This is too good

berryberry's Avatar
....had everything to do with a woman's privacy (which seems to be your main focus these days - at least until the next fake outrage comes along) Originally Posted by tommy156
So thank you for admitting that you don't understand the differences between

1. advocating for actual policy positions today regarding trannies destroying women's rights

2. some silly one off example that had zero to do with trannies?

It's sad that you don't understand something as basic as this but it explains a lot
Nothing to do with trannies. Everything to do with women's privacy. Read it again, slower this time. I'm typing in English over here.
berryberry's Avatar
It's truly sad that leftists pushing their radical trans agenda support actual policy positions that

Are in favor of mutilating young people

Are in favor of destroying women's sports

Are in favor of destroying women's privacy on restrooms and locker rooms

Are in favor of letting women get raped in prison by men claiming to be women

How awful a person must you be to support this insanity?
berryberry's Avatar
:ro flmao:

A white Republican councilman came out recently as a trans woman of color. Shockingly, this brave pioneer has been rejected by the trans community. I had the chance to sit down with Ryan. Her story is both heartbreaking and inspirational.
