Breaking news! 58% of Americans think that Obama is incompetent

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're the LIAR, whir-LIE-turd.

The post in question was ENTIRELY about rockets raining down on Israel and "booms" being heard in Jerusalem. FACT. YOU did not write a word about Israeli air strikes on Gaza.

But you posted a picture of a burning building under your two phrase post about The attacked against Israel and Jerusalem. (Redundant, but you wrote it).


You need to admit it.

Why don't YOU link to the post and explain why you haven't come clean for all of these weeks!

Fucking LIAR!

BTW -- one of the 5 D's of DIPSHITTERY = DENY.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Farrakhan hate speech......................on parade.

My TV is being flooded with images of death and destruction in Gaza. WTF are you jabbering about hater?

Children dying in Gaza is on Hamas, not Israel.

IMO, most of the main stream media (CNN, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo) is playing up the civilian death toll in Gaza; way more than it is covering the thousands of rockets and daily attacks by Hamas into Israel..In fact, the media is over reporting the civilian death toll. The Gaza civilian death toll is all persons NOT in uniform; most Hamas fighters don't wear uniforms. So in actuality, the media is over reporting civilian casualties in Gaza.

Israel needs to break Hamas once and for all. This is a opportune time to keep going and destroy Hamas.

Don't forget, Hamas hates America; and welcomes our destruction.

Thank you Israel...keep up the fight. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Wow do you ever wonder why HAMAS and nearly all muslims hate America? It's because we unconditionally support Israel whether they are right or worn. Now let me set this straight- any Nation has the right to defend it's border and territories- but keep in mind Israel has done many things wrong- and obviously the reason why HAMAS hates the U.S is because they know it's American money and American weapons that are killing their people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you SURE that's what you posted................. cause this says otherwise!!!

Attachment 334276

I'm not surprised you couldn't quote that poll right, you can't even quote yourself correctly. And before you try, yes one of those polls did say 41%, not the incorrectly posted "40%" by you, but it said 41% of REPUBLICANS. Yet another misquote by you. Originally Posted by novacain

