Zimmerman in jail again... this time he has been charged.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 10:35 AM
Maybe your the tough guy that will stick something up his ass! LMAO! By all accounts, if you followed the trial, Zimmerman was actually a pussy. So you may actually have a chance. Prolly a coin toss. Originally Posted by bambino

tough guy sarcasm escapes you ... shoving something up some ass didn't

another one is born
bambino's Avatar
I beg your pardon?

You just come in here to talk shit?

Bambino, meet IBIdiot. Y'all can go get a room and talk about shit all day long. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Beg your pardon? I'm not talking shit, I'm just talking to a shithead.
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  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 12:36 PM
Beg your pardon? I'm not talking shit, I'm just talking to a shithead. Originally Posted by bambino

bond set, charges filed

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Try though he might, Bambino isn't gonna hijack this thread.

Zimmerman has been nothing but trailer trash tabloid fun since he got his ass whipped by the kid he killed.

He needs to go away for a while now.

Or else join the cast of Dancing With the Stars.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 01:40 PM
or sign up for The Ultimate Fighter and get his fat ass handed to him
Yssup Rider's Avatar
More like the Ultimate Cheeseburger
Yeah, I dunno....this guy has a target on his back now from any disgruntled girlfriend or whatever. Originally Posted by timpage
I was thinking the same thing.

I thought he should have been found not guilty in the Trayvon case because there was plenty of reasonable doubt. Doesn't mean he was innocent - just that guilt could not be proven.

Having said that, I also thought he was dumb-as-a-post trailer trash.

But that also means that any woman he attracts from now one is also going to be shady, trailer trash. Let's just say he won't be involved with any educated women with integrity or respect for the truth.

The women he gets will know exactly how to get rid of him after an argument. Just call the cops and tell them he waved a gun at you. He has a bull's eye on his back where copes are concerned

And he is ALWAYS going to have guns. He NEEDS guns now because there are a LOT of people who would like to kill him or at least kick his ass.

But as long as he has guns, his trailer trash girlfriends will have leverage over him.

The guy should change his name, move to Alaska, work on an oil pipeline, and live like a hermit for 10 years until he is semi-forgotten.

Otherwise, I see this happening over and over.

Zimmerman is fucked.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2013, 06:31 PM

Otherwise, I see this happening over and over.

Zimmerman is fucked. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Maybe he could ask the jury to reconsider their not guilty verdict! Poor Georgie....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-19-2013, 10:48 PM
Well well, dipshit you say? It's better than being a dumbshit, like yourself. Originally Posted by bambino
Ah! I see you study at the IBCondomMan's School for Asinine Arguing. You certainly picked one of the more "noteworthy" posters to emulate.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-19-2013, 10:50 PM
The guy should change his name, move to Alaska, work on an oil pipeline, and live like a hermit for 10 years until he is semi-forgotten. Originally Posted by ExNYer
And try to date S. Palin?
And try to date S. Palin? Originally Posted by Old-T
I did not realize you favored cruel and unusual punishment.
I was thinking the same thing.

I thought he should have been found not guilty in the Trayvon case because there was plenty of reasonable doubt. Doesn't mean he was innocent - just that guilt could not be proven.

Having said that, I also thought he was dumb-as-a-post trailer trash.

But that also means that any woman he attracts from now one is also going to be shady, trailer trash. Let's just say he won't be involved with any educated women with integrity or respect for the truth.

The women he gets will know exactly how to get rid of him after an argument. Just call the cops and tell them he waved a gun at you. He has a bull's eye on his back where copes are concerned

And he is ALWAYS going to have guns. He NEEDS guns now because there are a LOT of people who would like to kill him or at least kick his ass.

But as long as he has guns, his trailer trash girlfriends will have leverage over him.

The guy should change his name, move to Alaska, work on an oil pipeline, and live like a hermit for 10 years until he is semi-forgotten.

Otherwise, I see this happening over and over.

Zimmerman is fucked. Originally Posted by ExNYer
As of a few weeks ago, Holder still hasn't determined whether to file Federal Suit against him.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ah! I see you study at the IBCondomMan's School for Asinine Arguing. You certainly picked one of the more "noteworthy" posters to emulate. Originally Posted by Old-T
That which you so fallaciously rant about is a convoluted product of your own depraved delusions, Old-Twerp, and you admitted it is your depraved delusion at: http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1054...&postcount=168

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-20-2013, 04:25 AM
Beg your pardon? I'm not talking shit, I'm just talking to a shithead. Originally Posted by bambino
Dude, your internet insults are so 1998.
As of a few weeks ago, Holder still hasn't determined whether to file Federal Suit against him. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yeah, but I suspect the case for a civil rights violation is getting weaker and weaker.

How can the Feds claim he pulled his gun against martin because he was black?

Zimmerman's lawyer can claim "Hey! He pulls his gun on EVERYONE. Just ask his white wife and girlfriends".

It's the old "I'm not a racist, I'm an idiot" defense.