Nobody Cares About Trumps State Of The Union Speech, It’s What Comes After That People Want To See!

bamscram's Avatar
Will depend if the Trumpet can stay on track and read from the prompter, or if he goes rogue repeating himself telling us how great he is.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
yo Professor Sparky, i know you are watching the Trump USA Pep Rally! bahhaaaaaaaaaaa

Trump is bitch slapping the Dems with every patriotic call and much needed America First stance!

let's see the usual haters like Maxine slap this address. she''ll come off looking like an anti-american. oh .. wait .. she is!!

lustylad's Avatar
The dim-retards just sit there scowling at every applause opportunity... they can't stand winning... they are naysayers and sourpusses... they can only applaud weakness and corruption and dependence... they are profiles in cowardice... their message is America Last... they don't deserve to breathe the same air as the invited heroes singled out and honored by Trump in his speech!
bambino's Avatar
If Joe Kennedy is a rising star for the Democrats, they’re really in trouble.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If Joe Kennedy is a rising star for the Democrats, they’re really in trouble. Originally Posted by bambino

exactly. they trot out a trust fund 4th gen Kennedy to rail about income inequality? bahhaa


this shows how desperate they are. they need that Kennedy star power to try to re-ignite the demtard base.

why is joe kennedy drooling? lol, droolin joe
In which case, LET THEM go under and do NOT BAIL them out. Originally Posted by garhkal
That would be the best route to take. Because it would be calling their bluff. Because in reality they really aren't bankrupt at all they just use that as a ploy to do more stealing like cutting pensions which really isn't their money. You never hear any talk about cutting entitlement programs especially from the Liberals, but they'll cut a teachers pension in a heartbeat. That's what happens when Governments get too big, they fuck ya over.

If Joe Kennedy is a rising star for the Democrats, they’re really in trouble. Originally Posted by bambino
That would be the best route to take. Because it would be calling their bluff. Because in reality they really aren't bankrupt at all they just use that as a ploy to do more stealing like cutting pensions which really isn't their money. You never hear any talk about cutting entitlement programs especially from the Liberals, but they'll cut a teachers pension in a heartbeat. That's what happens when Governments get too big, they fuck ya over.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And you always hear about them wanting to cut OTHER federal workers pensions, but NEVER THEIR BLOODY OWN.
And you always hear about them wanting to cut OTHER federal workers pensions, but NEVER THEIR BLOODY OWN. Originally Posted by garhkal
That's right. I am from Illinois, although at the present time the Governor is a Republican it's been mostly Democrats that have governed that State. But none of that really matters much in Illinois because the Speaker of The House Democrat Michael Madigan possesses so power much and influence that almost nothing happens without his approval. My home town in Illinois is the second largest city in the State. Growing up there were many factory jobs and most everyone was employed. Today the only jobs available are retail jobs and restaurants. Most of the heavy industry jobs no longer exist. You wouldn't know it by looking at it. It's a beautiful city lots to do good shopping, nice restaurants but you can't make a living there. I think it would be a great place to retire if you like seriously cold weather during the winter season. People are leaving Illinois they want out. The property taxes are the main reason, they are unbelievable.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-31-2018, 01:02 AM
Excuse me but Trump is going to be impeached so please don’t tell anyone he is doing a great job unless you mean for Russia and Nazis. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Where is that crystal ball you are rubbing? Between you're legs?
What bothers me about you is that you claim to be an educator.
My spelling does sucks but yours is worse. You are part of the problem with America.
You fake ass three dollar bill. Spin that creep.
LexusLover's Avatar
Excuse me but Trump is going to be impeached so please don’t tell anyone he is doing a great job unless you mean for Russia and Nazis. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I saved this post in my "bank" of quotable Eccie QUOTES.

But just to be absolutely certain and clear do you mean the Senate will vote "yes" to kicking him out of office?

I ask that because Bill Clinton was "IMPEACHED"!

Now stored in the "StandingInShit" folder! That is just after the "SpeedoBullShit" one.
Trumps presidency has sunk so low that nobody cares about his state of the union speech. Everyone knows it will be full of lies and racism, nothing new, who cares, America has tuned out Trump.

What the want to see is Joe Kennedy giving the rebuttal, a future president, it’s Kennedy that will give people hope on Tuesday night!

Then the porn star will be on Kimmel to add more insult to Trump and remind people of what a disaster we have in the White House.

Trumps speech will be irrelevant Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Guess what Shit for Brains you're wrong as usual. I will write this next paragraph as elementary as possible for you and your cronies to understand, I think sometimes (well maybe most of the time) the "right" writes a little over your heads for any kind of comprehension.

I want to thank President Trump for an eloquently delivered State of the Union address. I cannot remember ever listening to a State of the Union speech and being so pleased with every bit of it. I had tears in my eyes many times. Thank you, President Trump, for supporting and taking care of our veterans and our policemen. Thank you for creating jobs for so many. Thank you for making deals and bringing jobs back to America. Thank you for making our military the best in the world and keeping us safe. Thank you for standing up to North Korea (let me not forget Assad, haven't heard a peep out of his azz). Thank you for fighting and destroying ISIS. Thank you for loving all that our flag and our national anthem represents. The list goes on and on. Thank you for bringing back the America I love so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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