Maybe I rounded a number, maybe I had a typo, maybe I changed things just slightly to see if anyone would catch it (congratulations) but it changes absolutely nothing about the content of the post. A very large number of people do not believe what this president tells them about something so simple as where he was born. That is really extraordinary if you think about it. Who's fault is that? Is it Hillary whose camp came up with the Kenya story? Or is it Obama who could not or would not present a proper birth certificate right out of the box and had to play games. In any event the damage is done. Like the boy who cried wolf, the people don't trust Obama.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow do you ever wonder why HAMAS and nearly all muslims hate America? It's because we unconditionally support Israel whether they are right or worn. Now let me set this straight- any Nation has the right to defend it's border and territories- but keep in mind Israel has done many things wrong- and obviously the reason why HAMAS hates the U.S is because they know it's American money and American weapons that are killing their people. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It is actually a lot of American money going to Hamas rather than the people of Gaza. Are you really sure about "nearly all muslims hate American?" crap. What about those muslim people that were saved in Bosnia by the Americans (of course a day late and a dollar short), or those muslims that were saved in Indonesia by the Americans after the tsunami, or how about those muslims that recieved aid in Iran of all places after that earthquake a few years ago? I think you watch too much MSNBC wee-wee or is that you may be muslim yourself? Hamas breaks the cease fire and wee-wee blames Israel. Hamas hides rockets inside a UN school (using children as shields) and wee-wee blames Israel. Hamas fires thousands of rockets in to Israel and wee-wee blames Israel. Does anyone know where wee-wee keeps his head?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Maybe I rounded a number, maybe I had a typo, maybe I changed things just slightly to see if anyone would catch it (congratulations) but it changes absolutely nothing about the content of the post. A very large number of people do not believe what this president tells them about something so simple as where he was born. That is really extraordinary if you think about it. Who's fault is that? Is it Hillary whose camp came up with the Kenya story? Or is it Obama who could not or would not present a proper birth certificate right out of the box and had to play games. In any event the damage is done. Like the boy who cried wolf, the people don't trust Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If he doesn't watch his step, Obama may not get re-elected in 2016.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
It is actually a lot of American money going to Hamas rather than the people of Gaza. Are you really sure about "nearly all muslims hate American?" crap. What about those muslim people that were saved in Bosnia by the Americans (of course a day late and a dollar short), or those muslims that were saved in Indonesia by the Americans after the tsunami, or how about those muslims that recieved aid in Iran of all places after that earthquake a few years ago? I think you watch too much MSNBC wee-wee or is that you may be muslim yourself? Hamas breaks the cease fire and wee-wee blames Israel. Hamas hides rockets inside a UN school (using children as shields) and wee-wee blames Israel. Hamas fires thousands of rockets in to Israel and wee-wee blames Israel. Does anyone know where wee-wee keeps his head?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Allow me to re-phrase my response- the underlying cause of most muslim dominated countries hatred toward the West specifically the United States is that they(muslims) feel that the U.S will support Israel unconditionally and they don't feel that the U.S has a neutral role in any of the conflicts. Israel is surrounded by hostile enemies on all sides of it's borders- yet none of those middle eastern countries have the man power to defeat Israel militarily thanks in part to the huge economic and military support the U.S has given Israel over the decades. Pound for Pound the Israel military on any given day can perhaps defeat any army save perhaps the United States- they basically have all of our top weapons and also they are believed to have nukes.
Read the history of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon- when he was a General- he was given the name "Butcher of Beirut" he ordered many of his death squads to execute Lebanese men/women on the spot. Funny, Bush once called Sharon a man of peace- really?????
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Wow do you ever wonder why HAMAS and nearly all muslims hate America? It's because we unconditionally support Israel whether they are right or worn. Now let me set this straight- any Nation has the right to defend it's border and territories- but keep in mind Israel has done many things wrong- and obviously the reason why HAMAS hates the U.S is because they know it's American money and American weapons that are killing their people. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
All Israel is doing is defending itself you fucking would you like it if they dug tunnels into your neighborhood and let in more crack dealers? Or started killing on your baby mamas?
You'd fuck those mothafuckas up is what you'd'd represent.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
All Israel is doing is defending itself you fucking would you like it if they dug tunnels into your neighborhood and let in more crack dealers? Or started killing on your baby mamas?
You'd fuck those mothafuckas up is what you'd'd represent. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Defending itself? How do Palestinians feel if some k**e leaves their land and all of a sudden comes back and take away the land of the real occupant. Since you want to play the race card and throw racial innuendos I can flip it right back at you-
It might be fair to say that people hate the Jews because the Jews react to everything as being negative against the Jews.
You can't utter a single word without cowering for fear of being called Anti-Semitic.
If the Jews stopped moaning about things and stop trying to make everyone do things for the benefit of the Jews then they'd probably be liked a bit more.
The trouble is Jews feel they are owed something by the rest of the world.
If you are a Jew, you're in, if you're not, you're out.
Jews know exactly why they are hated but do nothing to stop that sentiment....nothing at all. They are like the little whining kid at school that you are told not to bully but really want to because they are such whiners

What I am about to say is a deep, dark, commonly known truth. Don't give a Jew money. Money corrupts the jews mind. It is like a drugs. They are hooked and will commit crimes to get it. No morals. Just freaking look up the top richest men in the world, they'll be either Jews or friends of Jews. You ever seen a poor Jewish farmer or factory worker? No? But you have seen plenty Jewish bankers and politicians and directors, haven't you! Just do what the Byzantine Empire did and don't let them into business or politics... or religion... freaking Talmud calling for the murder of all Gentiles! Look it up, morons! They're the spawn of Satan! THEY'RE IN MY BED RIGHT NOW!! OOOOOOOOO!!! As they have destroyed Palestinian homes, thinking the land is theirs, how much land do you wanna get moron!? it's THEIR land! it's just the brutal history of jews repeated... look it up

Heck even Billionaire Bigot Don Sterling called Jews in Israel racist:
Sterling: “It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.
Stiviano: “So you have to treat them like that too?”
Sterling: “The white Jews, there’s white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?”
Stiviano: “Are are the black Jews less than the white Jews?”
Sterling: “A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.”
Stiviano: “And is that right?”
Sterling: “It isn’t a question – we don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.”
Soon Stiviano brings up the Holocaust, and Sterling seems to get upset. She says she would never tell a person that she wasn’t bringing them to a game because of their “race or color or culture.” Then she adds, “It’s like saying, ‘Let’s just persecute and kill all of the Jews.’”
Sterling: “Oh, it’s the same thing, right?”
Stiviano: “Isn’t it wrong? Wasn’t it wrong then? With the Holocaust? And you’re Jewish, you understand discrimination.”

