Stephanie Grisham says Trump greatly admired Putin and 'wanted to be able to kill whoever spoke out against him'

LexusLover's Avatar
And grammar is one of your failures. Originally Posted by lustylad
Graduate of the CommunistSocialistDumboCratic School System.

The standard fare is social promotions ... they count the desks at the end of the year to make sure they have enough to accommodate those "coming up" and if they don't they push along some demented ones. Apparently, that's how Bitten got "promoted."
This is what passes for “News”. Some “swamp cunts” opinion.

I’m still waiting on Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler’s “irrefutable” evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Lying sacks of shit. And how do they get away with it? Our so called “ free press” has morphed into nothing more than lackeys for the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Democrat agenda.
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump failed to get an infrastructure bill passed.

And when the Biden administration did, here is what T Rump said:

"If any administration was qualified to pass an infrastructure bill, it was the Trump administration. Who is better qualified than me to understand infrastructure ? I am a real estate developer." me me me me me me
VitaMan's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
Graduate of the CommunistSocialistDumboCratic School System.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, is that how you learned about gain of function of cells?

When are you going to learn how to get laid on escort board, Newbie? After 50,000 posts you should have been able to figure that out by now.
adav8s28's Avatar

I’m still waiting on Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler’s “irrefutable” evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
1. Collusion is not a legal term.

2. Don Jr did take that meeting with the Russians at Trump Tower in NYC.

3. Muller did find 10 different examples of obstruction of justice by Trump. Just ask Trump's good friend of 30 years former Judge and Fox commentator Napolitano (Bambino calls him Eddie Munster). He was fired by Fox, he got caught flirting with one of his male staffers.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So Trump Trump did not replace Obamacare.

Never came close to 4% GDP and btw ran massive deficits during what he and people like you claim were our best economic times EVER.

Mexico did not pay for a wall....and the only thing you offer is that he did convince Mexico to accept back their citizens who were caught slipping into out country! Originally Posted by WTF
wrong. not mexico's citizens. people from central and south america and others..

thats the closest thing to a wall. this caused Mexico to tighten their border policies in neighboring countries.
adav8s28's Avatar
So Trump Trump did not replace Obamacare.

Never came close to 4% GDP and btw ran massive deficits during what he and people like you claim were our best economic times EVER.

Mexico did not pay for a wall....and the only thing you offer is that he did convince Mexico to accept back their citizens who were caught slipping into out country! Originally Posted by WTF

Yep in addition to not hitting 4% GDP, the federal gov budget deficit went back to a one Trillion dollars.
winn dixie's Avatar

Yep in addition to not hitting 4% GDP, the federal gov budget deficit went back to a one Trillion dollars. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Plus oneing wtf does NOT help your argument! just sayin"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dixie wanna Quacker?

You’ve made no argument to the contrary.
lustylad's Avatar
When are you going to learn how to get laid on escort board, Newbie? After 50,000 posts you should have been able to figure that out by now. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Says the jackass with one (fake) review in over 10 years! Supposedly it's a review of a retired Texas escort. The ROS is a joke. And why did you bury it in the Philippines forum? So no one would read it?

Then there's the fact that while you were posting under your previous eccie handle - flghtr65 - you didn't contribute a single review, did ya?

Bottom line is - you look pretty stupid calling someone else out for the same shortcoming (pun intended) you are guilty of in spades!

lustylad's Avatar
....please try and remember you're not the grammar police or much of an economist for that matter. Originally Posted by WTF
Please try to remember you're just a chimp who was too busy flinging your poop in grade school to learn how to spell correctly or use proper grammar.

Even if you possessed a smidgen of understanding of the principles of economics (you don't), any effort you might make to share it on eccie would invariably come a cropper due to your habitual & pathetic mangling of elementary spelling & grammar rules.
bambino's Avatar
Says the jackass with one (fake) review in over 10 years! Supposedly it's a review of a retired Texas escort. The ROS is a joke. And why did you bury it in the Philippines forum? So no one would read it?

Then there's the fact that while you were posting under your previous eccie handle - flghtr65 - you didn't contribute a single review, did ya?

Bottom line is - you look pretty stupid calling someone else out for the same shortcoming (pun intended) you are guilty of in spades!

Another libtard fraud. It’s a pandemic on here.
bambino's Avatar
Please try to remember you're just a chimp who was too busy flinging your poop in grade school to learn how to spell correctly or use proper grammar.

Even if you possessed a smidgen of understanding of the principles of economics (you don't), any effort you might make to share it on eccie would invariably come a cropper due to your habitual & pathetic mangling of elementary spelling & grammar rules. Originally Posted by lustylad
He’s not even remotely funny anymore. He’s pretty much worthless now.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump failed to get an infrastructure bill passed. Originally Posted by VitaMan
#1: Since when does the POTUS "pass" a "bill"?
#2: I suppose some "reality" could be posted as to what was contained in "the bill" before Congress that was NOT INFRASTRUCTURE! So, if ANYTHING in the "bill" was NOT INFRASTRUCTURE then Trump didn't "fail" to pass "an infrastructure bill," Congress FAILED to get "passed" a FattyPorkBarrel Pile of PissLousyCommunistSocialistDum boCrat bullshit.

I'm not quite certain why this thread was started, but like the other falsified, propaganda threads it will end up where you don't want it to be and you'll have to start another whiney, propaganda discourse.