed (why am I not surprised) that Bundy tried repeatedly to pay his money to the COUNTY but they would not take it. Hardly cheap and I don't know if his mother was a canine or not but I doubt. Your post has no validity and is nothing but insults and the final lie about Putin. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

He owes money to the FEDERAL government. County fees are irrelevant.