So JL go eat and Kosher sandwich and then go fuck yourself- stop acting like Israel is so peaceful and doesn't do anything wrong- there are plenty of evil Jews and there's a lot of wrongdoing done by Jews in Israel- Jews are by far the most hated group of people on the face of this earth- by far-
Or "why do the jews make people hate them so much?"
The question alone answers most of it.
They own the media and censor much of what they are doing to make people hate them so much.

The jewish controlled media blacks out what they are doing.
Telling the truth about them is the worst form of antisemitism imaginable.
To answer the OP, hatred for jews is a natural reaction to their contemptuous behavior towards Gentiles.
It always has been and it always will be.
Jews will continue to be abrasive and offensive to Gentiles in order to generate a steady supply of antisemitism which they in turn feed on as an energy source.
The principle cause of "anti-semitism" is jewish behavior. dr. Also, we Christians hold them fully responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and all that entails. Moreover, Jews are NOT simply a "religion." They are an ethnic mafia bent on global domination. Not every single jew, of course, but the rank and file seldom say a word in protest.

JL Ask yourself why jews have been thrown out of so many nations and cities over the centuries. Could it conceivably always be "our" fault??? They have perfected the cult of the victim and have now spread it to every other non-white and special interest group on earth.

As the saying goes, "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

They are the great deceivers. NEVER trust them.
Defending itself? How do Palestinians feel if some k**e leaves their land and all of a sudden comes back and take away the land of the real occupant. Since you want to play the race card and throw racial innuendos I can flip it right back at you-
It might be fair to say that people hate the Jews because the Jews react to everything as being negative against the Jews.
You can't utter a single word without cowering for fear of being called Anti-Semitic.
If the Jews stopped moaning about things and stop trying to make everyone do things for the benefit of the Jews then they'd probably be liked a bit more.
The trouble is Jews feel they are owed something by the rest of the world.
If you are a Jew, you're in, if you're not, you're out.
Jews know exactly why they are hated but do nothing to stop that sentiment....nothing at all. They are like the little whining kid at school that you are told not to bully but really want to because they are such whiners

What I am about to say is a deep, dark, commonly known truth. Don't give a Jew money. Money corrupts the jews mind. It is like a drugs. They are hooked and will commit crimes to get it. No morals. Just freaking look up the top richest men in the world, they'll be either Jews or friends of Jews. You ever seen a poor Jewish farmer or factory worker? No? But you have seen plenty Jewish bankers and politicians and directors, haven't you! Just do what the Byzantine Empire did and don't let them into business or politics... or religion... freaking Talmud calling for the murder of all Gentiles! Look it up, morons! They're the spawn of Satan! THEY'RE IN MY BED RIGHT NOW!! OOOOOOOOO!!! As they have destroyed Palestinian homes, thinking the land is theirs, how much land do you wanna get moron!? it's THEIR land! it's just the brutal history of jews repeated... look it up

Heck even Billionaire Bigot Don Sterling called Jews in Israel racist:
Sterling: “It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.
Stiviano: “So you have to treat them like that too?”
Sterling: “The white Jews, there’s white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?”
Stiviano: “Are are the black Jews less than the white Jews?”
Sterling: “A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.”
Stiviano: “And is that right?”
Sterling: “It isn’t a question – we don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.”
Soon Stiviano brings up the Holocaust, and Sterling seems to get upset. She says she would never tell a person that she wasn’t bringing them to a game because of their “race or color or culture.” Then she adds, “It’s like saying, ‘Let’s just persecute and kill all of the Jews.’”
Sterling: “Oh, it’s the same thing, right?”
Stiviano: “Isn’t it wrong? Wasn’t it wrong then? With the Holocaust? And you’re Jewish, you understand discrimination.”

