Bush cherry picked and 100k plus people died...compare that to four. Four. So save you faux anger for a tea tard rally where you won't be questioned about you bs
Originally Posted by WTF
Couple of problems Sparky.
1. A shitload of Dems, including Hillary, Kerry, Gore, and numerous others are on record all the way back in the 90's when Clinton was President saying that Saddam had WMD's. So if we are going to call liar, liar, pants on fire, lets be sure to spread it around a little more.
2. The vast majority of the 100K plus people you refer to were at the hands of terrorists, not the US military. We aren't responsible for what jihadists choose to do.
3. An estimated 5 MILLION children died of starvation and preventable diseases under Saddam's power. This in a country that at the time Saddam came to power had some of the finest hospitals and universities in the Middle East. If the death rate had continued unabated, as of today at least 1-2 additional children would have died had Saddam remained in power. How good are you at math? Which one is the greater travesty? An entire global community that stood by while children starved to death would be my answer. Do not mistake what I just said for an endorsement of the US declaring itself to be the world's policemen.
4. My statement about Bush was simply to illustrate that "old news" doesn't apply when we are talking about people dying over a lie. People died in the protests that were sparked after this Administration dug up a video on Youtube that no one had ever heard of. They lied. They bald faced lied. Because of the lie they chose to tell, people died. Do you really think the body count matters to the guy who got his head cut off?