Thank you much for the midterms

  • Tiny
  • 08-24-2022, 12:51 PM
This whole student loan crap has been a subsidy to colleges. Originally Posted by WTF
Agreed. It’s why tuition is so much higher now than back in the day. Still a shrewd political move by Biden, to get the base motivated to go out and vote. It used to just take a jug of moonshine and a barbecue dinner. Now votes are a lot more expensive.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-24-2022, 06:22 PM
What if we have a soft landing and the economy takes off and a generation of democrats are fooled into thinking that debt forgiveness is the answer to everything just as 40 years ago you boys were fooled into tax cuts are always the answer?

How funny would that be?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Agreed. It’s why tuition is so much higher now than back in the day. Still a shrewd political move by Biden, to get the base motivated to go out and vote. It used to just take a jug of moonshine and a barbecue dinner. Now votes are a lot more expensive. Originally Posted by Tiny

And those "motivated" to vote against Biden because they got nothing out of this and see it for what it really is, vote buying, how many do they number?

Obviously Susan Rice thought about all this, weighed the pro's and con's and in her mind, she thinks the people pleased by this, being a tiny fraction of the whole, will out vote the dis-pleased.

I think she probably got this one wrong and with bi-partisan condemnation of this which ties it to the inflation problem dogging Democrats..... I think this is an over all lose for Biden but that's just an opinion NOT A FACT! for the dumb-asses in the room.
lustylad's Avatar
Still a shrewd political move by Biden, to get the base motivated to go out and vote. Originally Posted by Tiny
Obviously Susan Rice thought about all this...

I think she probably got this one wrong.... I think this is an overall lose for Biden but that's just an opinion NOT A FACT! Originally Posted by HedonistForever

What do the polls indicate?

I doubt whether 10k in debt forgiveness for people who are already enjoying a "pause" in ALL student loan payments (both interest and principal) is going to be a big motivator to vote.

On the other hand, it sure seems to have pissed off a lot of the people who have to pick up the tab for this latest dim-retard giveaway.
In case no one else tells you,
Thanks for the Midterms!
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
And you were right about being 100% sure.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Clearly you’ve shown your inability to read. If you had done so you’d understand the “and failed” as “and failed to pass anything”. I won’t even dignify the rest of your bullshit.
  • Tiny
  • 08-25-2022, 12:22 PM
And those "motivated" to vote against Biden because they got nothing out of this and see it for what it really is, vote buying, how many do they number?

Obviously Susan Rice thought about all this, weighed the pro's and con's and in her mind, she thinks the people pleased by this, being a tiny fraction of the whole, will out vote the dis-pleased.

I think she probably got this one wrong and with bi-partisan condemnation of this which ties it to the inflation problem dogging Democrats..... I think this is an over all lose for Biden but that's just an opinion NOT A FACT! for the dumb-asses in the room. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

What do the polls indicate?

I doubt whether 10k in debt forgiveness for people who are already enjoying a "pause" in ALL student loan payments (both interest and principal) is going to be a big motivator to vote.

On the other hand, it sure seems to have pissed off a lot of the people who have to pick up the tab for this latest dim-retard giveaway. Originally Posted by lustylad
What can I say gentlemen. You may be right, but I suspect not.

Yes, this handout is helping a minority of Americans, the majority of whom have better economic prospects than others their age, while taking money out of the pockets of the rest of us. However, while this wouldn't be the issue that would make any of the three of us decide whether to go to the polls in November, it will be important to those who received $10,000 or $20,000 in loan forgiveness.

Biden's also dropping the amount that needs to be repaid for the remaining debt to 5% of a person's disposable income And after 20 years you can just write off the debt. Or that's what the article said that Lusty Lad posted to in another thread.

How the hell did Biden get away with this without Congressional approval?
5% of disposal income means what ? after food, rent, utilities, insurance, 401(k) contribution, clothes, transportation, entertainment, gym fees, medical care and pussy?

that means 5% of $15 or .75 cents a month

in other words the whole trillion plus forgiven?

aoc and the squad controls the dnc for sure - a moral hazard of putrefied unpleasantness
lustylad's Avatar
How the hell did Biden get away with this without Congressional approval? Originally Posted by Tiny
Lol... I just posted the same WSJ analysis over in ICU's thread.

I'm wondering if someone like the National Taxpayers Union will file a lawsuit challenging this executive order on behalf of all taxpayers and supporters of the US Constitution and its separation of powers.

Heck, even Nancy Pelosi will want to join such a lawsuit!

  • Tiny
  • 08-25-2022, 12:47 PM
Lol... I just posted the same WSJ analysis over in ICU's thread.

I'm wondering if someone like the National Taxpayers Union will file a lawsuit challenging this executive order on behalf of all taxpayers and supporters of the US Constitution and its separation of powers.

Heck, even Nancy Pelosi will want to join such a lawsuit! Originally Posted by lustylad
I caught that and removed the article. The NTU might do that. They've set up a program to pursue that sort of thing.

Yes, after listening to the video, I wonder what Nancy Pelosi has to say about this.
  • Tiny
  • 08-25-2022, 12:51 PM
5% of disposal income means what ? after food, rent, utilities, insurance, 401(k) contribution, clothes, transportation, entertainment, gym fees, medical care and pussy?

that means 5% of $15 or .75 cents a month

in other words the whole trillion plus forgiven?

aoc and the squad controls the dnc for sure - a moral hazard of putrefied unpleasantness Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Nevergaveitathought, I agree. I think this is going to cost a whole lot more than the $300 billion headline number.
at times there have been congressional leaders who have departed from the party line to protect the integrity of the institution of the congress

pelosi should protect and reassert the congressional power of the purse
Nevergaveitathought Originally Posted by Tiny
that's nevergaveitathought to you
  • Tiny
  • 08-25-2022, 03:52 PM
that's nevergaveitathought to you Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Sorry, I'll get the capitalization right next time. nevergaveitathought, actually it's 5% of discretionary income, not disposable income. Sorry about that. Here's what USA Today says on this:

"The plan includes cutting the rate of what people must pay from their discretionary income to student loan repayments. What is discretionary income? Discretionary income is the money that's left after paying taxes and essential cost-of-living expenses. It can be used however you want - to dine out, pay for streaming services or tickets to movies or sporting events, for example. "

That's pretty close to your description. And yes, I too view the cost of gym membership and pussy as essential.

It sounds to me like a lot of people won't even have to cover the interest expense on their loans, and can just kill time until the government writes them off entirely after 20 years.

Wouldn't that be great if you had $150,000 in student loans forgiven! Hell, I was way low. Biden's paying a lot more than $10,000 to $20,000 each for those votes.
... What's with all the complaining??!

... When Trump is back-on as President - He has
money $$$ give-a-way plans of His-own...
And just who will receive the money.

Executive Orders - just like what Biden is doing.

#### Salty