So JL go eat and Kosher sandwich and then go fuck yourself- stop acting like Israel is so peaceful and doesn't do anything wrong- there are plenty of evil Jews and there's a lot of wrongdoing done by Jews in Israel- Jews are by far the most hated group of people on the face of this earth- by far-
Or "why do the jews make people hate them so much?"
The question alone answers most of it.
They own the media and censor much of what they are doing to make people hate them so much.

The jewish controlled media blacks out what they are doing.
Telling the truth about them is the worst form of antisemitism imaginable.
To answer the OP, hatred for jews is a natural reaction to their contemptuous behavior towards Gentiles.
It always has been and it always will be.
Jews will continue to be abrasive and offensive to Gentiles in order to generate a steady supply of antisemitism which they in turn feed on as an energy source.
The principle cause of "anti-semitism" is jewish behavior. dr. Also, we Christians hold them fully responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and all that entails. Moreover, Jews are NOT simply a "religion." They are an ethnic mafia bent on global domination. Not every single jew, of course, but the rank and file seldom say a word in protest.

JL Ask yourself why jews have been thrown out of so many nations and cities over the centuries. Could it conceivably always be "our" fault??? They have perfected the cult of the victim and have now spread it to every other non-white and special interest group on earth.

As the saying goes, "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

They are the great deceivers. NEVER trust them. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I don't know how you could ever post in here again after that RACIST RANT?
lustylad's Avatar
I don't know how you could ever post in here again after that RACIST RANT? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I agree.

Hey weewee - you left out the part about how the Holocaust is a myth perpetrated by Jews in the media. How did you get so fucked up? Were you born that way? Did you learn everything you know by reading Mein Kampf? Go join Hamas, you fucked-up loser. No one wants you around here. The only reason your lunatic post got a "Like" is because you gave it to yourself.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I don't know how you could ever post in here again after that RACIST RANT? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What's good for the goose is good for the gander- I expected a response like this out of you REPUGS- I guess you saw nothing wrong with the racist innuendos that Jewish Lawyer posted let me highlight them in red: All Israel is doing is defending itself you fucking would you like it if they dug tunnels into your neighborhood and let in more crack dealers? Or started killing on your baby mamas?
You'd fuck those mothafuckas up is what you'd'd represent

As I stated earlier I can throw them right back at JL( For the record JL- I live in an upper class neighborhood with no crack dealers that by the way is predominately white with a mean family income of 90k- and I have no "baby drama" issues- so do my stereotypes apply to you? You see how ugly it gets Jewish Lawyer when we throw racist innuendos at one another?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Allow me to re-phrase my response- the underlying cause of most muslim dominated countries hatred toward the West specifically the United States is that they(muslims) feel that the U.S will support Israel unconditionally and they don't feel that the U.S has a neutral role in any of the conflicts. Israel is surrounded by hostile enemies on all sides of it's borders- yet none of those middle eastern countries have the man power to defeat Israel militarily thanks in part to the huge economic and military support the U.S has given Israel over the decades. Pound for Pound the Israel military on any given day can perhaps defeat any army save perhaps the United States- they basically have all of our top weapons and also they are believed to have nukes.
Read the history of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon- when he was a General- he was given the name "Butcher of Beirut" he ordered many of his death squads to execute Lebanese men/women on the spot. Funny, Bush once called Sharon a man of peace- really????? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Do you realize that most of the 1.5 billion Muslims do not live anywhere near Israel and don't give a damn? For most Muslims the Jewish/Muslim wars are pretty academic. You wouldn't know that because I'm sure that you think every Muslim in the world probably wears a bed sheet on their body and a table cloth on their head.

A modern muslim male................. A modern muslim female

A wee-wee muslim male ....................A wee-wee muslim female

Answer this question (if you dare), who called Sharon "the butcher of Beriut" and look up the story of Brigitte Gabriel to see who really attacked her settlement.

