The Freedom Convoy

bambino's Avatar
They should have those trucks filled with ammo and guns, and do it right.

Fuck the queen, bring Canada into the real world, fucking colonies. Originally Posted by Devo
She’s probably dead. It won’t be long.
... Lads! ... That's "me Queen" - so mind your ways!

Hmmmm... I DO live in America NOW... So piss on the Royals!

Glad to see the truckers protestin' the silly mandate there!

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Canadians waking up against tyranny!

Iam proud of these truckers on both sides of the Canadian Border! History in the making!

Yet the lsm are not reporting how historic this is! Originally Posted by winn dixie

And it seems the movement is spreading. Great to see:

Just in - Dutch, Belgian and German Truckers have announced that they will head towards Brussels next week on a Sunday, and then plan and stage a occupy movement at the European Parliament building.

And I also read that a group of truckers in America may plan the same to shut down DC. We will see
berryberry's Avatar
Damn that vaccine. Nobody should take it, Or only if they are ok with that because herd immunity is a concept that the right would suggest is by choice. In the US, kids have to get vaccinated against a ton of things. Why is this so different. They mandate it for kids to get to school. When the ppl who don't believe in vaccines decided to not get smallpox vaccine because of religious freedom, they reaped the results of outbreaks. Aren't you republicans ready to put this thing in the rearview mirror? Or does Hannity and Tuckie got your shorts all in a wad because they say the Libs are just starting with this and next it's guns and letting illegals vote...and Hillary's running and the left is pushing further left ....blah blah blah. Seriously on the first part. How does disruption of supply chain help anything? Or is the protest of people in trucks more palatable than protests of others methods or reasons? Will shutting down an economy be a better result? Originally Posted by eyecu2
Funny how you never answered Chizzy's questions

Are you also one of those who want Joe Rogan banned? Is that why you believe the anti-mandate truckers are fascists? Because they both speak for millions of working class people who were abandoned when liberals got rich and woke and drunk with power. Libs try to silence or smear anyone who exposes these facts.
bambino's Avatar

Canada resident report:

"Guys, you need to know what's going on! The world is waking up more than ever and it was all of a sudden! Let me explain:
I live in Canada. Canada imports a lot from the USA, a lot of our food here comes from there too. As we are neighbors, everything comes by truck. in early January, the prime minister of Canada implemented that Canadian truck drivers would have to have a health passport to enter and leave the country via the US border. Well, it wasn't very well received. 18,000 truck drivers were fired because they do not want to be vaccinated. so, these truck drivers got together to make a march from one end of the country (Britain’s Columbia) to the capital, Ottawa, where the prime minister is (like the plateau). However… a lot of people started to support the truck drivers. the truck drivers started to receive a lot of cash donations for food and gasoline until there (a 6 day trip). One thing led to another, a herd effect was happening until, suddenly, the truck drivers decided that they will no longer fight for them, but for everyone!!! they've decided that they're going to march to the prime minister and they won't budge from there until the prime minister drops the health passport, the masks, all the restrictions, everything!! They said: until we restore our freedom, we will not leave here. but the best you will know now: the movement grew so much that they left one end of the country on Monday, with each city they pass, more truckers and cars of ordinary people, families, join. People are all in their favor. the restaurants are giving away free food to the people on the march. Hotels letting you sleep for free. Free filling stations. The whole country joined and accumulated 5 MILLION DOLLARS for the march (food, gasoline, etc). there are now 100,000 Canadian truck drivers and last night 13,000 American truck drivers entered the country to participate. There's almost no one against it! The country has completely woken up! Saturday morning they will arrive in the capital and will lock down the surroundings of the “plateau” until freedom is restored in the country. This is so incredible that now Australia is already organizing their march! you need to search YouTube for the videos of this march, it's over, the country will stop on Saturday! Search YouTube and TikTok (even better) for “truck convoy 2022” or “convoy to Ottawa 2022” and you will see the beauty that is happening!
England and Denmark have already run out of passports. with the bigger countries struggling in this way, the less developed ones end up following along. Wait until Saturday! Please pray for the truckers and everyone involved!"

This is an act for freedom with the union of all. Wake up, PEOPLE.
mrmxmr's Avatar
Seriously on the first part. How does disruption of supply chain help anything? Or is the protest of people in trucks more palatable than protests of others methods or reasons? Will shutting down an economy be a better result? Originally Posted by eyecu2
when the left protests , cities burn , innocent people lose their lifetimes work and even die
how has burning cities helped, and enciting hate and division helped , destruction of property , that really has brought us together.
i guess libs only support peaceful protest when cities are burning .

triple vaxxed i am, my choice , your choice , its called freedom
bambino's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
That’s really creative. Nice job Canuck truckers.
berryberry's Avatar
when the left protests , cities burn , innocent people lose their lifetimes work and even die
how has burning cities helped, and enciting hate and division helped , destruction of property , that really has brought us together.
i guess libs only support peaceful protest when cities are burning .

triple vaxxed i am, my choice , your choice , its called freedom Originally Posted by mrmxmr
Fuck the libtards.

The trucker Freedom movement has exposed the libtards yet again for the frauds they are. Libtards supported literally burning down dozens of American cities, looting thousands of innocent businesses and claimed it was just "mostly peaceful" racial justice protesters. Meanwhile real working class men and women fight for freedom as part of the Freedom Convoy peaceful protest and the libtards scoff, criticize and impugn them for standing up for freedom

Fuck the libtards
berryberry's Avatar
Justin Trudeau is losing his tyrannical grip on Canada. The truckers have caused a major shift in public opinion!

New poll shows the number of Canadians who support removing COVID restrictions has increased by 15 points since early January. Majority of Canadians (54%) now say it's time to end Covid restrictions


'Coward-19?' Trudeau Tests Positive For COVID While Hiding Out From Canadian Truckers

berryberry's Avatar
The truckers making an impact

Canadian Meat Council - There are over 150 loads of Canadian Beef stuck at the Coutts border. Our members are going to have to slow down production if this keeps up. What is the government’s approach to fix this?
berryberry's Avatar
Getting testy in Parliament now - many are on the side of the Freedom Truckers !!!

Conservatives Deputy Leader to Liberals: "So I again will ask the Prime Minster, who may I remind the House wore blackface on more times than he can remember, apologize the peace-loving, patriotic Canadians who are outside right now just asking to be heard?"

The Liberals are calling for "de-escalation" because they know they're losing, not because a de-escalation is actually warranted. There's been no violence.


Jacuzzme's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Getting testy in Parliament now - many are on the side of the Freedom Truckers !!!

Conservatives Deputy Leader to Liberals: "So I again will ask the Prime Minster, who may I remind the House wore blackface on more times than he can remember, apologize the peace-loving, patriotic Canadians who are outside right now just asking to be heard?"

The Liberals are calling for "de-escalation" because they know they're losing, not because a de-escalation is actually warranted. There's been no violence.


and Originally Posted by berryberry
De-escalation lol

Libs word play so they look like victims. lolling
This is a true peaceful protest.
... HUGE convoy they got going there!

... ya know, I do believe that "convoy" is a good Australian word
that surely means "A LOT of big truck all moving in the same direction"...

... just sayin'

### Salty