Another modern muslim woman
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Defending itself? How do Palestinians feel if some k**e leaves their land and all of a sudden comes back and take away the land of the real occupant. Since you want to play the race card and throw racial innuendos I can flip it right back at you-
It might be fair to say that people hate the Jews because the Jews react to everything as being negative against the Jews.
You can't utter a single word without cowering for fear of being called Anti-Semitic.
If the Jews stopped moaning about things and stop trying to make everyone do things for the benefit of the Jews then they'd probably be liked a bit more.
The trouble is Jews feel they are owed something by the rest of the world.
If you are a Jew, you're in, if you're not, you're out.
Jews know exactly why they are hated but do nothing to stop that sentiment....nothing at all. They are like the little whining kid at school that you are told not to bully but really want to because they are such whiners

What I am about to say is a deep, dark, commonly known truth. Don't give a Jew money. Money corrupts the jews mind. It is like a drugs. They are hooked and will commit crimes to get it. No morals. Just freaking look up the top richest men in the world, they'll be either Jews or friends of Jews. You ever seen a poor Jewish farmer or factory worker? No? But you have seen plenty Jewish bankers and politicians and directors, haven't you! Just do what the Byzantine Empire did and don't let them into business or politics... or religion... freaking Talmud calling for the murder of all Gentiles! Look it up, morons! They're the spawn of Satan! THEY'RE IN MY BED RIGHT NOW!! OOOOOOOOO!!! As they have destroyed Palestinian homes, thinking the land is theirs, how much land do you wanna get moron!? it's THEIR land! it's just the brutal history of jews repeated... look it up

Heck even Billionaire Bigot Don Sterling called Jews in Israel racist:
Sterling: “It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.
Stiviano: “So you have to treat them like that too?”
Sterling: “The white Jews, there’s white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?”
Stiviano: “Are are the black Jews less than the white Jews?”
Sterling: “A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.”
Stiviano: “And is that right?”
Sterling: “It isn’t a question – we don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.”
Soon Stiviano brings up the Holocaust, and Sterling seems to get upset. She says she would never tell a person that she wasn’t bringing them to a game because of their “race or color or culture.” Then she adds, “It’s like saying, ‘Let’s just persecute and kill all of the Jews.’”
Sterling: “Oh, it’s the same thing, right?”
Stiviano: “Isn’t it wrong? Wasn’t it wrong then? With the Holocaust? And you’re Jewish, you understand discrimination.”

So JL go eat and Kosher sandwich and then go fuck yourself- stop acting like Israel is so peaceful and doesn't do anything wrong- there are plenty of evil Jews and there's a lot of wrongdoing done by Jews in Israel- Jews are by far the most hated group of people on the face of this earth- by far-
Or "why do the jews make people hate them so much?"
The question alone answers most of it.
They own the media and censor much of what they are doing to make people hate them so much.

The jewish controlled media blacks out what they are doing.
Telling the truth about them is the worst form of antisemitism imaginable.
To answer the OP, hatred for jews is a natural reaction to their contemptuous behavior towards Gentiles.
It always has been and it always will be.
Jews will continue to be abrasive and offensive to Gentiles in order to generate a steady supply of antisemitism which they in turn feed on as an energy source.
The principle cause of "anti-semitism" is jewish behavior. dr. Also, we Christians hold them fully responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and all that entails. Moreover, Jews are NOT simply a "religion." They are an ethnic mafia bent on global domination. Not every single jew, of course, but the rank and file seldom say a word in protest.

JL Ask yourself why jews have been thrown out of so many nations and cities over the centuries. Could it conceivably always be "our" fault??? They have perfected the cult of the victim and have now spread it to every other non-white and special interest group on earth.

As the saying goes, "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

They are the great deceivers. NEVER trust them. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Welfare check buying your crack again?

Holy Shit........but not so shocking coming from someone who is an all-in Obama supporter...........his hard core base.

Like I have said....Obama can't say it, but he would be all to happy to see Hamas destroy the state of Israel.

Obama can't say it, but his supporters can.

My question to you: Does Israel have the right to exist?

Defending itself? How do Palestinians feel if some k**e leaves their land and all of a sudden comes back and take away the land of the real occupant. Since you want to play the race card and throw racial innuendos I can flip it right back at you-
It might be fair to say that people hate the Jews because the Jews react to everything as being negative against the Jews.
You can't utter a single word without cowering for fear of being called Anti-Semitic.
If the Jews stopped moaning about things and stop trying to make everyone do things for the benefit of the Jews then they'd probably be liked a bit more.
The trouble is Jews feel they are owed something by the rest of the world.
If you are a Jew, you're in, if you're not, you're out.
Jews know exactly why they are hated but do nothing to stop that sentiment....nothing at all. They are like the little whining kid at school that you are told not to bully but really want to because they are such whiners

What I am about to say is a deep, dark, commonly known truth. Don't give a Jew money. Money corrupts the jews mind. It is like a drugs. They are hooked and will commit crimes to get it. No morals. Just freaking look up the top richest men in the world, they'll be either Jews or friends of Jews. You ever seen a poor Jewish farmer or factory worker? No? But you have seen plenty Jewish bankers and politicians and directors, haven't you! Just do what the Byzantine Empire did and don't let them into business or politics... or religion... freaking Talmud calling for the murder of all Gentiles! Look it up, morons! They're the spawn of Satan! THEY'RE IN MY BED RIGHT NOW!! OOOOOOOOO!!! As they have destroyed Palestinian homes, thinking the land is theirs, how much land do you wanna get moron!? it's THEIR land! it's just the brutal history of jews repeated... look it up

Heck even Billionaire Bigot Don Sterling called Jews in Israel racist:
Sterling: “It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.
Stiviano: “So you have to treat them like that too?”
Sterling: “The white Jews, there’s white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?”
Stiviano: “Are are the black Jews less than the white Jews?”
Sterling: “A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.”
Stiviano: “And is that right?”
Sterling: “It isn’t a question – we don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.”
Soon Stiviano brings up the Holocaust, and Sterling seems to get upset. She says she would never tell a person that she wasn’t bringing them to a game because of their “race or color or culture.” Then she adds, “It’s like saying, ‘Let’s just persecute and kill all of the Jews.’”
Sterling: “Oh, it’s the same thing, right?”
Stiviano: “Isn’t it wrong? Wasn’t it wrong then? With the Holocaust? And you’re Jewish, you understand discrimination.”

So JL go eat and Kosher sandwich and then go fuck yourself- stop acting like Israel is so peaceful and doesn't do anything wrong- there are plenty of evil Jews and there's a lot of wrongdoing done by Jews in Israel- Jews are by far the most hated group of people on the face of this earth- by far-
Or "why do the jews make people hate them so much?"
The question alone answers most of it.
They own the media and censor much of what they are doing to make people hate them so much.

The jewish controlled media blacks out what they are doing.
Telling the truth about them is the worst form of antisemitism imaginable.
To answer the OP, hatred for jews is a natural reaction to their contemptuous behavior towards Gentiles.
It always has been and it always will be.
Jews will continue to be abrasive and offensive to Gentiles in order to generate a steady supply of antisemitism which they in turn feed on as an energy source.
The principle cause of "anti-semitism" is jewish behavior. dr. Also, we Christians hold them fully responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and all that entails. Moreover, Jews are NOT simply a "religion." They are an ethnic mafia bent on global domination. Not every single jew, of course, but the rank and file seldom say a word in protest.

JL Ask yourself why jews have been thrown out of so many nations and cities over the centuries. Could it conceivably always be "our" fault??? They have perfected the cult of the victim and have now spread it to every other non-white and special interest group on earth.

As the saying goes, "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

They are the great deceivers. NEVER trust them. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

You would think......
I don't know how you could ever post in here again after that RACIST RANT? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You don't even recognize your own lies ....

Here is the posted picture, and right above that picture is this statement....

"Sirens and booms heard in Jerusalem on day Israeli forces hit Gaza......"

I actually wrote several words about Israeli air strikes on Gaza.

Why are you such a dumb fuck ?

You're the LIAR, ..
The post in question was ENTIRELY about rockets raining down on Israel and "booms" being heard in Jerusalem. FACT. YOU did not write a word about Israeli air strikes on Gaza.

.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider